Ad hoc network three band board card

The MLink2/Mnet2 Pro supports 1.4G/2.4G/5.8G in the three band board of the self-organized network

Product Properties
유형:Three band board card
모델:MLink2/Mnet2 series
명세서:CX3672-BCD-1W star networking, CX3772-BCD-1W Mesh networking
주파수 대역:1.4G/2.4G/5.8G
networking:Star networking, Mesh networking

제품 설명

150km ultra long distance 100mbps ultra high speed 2.5W ultra low power

Chenxin Technology’s serialized self-organizing module products include three types of networking products: point-to-point networking, star networking, and Mesh networking. Based on long-term accumulation of broadband wireless communication technology, it adopts technologies such as OFDM and MIMO to achieve wireless video/image/data transmission functions.

Ad hoc network three band board card
Ad hoc network three band board card

Ad hoc network three band board card
Ad hoc network three band board card

Networking type

Ad hoc network three band board card
Ad hoc network three band board card

Point-to-point networking node to multipoint networking

Ad hoc network three band board card 1
Ad hoc network three band board card

Mesh mesh ad hoc network Mesh chain network

Mink2 series board

Ad hoc network three band board card 2
Ad hoc network three band board card

Mnet2 series board

Ad hoc network three band board card
Ad hoc network three band board card

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