How to test the face recognition on the Rockchip RV1126

How to test the face recognition on the Rockchip RV1126

The Rockchip RV1126 chip’s core board or development board is very powerful, including AI-IPC face recognition. A client requested that we create a demo video to demonstrate this feature. The following are the test steps for using the face recognition function.
1. Primeira, connect the development board and the computer with a network cable, paying attention to the same LAN IP address.
2. In the browser, type the web IP management address to access the parameter setting page. For the details of this operation please see my other video, the link is in the description.
3. On the web UI management page, under config, select both face detection enabled and face recognition enabled.
4. On the member list page, Add a new member to the list and upload a picture of your own face.
5. Hold the board and camera at the tester for a few seconds, the person with the registered face and the person without the registered face.
6. The test results are displayed on the Control page. The registered face will record the time captured by the camera, and other commands such as opening the door can be triggered later; the unregistered face has no event record.
Thank you for watching, and please let me know if there are any other features you’d like to see.

How to test the face recognition on the Rockchip RV1126

RV1126, Preguntas frecuentes

RV1126 é unha placa multi-interface con todas as funcións construída co chip RV1109 RV1126 de Rockchip. É unha placa estándar utilizada polos novos clientes para avaliar as funcións do chip, realizar actuacións, e demostrar as poderosas funcións multimedia e da interface periférica do chip. Despois de que o cliente confirme o rendemento, modifican a interface para satisfacer as necesidades do seu proxecto e redeseñan unha nova placa de transporte ou placa base para que poida conectarse directamente ao Placa central RV1126.

O RV1126 e o ​​RV1109 teñen a mesma interface funcional, coa excepción de que o RV1126 é un de catro núcleos e o RV1109 é un de dobre núcleo, e o RV1126 é un pouco máis potente. o RV1126 ten un 1400-píxeles Procesador ISP con 2TOPS de aritmética NPU, mentres que o RV1109 ten un 5MP Procesador ISP con 1.2TOPS de aritmética NPU. Ambos son deseños P2P, fácil de substituír, e pode reducir eficazmente os custos de desenvolvemento formando unha liña de produtos de gama alta e baixa.

si, Podo ofrecerche o SDK, case 24 GB.

E non podemos ofrecerche ningún soporte técnico cando estás a usar o SDK, excepto que contrata o noso enxeñeiro de software para desenvolver o teu proxecto especial.

We only provide the RV1126 development board, please ask engineers for specific technical questions.
As far as I know, the AI algorithm needs to be placed in the specified directory of the SDK so that RV1126 can use it.

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