decodificador de codificador de video

O teu codificador de vídeo admite HD-SDI? 1080p ou 1080i.

1. Max admite 1080P.
2. A entrada HDMI admite 4k.

O teu codificador é compatible con calquera descodificador h264/h265, é dicir. decodificador Nvidia jetson etc

Hai que preguntarlle ao enxeñeiro, por favor, díganos os detalles do decodificador de vídeo se o tes.
Tamén temos codificador de vídeo e placa decodificadora, se os dous nos as nosas, entón non hai problema.

Para vídeo 4k ou 1080p cal será a taxa de datos de Ethernet?

A taxa de bits do vídeo é configurable polo cliente (usuario).

Usaremos a túa placa codificadora de vídeo con dúas entradas (HDMI e PAL) e con alimentación de 12V. Está ben?

Refírese á entrada HDMI ou AV (admite dous tipos de vídeo), ou necesitas HDMI e AV para admitir dúas entradas simultáneas?

Q: Necesitamos ter HDMI e AV para soportar dúas entradas simultáneas.
un: Ok. O noso enxeñeiro de firmware fará uns días un novo firmware para cumprir esta función que necesitas. Actualizareino e mostrarei o vídeo de proba.

iVcan: Axude a confirmar que HDMI e cvbs poden ser compatibles ao mesmo tempo, pero o audio só se pode seleccionar entre un dos dous (o sistema selecciona audio HDMI/audio analóxico segundo a situación de acceso ao vídeo), está ben para ti?

Clienta: Non necesitamos audio, entón fai o que é mellor para ti.

iVcan: O noso enxeñeiro de software creou un software para ti. Consulte as imaxes nos anexos.
Now it supports an HDMI camera and CVBS camera.
HDMI video input to IP RJ45 output encoder converter
RTSP player supports two video streams
RTSP player shows HDMI camera and CVBS camera

I have tested your encoder multiple times with our system. It is working fine overall.
But we have one big issue to be able to validate its usage :
Whenever we turn on the system Camera and the encoder at the same time we are unable to read themainStream”, we can only read thesubStream”.
We have toRebootthe encoder via the web interface to make it work: after the reboot we can directly read the mainStream.
We tried with both VLC and GStreamer.
What could we try to have both streams readable on startup ?

In the opinion of our engineers, it is either a problem with camera recognition or a problem with customer use.
I suspect that the board card did not recognize the customer’s HDMI camera.
This is easy to verify (if you cannot access the sub-stream, it will be difficult to verify).
Log in to the web server of the encoder board and you can see the camera recognition status on the video page.
HDMI encoder can detect the video input source

The video page will only display the recognition status of one camera. If HDMI and AV cameras are connected and recognized at the same time, the video page will display the recognition status of the HDMI camera (such as 1080p60):
As long as the HDMI camera can recognize it normally, Mainstream can be accessed normally.
If the HDMI camera is not recognized normally, please check the HDMI wiring and power on the board again (note that this is a power cycle, not a software restart on the web page)
Ademáis, the board uses a random Mac address, so the Mac address will change every time we restart it.
For devices with an ARP cache (such as a PC), after restarting, it will be temporary (a few seconds) unable to access the board from the network. , We cannot access it until the arp request is re-initiated after timeout (the performance is that the coding board cannot be pinged for several seconds after restarting)
polo tanto, I guess another possibility is that when the customer accesses the mainstream, it cannot be accessed due to the above reasons. Then when the customer accesses sub-stream, the arp cache refreshes and the customer can access it, but the customer does not revisit the main-stream.

Sempre que acendemos a cámara do sistema e o codificador ao mesmo tempo, non podemos ler o "Mainstream", só podemos ler o "subStream".

A xulgar pola túa descrición aquí, Parece que a túa cámara se inicia despois da nosa placa de codificación. Inicie a cámara primeiro, e despois acende e inicia a nosa placa de codificación para probalo. Quizais non estea acendido ao mesmo tempo. A orde de encendido tamén importa. Por exemplo, necesidades de inicio da cámara 10 segundos, pero só precisa o inicio da nosa placa codificadora 5 segundos.
Porque non estou seguro de se a súa cámara tarda moito en iniciarse despois de acendela.
Porque a nosa placa codificadora comeza moi rápido, pode ser que a cámara non se inicializou despois de que iniciase a nosa placa codificadora, o que pode levar a algúns problemas inesperados. This can also explain why “We have to “Reboot” the encoder via the web interface to make it work: after the reboot we can directly read the mainStream.”, because when your web page restarts the encoder board, the camera has already been initialized.
polo tanto, the final suggestions are as follows (I tried my best to list everything that came to mind and let you test them separately);
Look at the video page of the web server and confirm whether the HDMI camera is recognized normally (you can send a screenshot to us). As long as the camera is recognized normally, Mainstream can be accessed;
It is recommended that you ping the coding board under cmd first, and then access mainStream and subStream under vlc to avoid mistakenly thinking that Mainstream cannot be accessed due to random mac issues.
Let you start your camera first (for a few seconds), then power on and start our encoding board to try (see the reasons described above)
Follow your original operation of “turn on the system camera and the encoder at the same time”. When the problem “we are unable to read the “mainStream”, we can only read the “subStream”.” is reproduced, Do not restart the encoding board through the web page, but hot-swap the HDMI cable between your camera and the encoding board. I think it is only a hot-swap operation (because I suspect it is a plug-in detection problem that causes the camera not to connect to the encoding board. Send HDMI signal).

I can always read the subStream. The mainStream only after reboot.

Then our encoder board can detect your camera.
Please do a test.
Let you start your camera first (for a few seconds), then power on and start our encoding board to try.
The engineer worries about that your camera startup needs 10 segundos, pero só precisa o inicio da nosa placa codificadora 5 segundos.
Please do this test to rule out the possibility of different startup times.

When you are testing, it is better to adjust the setting back (red words) or see the below picture.
analogue to ip video encoder for living stream

The encoder board and the camera are both powered on at the exact same time. It is likely that the camera startup takes a bit longer than the encoder board.

I confirm that the camera seems to be not recognized on startupCVBS palis displayed at the top.

Podo facer ping ao taboleiro antes de tentar ler os dous fluxos

Cando inicio a miña cámara primeiro (for a few seconds), entón acende (15 segundos despois) e inicia a placa de codificación, Podo ler o fluxo moi ben.
Se eu “acende a cámara do sistema e o codificador ao mesmo tempo". E despois conecta en quente o HDMI (15 segundos despois), Podo ler o fluxo moi ben.

Que podo facer para poder ler o mainStream sen ter que facer unha destas cousas ? Enviar unha solicitude de reinicio http co meu software, uns segundos despois do inicio ?

Ben, iso proba a miña suposición correcta. Para os nosos outros clientes, a cámara e a nosa placa de codificación están todas acesas ao mesmo tempo. As cámaras poden recoñecer a nosa placa de codificación normalmente e enviar sinais HDMI. Só uns poucos clientes atoparon tales problemas ao usar as súas cámaras HDMI personalizadas. O seguinte é resolto polos propios clientes (modifying their camera settings/changing cameras).

Do you have the version of the software you develop for us? We will precise it in our PO.

iVcan: The firmware version is v6.5.5a for your device.

Temos un erro no codificador de vídeo, Qué debería facer?

1. From the photo you showed, we found that the capacitor and inductor in the lower left corner were damaged due to external force. Perhaps they were knocked off during packaging and transportation, and your company accidentally knocked them off during operation.
video encoder and decoder board bitrate
The highlighted ones are the missing devices, which are:
3、R34FB,120R@100M,+/-25%,3un,SMD0603 (magnetic beads)
video encoder decoder block diagram

Please try to find the same parts, replace them and then check carefully to see if there are any other missing parts.

If you still have questions, póñase en contacto connosco.

esta parte defectuosa úsase para operar que circuíto?

1.5fonte de alimentación V, alimentando DDR, consulte a imaxe de abaixo.
R34 VDD1V5 of video encoder board
Substituímos os compoñentes segundo o teu consello, o codificador non é funcional.
Ademáis, observamos outros problemas de calidade coas soldaduras, varias revisións manuais.
Como podemos proceder cun cambio estándar en garantía?

Non te preocupes por iso, por favor envíanolo de volta, e cambiaremos un novo para ti.

Does your HDMI + CVBS video encoder board support ONVIF?

The engineer said that the ONVIF protocol is not fully supported. It depends on your specific requirements.
The video player supports RTSP, VLC, Easyplay, and protocol support UDP player.

Can I use hdmi stream and CVBS stream together?

Our video encoding board supports two channels of video at the same time, one is HDMI video stream and CVBS video stream encoding.

Pregunta: Cal é a característica horaria do seu modulador DVB-T (transmisor) ter? Podemos ver o seguinte se observamos o estándar DVB-T ETSI EN 300 744.

video encoder decoder 1

Pero que horas hai no teu módulo DVB-T TX?
Precisámolo porque estamos a pensar nunha frecuencia de cambio rápido durante a transmisión de vídeo, polo que necesitamos comprender os tempos reais deste modo. Usamos QPSK, CR=1/2, GI=1/32, ancho de banda = 8 MHz.

resposta: No noso modulador DVB-T, tanto o tempo de símbolo transmitido como o tempo de garda son iguais, con 400 744 especificación

Conversor cvbs para IP, conversor de sinal av para ethernet, Codificador SDI CVBS,

Q: How much will be the latency if I connect two cameras (HDMI + CVBS)?

I have two cameras, one is a hdmi camera, and the second is a CVBS camera. I will convert both video streams to IP ethernet by this board and the opposite receiver side will be a computer.


The delay of the video encoding board must take into account the encoding and decoding. It is impossible to test the accurate delay from the encoding board alone.

xeralmente, the delay caused by the decoder board is greater.

With different software players, the latency varies greatly. Por exemplo, using our Splayer the delay is about 100ms, and using VLC the delay can be up to 300ms.

The delay of the CVBS camera is difficult to measure accurately. Delays below 100ms are difficult to measure with a stopwatch. Ademáis, the delay of Vcan1681 itself is not easy to test. Without the decoder board, you can’t even see the image. It cannot be calculated by using a stopwatch, and there is no way to measure it with an oscilloscope.

After the customer buys the encoding board, he will definitely need a player to decode. Then it is better to ask the customer what kind of player he plans to use for decoding (ours, the customer’s own, or a third party), so that we can know better whether the coding board can meet customer requirements (function and performance) or not.

How to test the video encoder board latency?

  1. I pointed the camera at the stopwatch on my computer screen.
  2. Another computer plays the video sent from the current encoding board and also displays the stopwatch on the computer screen.
  3. You need to reduce two times, namely the delay from the camera to the monitor. (Including camera and screen delay)
  4. Please check the below pictures
video encoder decoder 2
video encoder decoder 3
video encoder decoder 4
video encoder decoder 5
video encoder decoder 6
video encoder decoder 7

Q: How much is the latency if I use your encoder and decoder board?

un: It is better to use our encoder and decoder board. The encoder and decoder board prices is the same. The below latency test result is only for your reference, not including the camera delay.

  • CVBS input to our encoder board—–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay is 60~90ms
  • HDMI input to our encoder board—–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay is 90~130ms
  • HDMI 720P input our encoder board——–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay between 80~100ms
  • HDMI 1080P input our encoder board——–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay between 100~130ms

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