Exploring the newest Botswana ISDB-T Frequency

Botswana ISDB-T Frequency

Botsuana ISDB-T Táboa A1-3 8Mhz canles de UHF / ch

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Botswana isdb-t frequency
Botswana ISDB-T Frequency
botswana isdb-t
Philippines ISDB-T
Lista de canles ISDB-T de Botswana

1. Por que o ISDB-T en Filipinas non está dispoñible en Botswana?

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Aínda que Botswana e Filipinas adoptan o estándar de televisión dixital ISDB-T formulado por Xapón, na súa aplicación real, o Filipinas usa 6 Mhz de ancho de banda, mentres Botswana usa 8 Mhz de ancho de banda. polo tanto, cando a xente de Botswana compra televisión dixital, deben preguntar claramente ou esixir que o ancho de banda do descodificador de TV sexa de 8 Mhz. Esta é unha situación moi especial. Entre todos os países que adoptan o estándar ISDB-T, only Botswana and Maldives require 8M bandwidth, so this kind of TV box must be specially customized. É dicir, A televisión dixital en Filipinas non se pode usar en Botswana.

2. How do you test that the ISDB-T supports 8M and it will be working well in Botswana?

First of all, there is a digital TV signal generator in our factory. We obtained the TV program code stream (file name *.ts, similar to the TV program source) from the TV station in Botswana. By playing the code stream on the digital TV signal generator, it can be broadcast in our factory. simulating TV broadcasts digital TV, por suposto, it only has one or two channels.
Entón, submit the auto-scan of the TV program on our ISDB-T receiver box. If the TV program can be received, then the machine can receive the station well when it arrives in Botswana in time. After we test that there is no problem, then we will send a sample to Botswana to test in a real environment for customers. If there is any problem, or if the TV box cannot be received, we can update the software of our TV box and solve it by upgrading.

3. Why is wifi disabled I wanted to test YouTube. Can we install Netflix?

Do you have connect the USB WIFI Antenna and connect the internet?
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Now the digital tv box only support Youtube and Weather app, does not support to install Netflix.

4. Can you include a logo on the bootloader and the top of the TV box?

si, we can add a logo on the starting machine and showing on the screen. We also can print your logo at the top of the TV box. Metal box is black, we can slik-print of the white logo for you. Please send us your logo picture and logo design.

Botswana ISDB-T tested in China

Para máis produtos e información ISDB-T, visite https://isdb-t.com

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