Soluție de repetor de dronă de transmițător și receptor video fără fir pe distanță lungă TX900-10W PA

replay repeater for wireless video transmitter and receiver
repetor de redare pentru transmițător și receptor video fără fir


repeater model for one-way video data transmission unidirectional

For the one-way COFDM Video Data Transmission repeater, we recommended the model Vcan 1886, Which has built-in RX (receive) and TX (transmit) two functions, it can get video and data from your transmitter, and send video and data to your receiver, This module has two frequencies, one frequency is as the receiver frequency, it is the same with your transmitter, another frequency is as the transmitter frequency, it is the same with your receiver.

We also can customize the repeater/relay for you. To avoid interference, we also add the two filters, ca in poza de mai jos.

COFDM relay repeater module including transmitter receiver filter
COFDM relay repeater module including transmitter receiver filter
Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 1

Repeater/Relay solution for two-way video data transmission bidirectional

Introducere TX900-10W PA și soluție ca repetor Drone

TX900-10W PA power amplifier supports drone repeater and FHSS function. Let me introduce the details below.

1. TX900 consists of a core modem (Vcan 1681, two-way wireless video, and data link module) și un de 2 wați, 5-watt, or 10-watt RF power amplifier inside. (un modem de bază și imaginea interioară PA de 2 wați)

2. Există două versiuni ale modemului de bază (același hardware cu firmware Soc diferit): The star wireless network version and the Mesh wireless network version.

Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 2
Numărul pieseiBanda de frecventa(MHz)Tip de rețea
K1501420~1530Star wireless network version.(P2P, P2MP)
Poate fi folosit pentru transmiterea punct la punct, transmitere punct la mai multe puncte, și transmisie prin releu cu un singur nod. Distanța maximă de transmisie între două puncte este de 150 km.
2401.5 – 2481.5
MK501400~1529,9Versiunea de rețea wireless Mesh.
Mod rețea mesh. Distanța maximă de transmisie între două puncte este de 50 km.
2401.5 – 2481.5
Drone Repeater a folosit modemul de bază și tipurile de frecvență și rețea

Doar același modem de bază poate comunica între ele, diferite modemuri de bază nu pot comunica între ele.

3. 10-Amplificatorul de putere RF Watt este disponibil pentru 806~826MHz, 1427.9~ 1447.9MHz, 2401.5 – 2481.5MHz, 1420~12470MHz, 1470~1530MHz. Asa de, putem avea TX900-10W pentru a funcționa în 806~826MHz, 1427.9~ 1447.9MHz, 2401.5 – 2481.5MHz, 1420~12480MHz, 1470~1530MHz.

A nota, Pentru banda 1420~1530MHz, trebuie să-l separăm în două sub-benzi (1420~1480MHz, 1470~1530MHz) deoarece amplificatorul de putere RF de 10 wați nu poate suporta întreaga bandă de 1420 ~ 1530MHz în aceeași placă hardware.

4. 1.4/3/5/10/20Lățimi de bandă în MHz configurabile, lățimea de bandă de lucru mai mare acceptă mai multe rate de transmisie în aceeași condiție. Pentru transmisie video de 150 km, vă sugerăm să utilizați o lățime de bandă de 20 MHz (cel puțin 10MHz).  

5. Pentru TX900-10W(1420~1480MHz) sau TX900-10W(1470~1530MHz), când setați lățimea de bandă de lucru este de 20MHz, are aproximativ 6 punctele centrale de frecvență de lucru; când setați lățimea de bandă de lucru la 10MHz, are aproximativ 12 punctul central al frecvenței de lucru;

Frecvența centrală de lucru va sări când detectează zgomot de frecvență. Dacă canalul curent al frecvenței de lucru este curat, nu va sări. Asta înseamnă că saltul de frecvență nu este la fel de regulat ca de x ori/secundă.

6. Există două soluții pentru transmiterea releului 150km+150km:

  Soluția A:

repetor-de-dronă-la-frecvență-diferită-pentru-transmițător-și-receptor-de-drone-video și-de-date fără fir

  Soluția B:

repetor-dronă-cu-aceeași-frecvență-1,4 Ghz-pentru-transmițător-și-receptor-video-și-date-fără-de-rază-lungă-de-drone

Vă sugerăm soluția A, deoarece acceptă mai multe rate de transmisie decât soluția B. It is more reliable on video transmission when the RF signal is weak (SNR scăzut).

Pe Oct. 25th, am testat soluția B. În timpul testării, avea puțin zgomot RF pe malul mării și putem vedea un turn de stație de bază pentru comunicații mobile la aproximativ 100 m în apropiere.

Raportare semnal pe litoral:

Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 3

Putem vedea că SNR este de aproximativ 2 ~ 4 pe litoral.

Signal reporting on the mountainside:

Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 4

Putem vedea că SNR este de aproximativ 4 ~ 7 pe versantul muntelui. Diferitele SNR de pe cele două părți au aprobat, de asemenea, că avea puțin zgomot RF pe litoral.

in orice caz, the video was transmitted very fluently with little RF noise.

Star Networking vs Mesh Networking pentru dronă sau robot.

Rețeaua STARRețeaua MESH
Point to Point Connection between nodesMulti-point to multi-point connection between nodes
Infrastructure basedIn Ad hoc mode, dispozitivele sunt autonome și libere de mișcare.
In Infrastructure mode, the movement of nodes is restricted around the control center.
Central control point is presentInfrastructure-based will have a control center whereas Ad hoc-based does not have it.
Nodes communicate via the control center.It is self-configuring.
The central control point is presentMulti hop communication
Devices or nodes can not move freely.Infrastructure-based will have a control center where as Ad hoc based does not.
Links between nodes and central control points can be configured.In Ad hoc mode, dispozitivele sunt autonome și libere de mișcare.
In Infrastructure mode, the movement of nodes are restricted around the control center.
Nodes communicate via the control center.Nodes relay traffic to other nodes on the path.

Technical Specification for the Repeater from one client

  1. It is required to create an SBus video/data/signal transmission system with a relay station installed on a hexacopter and GC.
  2. We need the ability to switch frequencies in the range from 800 MHz to 1.4 GHz for SBus data and video transmission (analog and digital with minimal delays).
  3. Sector antenna for adjusting the gain of the transmitted/received long-range signal. The ability to work with 5 receiving nodes. Support for Ethernet and UART connections between the repeater on the hexacopter and Ground Control requires a real-time image for the operator. The ability to work with 5 receiving nodes. Support Ethernet and UART connection between helicopter repeater and GC, requires a real-time image for the operator.
Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA
Soluție de repetor de dronă de transmițător și receptor video fără fir pe distanță lungă TX900-10W PA
UAV Video Link Drone Wireless Video Data Transmitter Receiver new 2023-
UAV Video Link Drone Wireless Video Data Transmitter Receiver New 2023-

1. Is your system capable of using 3 noduri? We have to use 3rd node as the repeater in the center between the transmitter and receiver.

da, suportă.

2. Dacă folosesc două drone, unul este un transmițător, altul este un repetor, și sunt controlate de un singur receptor. TX900 acceptă controlul avionului misiunii și al dronei releu?

da, există trei soluții pentru a face asta.

TX900 are trei porturi de date. Distingeți prin diferite porturi seriale transparente, precum D2 pentru a controla aeronavele releu și D3 pentru a controla aeronavele de misiune. Dezavantajul este că receptorul TX900 trebuie conectat la două porturi seriale pentru a trimite instrucțiuni separat.

Utilizați același port serial transparent pentru a trimite date în vrac, și apoi adăugați protocoale de nivel (cum ar fi informațiile din antet) la date pentru a distinge ce aeronavă ar trebui să primească și să proceseze datele. Dezavantajul este că procesarea trimiterii și primirii datelor este complicată.

Sau folosiți două receptoare: Un receptor este pentru avionul de misiune (transmiţător), iar un alt receptor este pentru drona repetitoare. The connection and operation are easier.

3. Our companyBoat-Sharingis engaged in the development of pleasure boats with remote control.
I ask you to give a commercial proposal for the development and sale of a remote control system with a relay system through a pilot-free aircraft at a distance of up to 200 kilometri. în plus, the boat must be equipped with a video camera with a video transmission system to the base station.

Our TX900 supports 10-watt PA 150km. It also supports relay if you buy three units. (One as transmitter, one as receiver, another as the receiver)

4. Is it possible to quickly change the operating mode (during the flight) of the repeater between point to point?

scuze, it can not. You can change the role of the transceiver to the transmitter, receptor, or repeater on the ground.

5. If we stay under 30Km LOS and 50Km with Repeater. Kindly share the transceiver datasheet so my team can better understand the Ports and interface available. We would also need RSSI and telemetry.
Is your quotation bundled with antennas?

da, our TX900 supports 30km LOS and 50km with repeater. (max 150~200km)

TX900 supports to show you real-time RSSI and telemetry.

Our quotation includes the four antennas. (two short antennae for the plane in the air side, two long antennae for the ground receiver)

6. Bună, please check our request about the transmitter, receiver and repeater.

Bună, interested in radio communication (rx and tx)for UAVs at frequencies of 300-320MHz or non-standard frequencies that you can offer us, we also need matched antennas for them.
And the ability to connect to the Radiomaster tx16s remote via twisted pair or USB.
To spread the remote control and the transmitter at a distance.
The range of radio communication should be at least 10 km with a very noisy radio broadcast.

Interested in a video transmitter and a video receiver at frequencies 2.1 – 2.2Ghz, și 4.8 – 4.9Ghz or non-standard frequencies that you can offer us for use on UAVs. Also matched antennas to them. Video receivers can connect either an AV cable, Fatshark, or sky zone glasses, or the ability to manufacture a ready-made helmet with a video receiver for these frequencies. emiţător video: Smart Audio support: da
Dimensiuni: ~40×23×10.5mm
Greutate: ~15 g.

Repeater. Product requirements: must transmit radio (300 – 320 Mhz) and video (2.1 – 2.2 sau 4.8 – 4.9 Ghz) communication on the same frequencies as previously requested. Or non-standard frequencies that you can offer us. The input voltage is from ~5 to 30 volți. As well as matched antennas to the kit.

7. Do you have a wireless video transmitter, receptor, repetitor, or relay for the forest?

Have you already tested your radio system inside the forest? I’m asking this for you because if you’ve already tested this, your experience will help a lot in my research.

Our idea is to stay at a fixed point outside the forest with the transmitter and control the ground robot, fix the receiver on the ground robot, and send it to the forest. We have developed another device that we are going to place on top of the treetops with a drone, and in this device, we can place the signal repeater that you have said you have.
Could you send me the radius models that you have available for this purpose and the technical specifications for me to check, Vă rog?

Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 5

For the ground receiver, D1 is a TTL serial port: black is GND, yellow is RX, red is TX
D2 and D3 are Sbus in interfaces: black is GND, yellow is Sbus in, and red is floating.

  1. Ground Receiver ( default IP is, nod de acces)
    D1 is TTL, D2, and D3 are Sbus in (black is GND, yellow is Sbus in, and red is floating);
  2. Aircraft Repeater / Releu ( default IP is, nodul central, also called relay)
    D1 is TTL, D3 is Sbus out (black is GND, yellow is Sbus out, red is floating), D2 is useless;
  3. Unmanned Ship transmitter ( default IP is, nod de acces)
    D1 is TTL, D2 is Sbus out (black is GND, yellow is Sbus out, red is floating), D3 is useless;
Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 6
Drone repeater solution of long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver TX900-10W PA 7
repeater for UAVs

bi-directional optical system for drone li fi, FHSS полудуплекс, коптер-ретранслятором, передача hdmi на 15 километров комплект оборудования, передача hdmi на 15 километров комплект оборудования, OFDM – XP 4000, видео модем для фпв 10 км цифра, передача видео с дрона плаз,

wireless video data transceiver sbus input output setting on the drone repeater solution
long-range wireless video data transceiver for ground use via repeater relay drone
long-range wireless video data transceiver for ground use via repeater relay drone

Contact us for a free solution for your project!

2 gânduri pe "Soluție de repetor de dronă de transmițător și receptor video fără fir pe distanță lungă TX900-10W PA

    • spune:

      Mulțumiri. We don’t off the repeater drone. We just offer a complete drone repeater solution, including the drone wireless video data transmitters, repetitor, si receptor.
      Our products are suitable who want to design and assemble the drone by themselves. It is not suitable for using already drone systems, like the DJI Tello drone.

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