FHSS Frékuénsi-hopping sumebar spéktrum pikeun pamancar jeung panarima link data video nirkabel

How does FHSS work on the drone wireless video transmitter and receiver?

FHSS is an automatic frequency modulation technology. We widely used FHSS in wireless video data transmission of drones. Because the drone’s wireless link is often subject to signal interference.

In this video, this frequency point shows the current signal strength.

nu 1365 we see is the current signal working frequency point of our wireless transmission equipment.

Why does this frequency go here?

Because there are other signals on the right that are interfering. It will run automatically.

If the signal receives interference again, it runs away again, choosing the frequency with the least interference.

This process is meant to avoid interference. We also call it the FHSS function.

Q1: What is the FHSS Frequency-hopping spread spectrum?

A1: Spéktrum sumebar frékuénsi-hopping (Modél ieu dirarancang pikeun pidéo sareng transmisi nirkabel data kalayan tautan data nirkabel dua arah) is a method of transmitting radio signals that involves rapidly changing the carrier frequency among a wide range of frequencies.

FHSS will occur automatically on both the transmitter and receiver at the same time. FHSS is used to prevent eavesdropping and interference on the long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver. When the current working frequency is jammed or interfered with, the transmitter and receiver disconnect and hop to the next available frequency to reconnect.

Q2: Why do you need the FHSS function?

1. Because the signal hops to a different frequency band, FHSS signals are highly resistant to narrow-band interference.

2. If the frequency-hopping pattern is unknown, signals are difficult to intercept.

3. Jamming is also difficult if the pattern is unknown; if the spreading sequence is unknown, the signal can only be jammed for a single hopping period.

4. With minimal mutual interference, FHSS transmissions can share a frequency band with many types of conventional transmissions. FHSS signals interfere in narrow-band communications and vice versa.

Q3: How to set the FHSS at your wireless video data transmitter and receiver?

A3: At the web manager UI, please choose the advance page, you can see the above picture.

Q4: 7 tips you should know before you choose a wireless video transmitter and receiver with FHSS function.

1. TX900B-2W supports the frequency range is 1420~1530MHz, and there is 110Mb bandwidth to use.

2. The customer can set the working bandwidth as 1.4M/3M/5M/10M/20MHz (Sanajan, 1.4M/3MHz may not be suited for video transmitting). Then TX900B-2W can work in FHSS mode (Spéktrum sumebar frékuénsi-hopping) and the system will automatically select the central working frequency and may do frequency hopping (between 1420~1530MHz) during its working.

3. Konsumén ogé tiasa ngarencanakeun ngagunakeun saluran frekuensi dina sadayana 1420 ~ 1530MHz sareng nyetél alat pikeun dianggo dina saluran frekuensi tetep ogé.

4. TX900B-2W supports the longest distance at 22km.
Iwal rentang frékuénsi dirojong jeung jarak pangpanjangna, penampilan fisik, interface, UI, operasi, teras salajengna, TX900B-2W sami sareng TX900B-15km-2W anu tos aya.

5. TX900B-2W only support a frequency range is 1420~1530MHz, teu ngarojong rentang frékuénsi 800MHz jeung 2.4GHz.

6. Aya dua vérsi, TX900B-2W-15km, sarta TX900B-2W-22km.

7. As the TX900B-2W frequency range is 110Mb, janten upami anjeun ngonpigurasikeun bandwidth anu tiasa dianggo salaku 10Mb, lajeng anjeun bakal meunang 11 nunjuk ka hopping.

P5: What is the working principle of your FHSS?

Our wireless video transceiver adopts intelligent frequency selection-interference avoidance.

Intelligent frequency selection (interference avoidance) technology is a new anti-interference technology, which can effectively avoid interference and maximize the reliability and stability of wireless transmission.

The key to our unique intelligent frequency selection (interference avoidance) technology lies in the three major processes of interference detection, decision-making, and switching execution. Interference detection refers to real-time detection of interference and background noise at each frequency point during normal communication, so as to provide basic support for decision-making. The decision-making is completed independently by each node, and the optimal frequency is selected based on the criterion of optimizing its own receiving performance. The point is used as the receiving frequency point; the switching execution occurs after the decision selects a new optimal frequency point, and the switching process will not cause data loss, ensuring stable and continuous data transmission.

Our unique intelligent frequency selection (disturbance avoidance) technology enables each node to independently and dynamically select different optimal frequency points for different frequency networking, so as to optimize the overall network performance and effectively avoid interference.

Mangga parios gambar di handap ieu, the blue area is the effective signal, jeung the red line is interference.

Q6: Does your FPV VTX support the FHSS frequency automatic jumping function to avoid interference?

FPV VTX is a one-way transmission and cannot support the FHSS frequency automatic hopping function.

FPV VTX is a one-way transmission, which can transmit the video from the aircraft to the ground receiver through the transmitter.

FHSS function, when the user finds that the signal sensitivity is declining or encounters an obstacle, it will notify the transmitter and receiver to modify the frequency at the same time and find a frequency with the least interference for transmission. If only the receiver modifies the frequency without controlling the transmitter to modify the same frequency, the frequency of the transmitter and receiver will be inconsistent and the transmission will be interrupted.

Because of the above requirement of notifying the transmitter to modify the frequency, the FHSS function needs to be based on a two-way transmission system.

Or your FPV VTX can support modifying the frequency function through the serial port. When you need to modify the frequency, the operator sends a preset serial port command from the receiver to the serial port of the transmitter. After receiving this command notification, the transmitter automatically changes to the next frequency point.

This is equivalent to your wireless transmission equipment, which has both a one-way video transmission function and a two-way data transmission function, which is equivalent to your current wireless control system. So whether it supports the serial port to modify the frequency of the transmitter depends on whether your current device supports it.

Our models below support such functionality.
Vcan1776 Vcan 1886

FHSS Frequency-hopping spread spectrum
FHSS Frékuénsi-hopping sumebar spéktrum

Q: Do you have a video data link as per the below requirement?

The required distance is 50 kilométer, Modél ieu dirarancang pikeun pidéo sareng transmisi nirkabel data kalayan tautan data nirkabel dua arah (jumping over 1,000 times in one second), ideally above 6Ghz (others can be considered, the most important thing is frequency hopping technology), and it is also necessary to transmit data, video, and protect the remote control channel, preferably A set of data links (pamancar + panarima + antena) using frequency hopping technology (Modél ieu dirarancang pikeun pidéo sareng transmisi nirkabel data kalayan tautan data nirkabel dua arah)

iVcan Reply: teu, The frequency is only 1.4G, the working frequency for 6Ghz needs custom development.

Q: Do you have any optional model to support the FHSS Frequency-hopping spread spectrum?

In the below picture, you can see that there are 12 points frequency ready for FHSS.

12-Frequency-Points for FHSS selected
FHSS Frequency-hopping spread spectrum for wireless video data link transmitter and receiver 6

Real-time interference detection function

The products that support FHSS

Drone Video Transmitter support FHSS

Radio Telemetry support FHSS

Video tés panganyarna pikeun drone Long-range Wirless Video Transmitter sareng Receiver

2W PA 27KM Test Nyata ti puncak gunung ka seaside Line-of-Sight

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COFDM-912T NLOS (non-garis tetempoan) 1.5km test nyata di kota, wangunan, tatangkalan jeung jalan

Manajemén Alat Web UI pikeun UAV video nirkabel transmisi link data pamancar ku kaméra IP Net

Pangmurahna CVBS RCA 720P Wireless Video pamancar + 1080P Rojongan panarima 128 énkripsi

COFDM-912T Estu nguji di lingkungan kota kompléks, pamancar dina mobil, panarima dina wangunan

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pangiriman Jarak

Protokol Control hiber

Input Video pamancar

Métode Pangiriman Nirkabel

Halangan jeung Paningal

Énkripsi sareng ngadekrip

Pamawa Transmisi

FAQs ngeunaan Wireless Video Transmitter jeung Receiver

Pamancar pidéo nirkabel urang gaduh jinis antarmuka input pidéo ieu: HDMI 1080P sareng 4K HDMI, CVBS komposit, SDI, AHD, IP Ethernet, BNC, atanapi wartosan kami jinis naon anu anjeun peryogikeun, insinyur urang bakal ngaropéa pikeun minuhan paménta anjeun.

Jarak transmisi urang bisa disaluyukeun ku nambahkeun power amplifier. Ayeuna, anu utama nyaéta 15km, 30km, 50km, 80km, 100km , sareng 150 km, nu gumantung kana kabutuhan konsumén.

Tangtosna, jarak transmisi anu didaptarkeun di luhur sadayana aya LOS rentang line-of-sight. Lamun aya halangan antara pamancar jeung panarima, NLOS (nu non-line-of-sight), jarak transmisi ieu greatly ngurangan, ngan 1 km atawa 2 km, gumantung kana jumlah halangan panengah sareng lingkungan nirkabel lokal.

Saarah hartina, Urang ngan ukur tiasa ngirimkeun sareng ngaunduh pidéo atanapi data tina pamancar pidéo nirkabel ka panarima dina hiji arah, sarta kami moal bisa unggah video atawa data ti panarima ka pamancar. Jenis ieu disebut ogé simpléks.

Dua arah hartina éta, teu ngan urang bisa ngundeur video atawa data ti pamancar nirkabel urang ka panarima, tapi ogé urang tiasa unggah pidéo atanapi data tina panarima ka pamancar. Ieu cocog pisan pikeun drones operasi. Anjeun teu ngan bisa ningali video real-time dikirimkeun ti drone nu, tapi ogé unggah paréntah pikeun ngadalikeun drone atawa paréntah pikeun ngadalikeun kaméra PTZ pikeun nyaluyukeun sudut ka pamancar. Ieu tiasa beroperasi sakaligus. Jenis ieu ogé dingaranan half-dulpex atanapi full-duplex.

Punten parios detilna dina tautan di handap ieu. https://ivcan.com/request-a-quote-of-wireless-video-transmission/#simplex

Kaseueuran pamancar pidéo nirkabel ayeuna ngadukung AES128 atanapi AES256 enkripsi bit jeung dekripsi, gumantung kana model nu Anjeun pilih. Mangga ngahubungan kami pikeun pariksa.

Frékuénsi boh pamancar pidéo nirkabel sareng panarima pidéo nirkabel bisa dirobah. Pamaké kedah mésér papan konfigurasi parameter tambahan.

Sanajan, nimbangkeun yén panguat kakuatan sareng anteneu anu saluyu parantos dipasang dina kisaran anu tangtu nalika barang dikirim kaluar.. Lamun pamaké ngaluyukeun frékuénsi pamancar, nu pakait panguat kakuatan, anteneu pamancar jeung anteneu panarima ogé kudu dirobah kana frékuénsi anu sarua, sarta pamaké ieu kudu disiapkeun. Lamun henteu, eta bakal ngabalukarkeun frékuénsi pamancar video nirkabel jadi béda ti frékuénsi anteneu, nyieun panarimaan hésé. Janten punten pastikeun pikeun nginpokeun frekuensi anu leres anu anjeun peryogikeun sateuacan nempatkeun pesenan.

Lamun pikeun kaamanan atawa karusiahan, Anjeun tiasa ngagunakeun énkripsi sareng dekripsi fungsi pamancar jeung panarima, nu bisa mastikeun yén transmisi video anjeun pribadi. .

nuhun, sakabéh produk urang parameter bisa ngaropéa nurutkeun pangabutuh customer urang. Upami Anjeun gaduh pamundut husus, mangga wartosan kami liwat link di handap.


  1. Ganti tempat panarima pikeun ngahindarkeun poténsi gangguan lokal tina lingkungan magnét anu kuat.
  2. Pastikeun yén anteneu on duanana pamancar jeung panarima nangtung.
  3. Punten angkat anteneu pamancar sareng panarima ka ngajaga bédana jangkungna tangtu.
  4. Mangga tingali sabudeureun pikeun mastikeun yén teu aya halangan antara pamancar sareng panarima.
  5. Robah orientasi tina anteneu panarima.
  6. Lamun teu jalan, coba mindahkeun panarima ka deukeut posisi pamancar pikeun nempo lamun eta ngaleuwihan jarak transmisi nirkabel éféktif.
  7. Atawa mertimbangkeun nambahkeun hiji relay tina pamancar antara pamancar jeung panarima.
  8. Anteneu kudu saluhur mungkin tina taneuh, sakumaha taneuh bakal nyerep sinyal dikirimkeun.
Urang tiasa, tangtosna, nganyadiakeun pamancar video nirkabel modul jeung power amplifier.
Pikeun tés sampel munggaran, Abdi nyarankeun yén anjeun mésér sadaya set produk sabab insinyur kami parantos ngaoptimalkeun parameter pikeun ngahontal prestasi anu pangsaéna.
Saatos réngsé verifikasi tés anjeun, Anjeun tiasa nyabut wadahna atanapi heat sink, install dina alat Anjeun, tur terus-terusan nyaluyukeun parameter pikeun ngahontal kinerja pangalusna. Di masa anu payun, Anjeun bakal tiasa mésér ukur modul atawa asesoris nu diperlukeun.

Tangtosna, urang ogé ngarti yén pamancar jeung panarima transmisi video nirkabel pisan mahal. Anjeun jauh ti pabrik Cina. sarta miharep yén barang anjeun nampi cocog pikeun kinerja pangalusna.

Lamun nengetan husus ka parameter husus atawa fungsi, urang tiasa nyandak sababaraha vidéo tés dumasar kana fitur anu anjeun hoyong tingali, mangga ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami. Éta moal dikirim ka anjeun langsung tanpa persetujuan anjeun.

Pikeun nguji reureuh tina pamancar jeung panarima video nirkabel, urang kudu ngalakukeun dua tés.

Anu kahiji nyaéta pikeun nguji reureuh tina kaméra ka tampilan.

Anu kadua nyaéta kaméra, tambah tampilan tambah pamancar transmisi gambar nirkabel sarta reureuh tina panarima.

Ngurangan dua hasil tés nyaéta tunda nyata tina pamancar sareng panarima pidéo nirkabel.

Salaku pamancar pidéo nirkabel HDMI jarak jauh profésional sareng panyadia panarima sareng produsén di Cina Shenzhen, kami ngahasilkeun pamancar sareng panarima pidéo nirkabel pangsaéna salami mangtaun-taun, sarta kami meunang reputasi alus sarta ulasan pangalusna.

Sababaraha merek kawentar pamancar video nirkabel, kawas Blackmagic, Holyland mars 300 400s, Accsoon cine panon 5g, Panon Gagak, Zhiyun, Inkee benbox, actiontec, CVW SWIFT 800, dahua, iogear, Artek pat-225k, mikrolit, ngelek, teradec.

Pamancar pidéo siaran nirkabel anggaran pangsaéna sareng panarima ngagaduhan seueur aplikasi, pikeun 4k tv, kaméra kaamanan CCTV, kaméra cadangan kandaraan, Kit kaméra pidéo PTZ, batré-powered, komputer, kaméra sony, sistem konferensi video wifi, CANON DSLR, drone UAV, komputer pc laptop, proyektor, di-mobil, iPhone iPad, hirup streaming, kaméra olahraga GoPro, buah prambus pi, Xbox.

Video HD lengkep, audio, link data pangleutikna 1080P pamancar video nirkabel sarta panarima boga loba panyambungna input sarta output, kawas AV komposit CVBS, HDMI, SDI, BNC, VGA, USB.

Frekuensi TX RX pangirim pamancar pidéo nirkabel ngagaduhan 170-806Mhz, 1.2ghz, 2.4G, 5.8G, panghandapna tapi teu enol latency. Pikeun ngadukung jarak anu langkung jauh, power amplifier boga 10w, 20watt, komo 30W.

Naon anu pangsaéna mésér pamancar pidéo nirkabel FHD kalayan harga anu murah? Sakuduna mertimbangkeun sarat rinci Anjeun, milih cocog, teu mahal, upami anjeun gaduh mamang, Punten minuhan éta menta cutatan a wujud, insinyur kami bakal nawiskeun anjeun solusi.

Panganyarna 2W Power Amplifier 27 KM jarak jauh panarima pamancar video nirkabel hirup demo gambar transmisi link data di 2022

Dina raraga hadé némbongkeun konsumén urang jarak rojongan sabenerna sarta ngagunakeun efek tina 2W PA 30km jarak jauh transmisi gambar pamancar jeung panarima., kami ngalaksanakeun tés anu saleresna nembe sareng mendakan Puncak Meisha, ti dieu ka sisi laut Nan'ao, Jarak téh 27 kilométer. Ieu [...]

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