input HDMI kana IP encoder web UI instruksi operasi

Input HDMI ka IP encoder web ui mangrupikeun sistem pikeun input video HDMI kami mindahkeun kaluaran IP stream ethernet RJ45 hirup.. Alamat IP standar input HDMI kami ka dewan modul IP encoder nyaeta Upami komputer anjeun tiasa ping ka alamat ieu suksés, Mangga buka alamat IP ieu dina browser. Anjeun tiasa ningali konfigurasi parameter ayeuna atanapi ngaropea dumasar kana kabutuhan aplikasi.

Catetan: Pikeun ngarobah sagala parameter konfigurasi ngaliwatan UI Wéb, sistem hardware kudu restarted pikeun konfigurasi robah mawa pangaruh.

Input HDMI kana setélan UI wéb IP encoder

1. Halaman Menu Jaringan

HDMI input to IP encoder web UI network
Input HDMI kana jaringan UI wéb IP encoder

IP lokal: alamat IP standar tina input HDMI ka papan modul encoder IP;

IP jauh: alamat IP tina sistem decoding pangrojong jauh dikirimkeun ngaliwatan jaringan. Data video disandikeun ku dewan encoding jeung port serial data sarta data audio dikumpulkeun ku dewan encoding (dewan encoding umumna boga port data serial sarta panganteur input audio) bakal dikirim ka sistem decoding dina tungtung tebih jaringan ngaliwatan port Ethernet. Data port serial tina sistem encoding bakal dikirimkeun ka port serial tina dewan decoding tina IP jauh.

Setelan IP jauh ngan sadia lamun meuli hiji pasangan papan kaasup transmiter jeung panarima.

palabuhan: Nomer port dimana data anu disandi dikirim ngaliwatan UDP (Jumlah port anu dikonpigurasi dina sisi decoder kedah sami sareng nomer port anu dikonpigurasi di sisi encoder).

Protokol: Konpigurasikeun protokol angkutan anu dianggo ku sistem encoding. Sacara standar, protokol UDP ngaminimalkeun reureuh, sarta ngarojong tur decodes titik-ka-titik UDP-TS pangiriman stream data video antara sistem. Protokol RTSP ngarojong tungtung decoding pikeun ngalakukeun RTSP on-demand (sarupa jeung métode IP Camera). Duanana hartosna yén streaming video dilaksanakeun nganggo protokol UDP sareng protokol RTSP dina waktos anu sami.

2. Kaca Menu Video

HDMI input to IP encoder web UI operation instruction 1
input HDMI ka IP encoder web UI video

latency low: pilihan mode encoding latency low. Ngan lamun sistem decoding low-latency H264 disambungkeun (sistem decoding pakait ogé disetel ka “latency low”), Sumuhun tiasa dipariksa di dieu. Pikeun nyambung ka sistem decoding H265 sareng H264 anu sanés, pariksa No dieu. (Atribut low-latency ngan lumaku pikeun model nu ngarojong low-latency codec, please consult the company for details).
H265: If H265 encoding is required (only for models that support H265 encoding, please consult the company for details), check Yes here. Checking No means H264 decoding.
Bitrate: Video encoding maximum bitrate setting. 0 means to use the system default settings (the system default video encoding maximum stream is 3.12Mbps).
GOP: Video encoding I frame interval setting, 0 means the system default setting.

3. Audio Menu Page

HDMI input to IP encoder web UI operation instruction 2
HDMI input to IP encoder web UI audio

asup —- turn on the audio input capture and encoding function;
kaluar —- turn off the audio input capture and encoding function.
Aout: The encoding system can receive the audio data sent by the remote decoding system through the network for decoding and output.
nuhun —-Enable audio decoding output;
teu—-Disable audio decoding output function.
Otomatis—-The system automatically captures audio from the current video input interface; salaku conto, when the current video input channel is HDMI, select Auto to capture digital audio from the HDMI interface; when the current video input channel is AV, select Auto to capture digital audio from the HDMI interface. Capture analog audio from the AV interface.
Anlg—-The system only captures analog audio from the AV interface.
Catetan: When reverse voice support is required (the video decoder sends voice to the video encoder), the audio input (ain) here must be configured in Anlg mode.
Mic —- Capture analog audio from the AV interface in Mic in mode. (The hardware connection of the encoding system must also be in Mic in mode)
Lin —- Collect analog audio from the AV interface in Line in mode. (The hardware connection of the encoding system must also be in Line in mode)

4. Serial Menu Page

HDMI input to IP encoder web UI operation instruction 3
HDMI input to IP encoder web UI serial

Our HDMI to IP encoding board has one data serial port. When the serial port data collected by the encoder board needs to be transmitted to the corresponding serial port of the remote decoder board through the network, the serial port communication parameters are set here. If the serial port of the encoding board is not used, the settings here have no effect on other functions of the system.

Baud_Rate: Set the baud rate of the data serial port of the encoding board.
Parity: Set the parity mode of the data serial port of the encoding board.
None/odd/Even correspond to: no parity/odd parity/even parity mode.
Max gap(Ibu): Set the maximum transmission interval of serial port data (to ensure real-time performance).
Max packet: Set the maximum packet size of the serial port data (if it is transmitted through a wireless link, it should be avoided that the transmission IP packet is too large).

5. RTSP Menu Page

HDMI input to IP encoder web UI operation instruction 4
HDMI input to IP encoder web UI RTSP

When the encoding module transmission protocol is set to use Rtsp in the Network menu item, you can view the real-time video stream access URL of the encoding system through this page. The RTSP Client (VLC, jeung sajabana) can access the RTSP video stream of the encoding system through this URL.
(Note that the uppercase and lowercase letters cannot be wrong)

6. System Menu Page

HDMI input to IP encoder web UI operation instruction 5
HDMI input to IP encoder web UI system

This menu is used to check the software firmware version of the encoding board system and update the software firmware through the Web UI.

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