尼加拉瓜 ISDB-T EWBS 新聞: Telcor 和 Jica 分析風險和應急管理

尼加拉瓜 ISDB-T EWBS 新聞: TELCOR held a meeting with the delegates of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), who will remain in our country from December 1 至 10, the development of its Cooperation Agenda includes a series of training workshops on the System of Emergency Alert (EWBS).

In addition to TELCOR, the JICA Delegation intends to visit, review the equipment and give talks with Channel 6 Specialists, the Institute for Territorial Studies (INETER), and the National System for the Prevention, Mitigation, and Attention of Disasters (SINAPRED).

EWBS System consists of sending alerts to citizens and officials in charge of risk management, through interactive applications that send signals through Digital Terrestrial Television and Radio that will allow the population to be informed with data from official sources during natural disasters.

The Lord Frank Coloma, Technical Advisory Cooperation Agency Japan (JICACompany FETECH-LATAM of the Peru, during the meeting commented on the importance of cooperation among countries in the management and operation of information systems for events adverse climatic and natural conditionsHe also added thatadvanced warning systems must be inclusive and accessible to all users, transmitting clear and concise messages to the public in times of risk is the most important thing.

For her partCompañera Nahima Díaz, General Director of TELCORemphasized that“the exchanges of experiences on natural disaster prevention are policies oriented by our Good Government, which have allowed us to advance and improve, a demonstration of this were the last moments difficult and complex with hurricanes Eta and Iotawhich thank God we had no human losses and we firmly believe that technologies are a necessary tool to be able to safeguard the lives of our population ”.

Our Good Government of Reconciliation and National Unityin its commitment to the welfare of the population, has promoted this exchange of experiences thanks to the support of our Brother Country Japanwhich has allowed us to improve in the early detection and response to natural disasters.

The JICA Delegation thanked all the support that Our Good Government, through TELCORhas given them to carry out this approach with the other Institutions and share the specialized technical knowledge in the execution of timely response actions to natural disasters.

資源: HTTPS://www.el19digital.com/articulos/ver/titulo:123387-telcor-y-jica-analizan-gestion-de-riesgos-y-emergencias

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