Transmițător video fără fir pentru cameră

Ce poate face transmițătorul video wireless?

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1. Aveți 150 kilometri de telemetrie de 10 wați pentru o dronă la 915Mhz? Nu trebuie să transfer videoclipul, numai datele mesajului Mavlink.

Avem nevoie de o rată de transmisie de 57000 pentru Mavlink.

2. Am nevoie de un sistem transmițător video fără fir de la țărm până la draga din marin pentru o distanță de transmisie de 5 km.

Sunteți în măsură să furnizați o ofertă pentru furnizarea unui sistem de transmițător video fără fir, operam o draga si dorim sa transmitem video de la tarm la draga pe o distanta maxima de 5 kilometri. Este într-un mediu marin, așa că ar trebui să fie robust și să funcționeze 12 volți fără conexiune la internet.

3. Caut un cofdm tx rx mini si purtabil, NLOS, Într-un fel, Cameră AHD sau SDI-HD 1080P, 1Transmițător video fără fir cu rază lungă de acțiune KM receptor live demo imagine transmisie link de date, 170-860Mhz, 200-metru distanța de transmisie, și fără ventilator de răcire din cauza zgomotului.

4. I am a UAV developer, and I need a solution for my upcoming UAVs. I need 20 km HD video and a Mavlink telemetry transmission and reception system. Supported gimbal camera, Gimbal with zoom, and target tracking. Is it possible to use a laptop to control the PTZ camera with any software? What is the weight, zoom level, and price of the camera?

5. We develop wearable devices equipped with dual USB nano cameras. We currently use a wifi network for wireless streaming, which has a limited range. I was wondering if you had a video transmitter/receiver that could operate in a 1KM range with no line of sight and low latency.

6. We are an autonomous robotics company, now looking for a Modem like RFD900 but with video+Data for 5 la 10 km, Full duplex data, and Sbus input.

7. I’m looking for a transmitter and receiver, COFDM with two-way audio and one-way video, I have to communicate with bidirectional audio, long-range, I think 2W might be fine. What could you advise me?

Transmițător video fără fir Manpack interfon vocal bidirecțional RC NLOS COFDM 2KM-20KM

8. I need a wireless video transmission system where I can use 4 cameras in 4 different places and I want to watch it on a single screen. There is one building obstacle in a 1-kilometer area. The transmitter will always be in motion but the receiver will be stationary. We need to hear the voice of the people in the field and we need to talk when necessary, can you include this in the system?

9. I want to ask about your long-range video transmitter, install on my UAV, transmițătorul poate transmite video de la un UAV în mijlocul pădurii pentru a inspecta focul în pădure în jur de 20-30Km.

10. Caut un mic modul emițător/receptor cu a 1-2 km care ar putea transmite date video la ratele de cadre dorite cu latență scăzută, și non-linie de vedere. De exemplu, modulele de cameră duală pe care le folosim în prezent funcționează 19201080@ 30-60fps, și încă o cameră la 320240@120FPS (ȘI).

11. Avem nevoie de 1 km mini și greutate mică invizibilă, cum ar fi spion video tx și tx, mini antenă tx bandă scurtă sau flexibilă pentru ascuns pe corpul uman, suport camera web, și suport audio bidirecțional opțional.

12. Caut un transceiver de transmisie de date video wireless cu bandă duală. O singură frecvență (1.7G) este folosit pentru a încărca datele de control al dronei, si o alta frecventa (1.4G) pentru a descărca videoclipul de la dronă la sol. Se speră că poate evita în mod eficient interferența blocajelor UAV pe UAV și să îmbunătățească rata de supraviețuire a UAV-urilor..

Frecvență personalizabilă, Transmițător și receptor UAV cu frecvență duală și legătură de date

13. Avem nevoie de un sistem de transmisie video de înaltă definiție. Emițătorul este instalat pe acoperișul unei clădiri la o înălțime de 10-15 metri, iar receptorul este în mașină, înconjurat de zone deschise, și linia de vedere. Distanța de comunicare este 10 km. Vă rugăm să recomandați o soluție potrivită.

14. buna, suntem un liceu care a lansat radiosonde în proiectele sale educaționale. La ultima lansare, am folosit o 1.2 Transmițător video GHz pentru a transmite imagini din stratosferă către sol. Nu suntem multumiti de rezultatul obtinut si cautam un transmitator video cu urmatoarele caracteristici: 1.2frecvența ghz, FULL HD, Putere RF mai mare de 500 mw, greutate mai mică de 100gr și consum nu depășește 500ma.

De asemenea, oferim un model similar pentru observarea și prognoza meteo din Spania prin baloane cu hidrogen în atmosferă, care are nevoie de 150 km. Am recomandat TX900-5W-50km. 1.4 frecvența GHz, Cameră Full HD 1080P HDMI sau ethernet, putere RF 2 wați, greutatea este 142 grame. Consum 22 wați.

15. buna, Am nevoie de transmisie de date de la un port ethernet. În jurul 1 megabit și receptor.
5 Watt Transmițător 1MBps cu interfață ethernet și receptor cu ethernet. Am nevoie de comunicare unidirecțională. transmițător pe partea dronei receptor din avion. Trimite datele care provin de la portul ethernet.

max-50km-rază-1Mbps-date-latență scăzută

16. Dezvoltam un nou UAV, caut un transmițător video HD de 150 km, operare duplex, alimentat de baterie 6s 22.2V. Dacă este posibil extindeți autonomia până la 500 km.

17. Aș dori să cumpăr un transceiver de dronă cu 2 căi.

Antene și suporturi

18. Cautam un radio IP. Trebuie să transmitem și să primim Ethernet care conține video HD și control de date în același timp. interfața trebuie să fie ceva de genul RJ45 (sau preferabil mai robust), suntem capabili să le folosim într-un MESH? Îmi imaginez că puterea maximă de 1W este suficientă, Momentan facem 4Km.

TX900 se recomandă versiunea cu plasă.

19. Pentru sistemul de transmisie de care avem nevoie, vă rugăm să consultați mai jos pentru detalii.

A) Intrare SDI pentru a suporta 3G-SDI (max 1080p60)
b) Sprijină formatul de compresie de calitate broadcast (H.264 @Profil principal)
c) Suport audio încorporat (Maxim 16 canale)
d) Sprijină NLOS
e) Suporta putere de transmisie 10W
f) Suportă intrarea GPI pe receptor și trimite semnalul On/Off înapoi la
g) Latență scăzută de 200-300 ms
h) Suport COFDM și QAM64
eu) Suportă criptare AES pe 128 de biți
j) Suportă DC10V până la DC28V
k) Acceptă corectarea erorilor înainte 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
l) Lățimea de bandă de frecvență 8Mbps

20. Deținem și operăm 15 aeronave, Sunt foarte interesat de PA dvs. de 10W 50 raza de km. as avea nevoie 50 truse de recepție pentru ca polițiștii de la sol să poată primi streaming video direct de la aeronava de supraveghere. Care ar fi pretul si disponibilitatea? Care este frecvența și lungimea undei utilizate?

21. We need a 5w telemetry transceiver to install on a fixed-wing uav, Our autopilot is Pixhawk cube orange, with amplifiers for 915mhz, or 10w only telemetry without video, rata de transfer 57000 for Mavlink message.

22. We currently request your recommendation of a suitable video link radio that fulfills the following requirements:

  1. Frecventa de operare: 2216-2256Mhz
    The video link should be capable of operating within this frequency range.
    It should have the ability to segregate into separate channels, selectable or tuneable with an 8MHz bandwidth each.
  2. Capability:
    We require the video link radio to have the capability of simultaneously downlinking 3 payloads such as an EO/IR payload, a nose camera, and a camera.
  3. Maximum Range/ Operating Distance: 100km
    The video link radio should be capable of achieving a range of 100km for reliable transmission.
  4. Connection Type:
    Suntem interesați în mod special de un radio link video care acceptă conectivitate Ethernet la o viteză de 10/100Mbps.
    În plus, ar trebui să ofere compatibilitate pentru conexiunea video SDI.
  5. Întârziere video < 200M=ms
    Radioul de legătură video ar trebui să ofere o întârziere video de cel mult 200 ms pentru a asigura transmisia video în timp real.

23. Am nevoie de un transceiver pentru comenzi video și date, utilizați pe teren, nlos 10 km, au puțin obstacole. Trebuie să transmit video și date personalizate. Există o cameră și un computer cu o singură placă, cum ar fi raspberry pi, în fiecare unitate a proiectului meu, care susține cele de mai jos, diagramă.

  1. Comunicare și control: 1Port Ethernet X RJ45; 2X intrări de alarmă, 1Ieșire de alarmă X; 1X intrare audio, 1Intrare X RS485.
  2. Protocol: Suport HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, DNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, Protocoale de rețea DHCP; acceptă protocoalele ONVIF și GB28181.
  3. Interfață de dezvoltare: Suportă dezvoltarea secundară HP-SDK.

24. What do you offer in RF wireless A/V transmission that is smaller in size(mobil), nlos, secured, RCA or HDMI input, and Frequency available in the USA? security of data, criptare, law enforcement / for nlos surv/intel, Seeking 600ft min efficacy (200 metri),

Support RCA input, we have three models, COFDM-912T (170-860Mhz, RCA input only), și COFDM-907T (170-860, and 900-930Mhz, RCA+HDMI input both support). 900-930MHz frequency is ok in the USA. So COFDM-907T is recommended.

24. Hi do you have an Analog A/V transmitter and receiver in 2.4 sau 5.8 GHz for long distances (about 5Km)

scuze, we only have HD 1080p wireless video transmitter and receiver, 2.4G or 5.8G please check Vcan1818, 1.4G is recommended, because of wifi also used 2.4G and 5.8G, and it is easy to have interfered.

25. I would like to do a mini autonomous vehicle project, I would like to know if it is possible to send a live video stream with Rasberry PI and a Python program that sends the stream by RTSP that can be opened by VLC.

If you just need a transfer a live video stream from your camera to Rasberry PI by RJ45, then our Vcan1746 este recomandat. If also need to transfer the live video stream from your robot to a wireless receiver or computer, which supports RTSP protocol by VLC player, then please check our Vcan1726.

26. Caut un anumit downconverter, pentru a fi utilizat cu propria noastră legătură RF OFDM:

50intrare RF ohmi: 1.435 la 1.525 GHz
75 ohms IF output: orice banda de frecventa, între 100Mhz și 900MHz
Frecvența LO preferată: 1846MHz
Câștig scăzut: aproximativ 28 dB
Câștig mare: aproximativ 43 dB
Alimentat DC de la portul de ieșire IF, 12-24interval vDC

27. We are researching a ground robot to explore the rainforest and collect semple in the forest. We are using a radio from another manufacturer to transmit the image and commands between the receiver and the transmitter. But the problem we are facing is regarding the transmission distance. When the robot enters the forest, the maximum distance we are achieving is 100 meters between the transmitter and receiver, but we need much more than that. I was looking at your communication solutions here.

28. We are searching for a transmission for 50-80km, for a meteorological balloon, COFDM-908T-10W is ok? with a 12V battery and HDMI?

29. Bună, I need a device that transmits 4 camera video signals and data signals for controlling the robot over 2km for ground-to-ground communication.

30. buna, I need a complete video signal transmission system (one way only) with a range of 80-100 km. I am an aerial photographer and I need a high-quality digital image. The transmitter frequency can be in the range of 170-800 MHz. Interested in the complete set of the transmitter, receptor, and corresponding antennas. An analog signal will be used as an input.

31. Do you have any model which you can support to transmit not only A/V but also data(ex: RS-232 etc.) by any chance?

32. I’m interested in buying your video transmission modules long range. I mean transmitter, receiver PA 2W – 30km, PA 10 W – 100 km,

33. I would like clarification on the two-way data transfer capabilities. Does this support the ability to control, and get telemetry data and video all at the same time with just two modules?

34. I need one encoder with the COFDM modulator, H264 / HEVC ASI, or SDI input. And one receiver with diversity frequency RF COFDM, which is input frequency 2.350-2.450Ghz output 550~650 Mhz or 1350-1450Mhz, bit rate max 8Mhz bandwidth.

35. I want to design and fabricate a drone for surveillance of a seaport area in Mexico. Please let me know if your equipment is adequate for this purpose. Does this equipment allow me to send not only video and sound, but can it also control the drone itself, or do I need a separate control system with PPM or Sbus like Pixhawk or Ardupilot for it? In short, can you help me with the design of a complete system? eu, desigur, would buy all the needed products as much as available from you. I am used to working with SIYI products and this would be the first time for you. If you are interested I will give you more details on the project.

36. buna. I need a one-way wireless video transmitter and receiver. It must have low weight and will be used in UAV. What you can suggest?

37. We need ONE WAY link with ip UDP video stream, but not two-way. Do you have one-way link ip input on the modulator and ip output on the demodulator?

We have two models, Vcan1816 și Vcan 1886 to meet your demand.

38. Looking for dual-band booster 2,4-5,8 Ghz, with output power 10 W- for use with UAV drones, in territory with big interference ( big parks, forests).

Al nostru Vcan1818 supports 2.4G and 5.8 G. Output power 10W is optional.

39. We are looking for telemetry modules for our project. Please share product information and prices for the 80 to 150-km radio link. Also please indicate if compatible with Pixhawk autopilot. We need a reliable product.

40. Will your product be able to effectively transmit wirelessly through walls? roughly about 500m in distance.

Because we don’t know what your specific wall and environment
So I can’t tell you whether it can go through it or not. I believe that other sellers can not guarantee without knowing the specific situation. You need to test yourself to know this. Here is a test video for your reference. Sens unic, În două sensuri

41. We are interested in unidirectional video transmission at a distance of 15 km in line of sight. It is required to transmit individual frames of BMP format or a JPEG of 1280×1024 pixels without errors. The operating temperature range of the product is from minus 40 to plus 50 ° C.

42. I am engaged in ground robots for agriculture. We are using MATEK Controller with ArduPilot. It is desirable that we can easily connect your equipment.

We need a kit for the longest video transmission with antennas, as well as a telemetry transmission kit (robot control) with antennas. It is desirable that both video and control work at the same distance.
I ask you to send an offer with a manual and specifications for such equipment, as well as the cost.

  1. In the video kit, I need 2 cameras with which your equipment works.
  2. In the communication transmission kit, I need a joystick with which your equipment works.

42. I want to buy a long-range COFDM-912T transmitter with a 5-watt amplifier.

Gamă 450 – 1300 MHz. Frecvențele de operare (8 canale) și antene pentru ei: 477, 610, 675, 724, 816, 970, 1180, 1230 Mhz. Antena direcțională (30-60′) – for Rx. Antenna circular orientationfor Tx. I need a complete long-range video link for the UAV plug&play kit.

în plus, I ask you to recommend a video camera with gyro stabilization (UAV use) suitable for this radio transmitter.

43. I am engaged in ground robots for agriculture. We are using MATEK Controller with ArduPilot. It is desirable that we can easily connect your equipment.

We need a kit for the longest video transmission with antennas, as well as a telemetry transmission kit (robot control) with antennas. It is desirable that both video and control work at the same distance.

  1. In the video kit, I need 2 cameras with which your equipment works.
  2. In the communication transmission kit, I need a joystick with which your equipment works. Mulțumesc.

iVcan: Our transmission system is a wireless transparent transmission system. We can transfer the video and any data, if your camera supports PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom function) and joystick, then connect to our system correctly, we can transfer the data, and help you to operate them wirelessly.

44. We have a set of 5 X USB cameras. We are looking for a Multiplexor that can combine these 5 images before we put them through the radio.

45. buna, I’m using 2 nos of PTZ camera and able to control it from ground control. Can I use this transmitter and receiver to control my RC device too or is it unable to be integrated maybe got another solution?

46. I want a 30km video camera audio ethernet data transfer.

47.  I live in the USA and need something to transmit an HD SDI video from a camera to a ground station with little to no lag. I would also love to get a LBUS signal to be transmitted also in the packets.

48. The data rate required is 30Mbps for video transmission, Full duplex transmission.

49. buna. I need a one-way wireless video transmitter and receiver. It must have low weight and will be used in UAV. What you can suggest?

50. We need to bring to the ground a video feed from planes flying at about 350mph, up to 10,000ft, in a 10mi radius from the main point. We will bring the video feed to a production truck for live broadcast. The camera can be IP or HDMI.

51. Can you suggest a good-quality CODFM video link? Our input is NTSC video from a camera.
The receiver Output should be HDMI into our monitor. (720 is acceptable, 1080P preferred). Link to operate in 902 -928 Mhz band (1 watt Tx power level). Looking for low latency and a very good NOL environment

52. Can you provide a modem with the specifications below?  – Frecvență: 1.4~1.6Ghz (1Mhz unit setting)  – Lățime de bandă: 2Mhz  – Speed@ Distanceduplex10Mbps @ 8km (5 miles)  – facultativ: Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping.

53. Echipa noastră își propune să trimită racheta dincolo 40 km si apoi 100 km, ai vreo recomandare pentru transmițător, receptor, si camera?

54. My project is to have a Base Station that receives data from a robot (cameras, sensor data, etc…) and sends data to the robot to control it (bidirectional system).

55. I will need a solution to transmit wireless the video from 6 cameras within a range of 5 Kilometers. What solution can you propose?

56. il prodotto + economico per trasmettere e ricevere dati tcp/ip alla distanza da 3 a 5Km. cortesemente anche il costo e la disponibilita’.

57. Here are my project details and demand.

  1. I want to connect 4-6 cameras into one transmitter, and then transmit all the camera video streams through one transmitter module. All my cameras are Pan-tilt-zoom cameras with night-vision capabilities
  2. All The video camera output types can be the same or different type. I am mostly focusing on RJ45 (IP Ethernet) or also HDMI. (But they might have different output types).
  3. Then I want to receive all the video streams into one receiver module (from one transmitter). From the receiver module, I will take the output of 4-6 cameras (RJ45 Ethernet IP or HDMI) and display it on screen (probably HDMI port)
  4. Let’s Say I have 4 Camere de luat vederi, I want to see the video feed of 4 cameras in a single screen (Split screen mode)
  5. I will send a control command from the Receiver to the Transmitter, to control my device. What is the procedure for uploading control command data to the transmitter from the receiver? I also want to get some response data from the transmitter to the receiver. What is the procedure to send response data to the receiver from the transmitter?

I need 3 sets of such setup above for controlling 3 harvesters by 3 different people remotely. They each will control one harvester remotely via control command and see the video feed from 4-6 cameras (per harvester) in one monitor (in split screen mode). I knowArduinodecently. If your engineers are familiar withArduino”, please give me some hints.

Tell me the pricing also. If it’s good quality with a decent price point, I might consider buying some more after some successful trial run.

Tell us your demand for the wireless video transmitter and receiver, our engineer will offer you a solution for free. Request for quote (RFQ)