
In a tv box, firmware is a specific class of computer software that provides low-level control for a device’s specific hardware. Firmware contains the basic functions of a device and may act as the device’s complete operating system, performing all control, monitoring, and data manipulation functions, especially including the remote control code, which can take corrective action when the user press any button on the remote control. Such as showing the OSD menu, 자동 검색, and changing volume and channels.

Firmware is held in the memory devices such as ROM or Flash memory. Upgrading by a USB disk, which includes a *.bin file. Upgrade the correct firmware is very important, 그렇지 않으면, the wrong firmware can not make any corrective action when you press the remote control, and the tv box can lose its function. You have to change the correct ROM firmware chipset physically to rescue your tv box. If you upgrade the wrong firmware to your tv box, and your tv box is also from us, we can offer you the free ROM firmware chipset to you, 부디 문의.

We have listed some DVB-T2 upgrade firmwareISDB-T 업그레이드 펌웨어 for you.

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