Mini_COFDM Ethernet module communication control protocol Vcan1886
Table of Contents
1. Module Configuration Parameters
The module configuration parameters are written by writing a 256×8 of RAM To achieve this, the configured parameters are valid after saving reset, or powering on again. After the system is powered on or reset, the serial port will print {AAAAA}
RAM Parameter Description
RAM[0]: System reset control, readable and writable, Reading and writing represent different meanings:
00 => Reset the whole system, Serial returns {AAAAA}, indicating that the system has been reset
01 => Save the parameters set by the user, Serial returns {000101}, indicates successful execution
02 => Restore parameters to system default parameters, Serial returns {000202}, indicating successful execution
03=> Search for the frequency point of the specified bandwidth. The serial port returns {000303}, indicates successful execution
04=> Search for the specified frequency when the parameters are known, return {000404}, indicates successful execution
05=> reloadkey, Serial port parameter setting of transmitting parameters and data serial port, returns {000505}, indicates successful execution
06=> Dynamically modify the decay parameters of the emission (write RAM[8] The attenuation value takes effect immediately after the command is issued, and does not reset the emission. After power off, and power on again, RAM[8]is the previously saved value),
return{000606},Indicates successful execution
other=> reserve
Bit[0] =>
‘1’ = Transmitter RF frequency lock
‘0’= Transmitter RF Frequency not locked
Bit[1] =>
‘1’ = Receiver RF frequency lock
‘0’= Receiver over RF Frequency not locked
Bit[7:2] => reserve
RAM[1]: Function module working state setting, and data serial port rate, readable and writable, Defaults is 0X44
Bit[7:4]: serial speed
“0000” =1200,
Bit[3] :Parity
‘0’=even effect test,
‘1’=miraculous effect
Bit[2] :parity switch
Bit[1]: Receiver module working status
‘1’=Receiver module off
‘0’=Receiver module works normally
Bit[0]: Transmitter working status
‘1’=Transmitter module off
‘0’=The transmitter module works normally
RAM[2]: Transmit bandwidth, readable and writable, Defaults 0X14,
Divide the corresponding decimal number by10 The bandwidth set for, ranges from20~80, include20(2M Bandwidth) and 80(8M Bandwidth)
other=> reserve
RAM[3]~ RAM[4]: Transmitter module RF center frequency, readable and writable Defaults RAM[3] = 0X0D, RAM[4] = 0X48
In units of 100KHz. The maximum value is 25000 and the minimum value is 500.
RAM[5]: Transmitter module FEC Code rate, readable and writable, Defaults 0X00
00 => 1/2
01 => 2/3
02 => 3/4
03 => 5/6
04 => 7/8
other=> reserve
RAM[6]: Transmitter module modulation mode, readable and writable, Defaults 0X00
00 => QPSK(4QAM)
01 => 16QAM
02 => 64QAM
other=> reserve
RAM[7]: Transmitter module guard interval, readable and writable, Defaults 0X00
00 => 1/32
01 => 1/16
02 => 1/8
03 => 1/4
other=> reserve
RAM[8]: Transmitter module RF Output power attenuation value, readable and writable, The default value is0X00
00: 0 dB
01: 1 dB
02: 2 dB;
0F:15 db
other=> reserve
RAM[9]: Receive frequency bandwidth, readable and writable, Defaults 0X14
Divide the corresponding decimal number by10 The bandwidth set for, ranges from20~80,include20(2M Bandwidth) and80(8M Bandwidth)
other=> reserve
RAM[10]~ RAM[11]: receiver module RF center frequency, range 158M to 860M, Readable and writable Defaults RAM[10] = 0X0D, RAM[11] = 0X48
In units of 100KHz. The maximum value is 90000 and the minimum value is 2000
RAM[12]~RAM[21]: Receive searched channel parameters, read-only,
struct dibDVBTChannel {
int8_t spectrum_inversion;
int8_t nfft;
int8_t guard;
int8_t constellation;
int8_t hrch;
int8_t alpha;
int8_t code_rate_hp;
int8_t code_rate_lp;
int8_t select_hp;
int8_t intlv_native;
} dvbt;
RAM[22]~RAM[37]: The encryption key, the readable and writable, Default value is all zeros
RAM[22] :128 bit encryption key[127-120]bit
RAM[23] :128 bit encryption key[119-112]bit
RAM[24] :128 bit encryption key[111-104]bit
RAM[25] :128 bit encryption key[103-96]bit
RAM[26] :128 bit encryption key[95-88]bit
RAM[27] :128 bit encryption key[87- 80]bit
RAM[28] :128 bit encryption key[79-72]bit
RAM[29] :128 bit encryption key[71-64]bit
RAM[30] :128 bit encryption key[63-56]bit
RAM[31] :128 bit encryption key[55-48]bit
RAM[32] :128 bit encryption key[47-40]bit
RAM[33] :128 bit encryption key[39-32]bit
RAM[34] :128 bit encryption key[31-24]bit
RAM[35] :128 bit encryption key[23-16]bit
RAM[36] :128 bit encryption key[15-8]bit
RAM[37] :128 bit encryption key[7-0]bit
illustrate[127-0]all for0,no encryption
RAM[40]~RAM[43]: For calculating the signal-to-noise ratio, see related documents for details
RAM[44]~RAM[45]: calculate RF power,rf_power Refer to the code for details
RAM[46]~RAM[48]: calculate RF power,n_agc_power Specific reference code
Others RAM Reserved, cannot read or write its contents
2. Module configuration command
The configuration command is realized by sending commands to it through the serial port Command format: {+opcode+RAM address+<operand>+check code+} symbol{}inside is ASCII expressed in code16 base number
{: Indicates the start of the command
+: Indicates that only the connection indicated here, for illustration, does not exist in the actual command
<>: Indicates that there is no
}: Indicates the end of the command
opcode: 00 means to write, FF means to read,1 byte RAM address: 1 byte
operand: the operand of the command1 byte, in read operation, This byte does not
check code: (opcode+ deposit address+ <operand>) mod 256
command return format:
Operation successful return format: {+register address+register value+check code+}
reset command did not return
Operation failure return format{FFFFFF}
3. channel size parameter calculation method reference
The maximum channel capacity of the system can be calculated using the following formula:
Rmax=6.75 x b x FEC x (188/204) x (1/(1+GD)) x (BW/8)
Rmax: The maximum capacity of the channel(Mb/s)
b: Coupling wave ratio function,QPSK hour b=2, 16QAM hour b=4,64QAMhourb=6 FEC: internal error correction code rate(1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8)
GD: guard interval1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
BW: Bandwidth toM as a unit
According to the above formula, the maximum capacity of the channel can be calculated under a few parameters. As shown in the table below, yes8mInformation capacity under bandwidth. The system will automatically calculate the size of the coded output stream according to the set channel parameters so that the size of the output stream is not greater than the maximum capacity of the channel.
4. Note
on the board L19 location (at U9 On the side, the position is empty when leaving the factory) can add a 0603 The inductance to increase the output power, the increased inductance value can refer to the following figure