COFDM Wireless Video pamancar jeung panarima

Daptar eusi

COFDM Wireless video transmitter and receiver Dimension

2-watt PA COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter

ukuran: 90x65 x 22 mm

cofdm video transmitter
Length of 2-Watts cofdm video transmitter
cofdm digital video transmitter
Width of 2-Watt cofdm digital video transmitter
cofdm hd wireless transmitter
Hight of 2-watt cofdm hd wireless transmitter

The most recent advancements in COFDM (Kodeu Ortogonal Frékuénsi Divisi Multiplexing) wireless video transmitter and receiver technology have transformed how video is transmitted and received. COFDM is a modulation technique that allows digital data to be transmitted over a wide range of frequencies, resulting in a more reliable signal and improved data transmission.

We use COFDM technology in numerous applications, such as digital television, transmisi video nirkabel, na radio digital. It’s also found in military and aerospace applications like satellite communications and unmanned aerial vehicles.

tungtungna, recent advancements in COFDM wireless video transmitter and receiver technology have transformed the way video is transmitted and received. This technology has enabled high-definition video transmission over wireless networks, as well as video transmission over a variety of networks and devices. The use of advanced coding techniques, such as forward error correction (FEC) and adaptive modulation, has enabled this.


5-watt PA COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter

COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver 1
COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver 2

5-Watt PA COFDM-912T Weight

Package for one full set of the COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter


FAQ of the COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver

Hai, I am looking for a long-range hd video transmitter with hdmi input and a receiver with hdmi output.

Would you like a saarah atawa dua arah sistim? As long as you need to send the video, do you still need to send the control operation of the drone?

Only transmit and receive in a surveillance center. The idea is to use the HDMI output of the remote control and retransmit it to the central. The drone has a system to transmit over the internet, but there is no internet in the desert, so we need to retransmit but not with the internet.

OKÉ, our one-way long-range wireless video transmission solution is the base of COFDM technology (similar to DVB-T digital TV broadcasting). It is not on the base of the Internet.

Does this COFDM wireless video transmitter and receiver have AES 256 atawa 128 énkripsi? the output format is full hd?

nuhun, COFDM-912T supports AES 128 énkripsi. Please notify us to plus a Parameter Configuration board for setting the AES128 password when you are placing the order. It is optional to buy.

The COFDM-912T transmitter only supports SD720P Video input. So even if the receiver has HDMI output, it cannot output real 1080P high-definition video, only 720P.

If you have very high requirements on the definition of picture output, I suggest you choose a model that both the transmitter and receiver support 1080P, COFDM-908T

Can it reach 30 km around?

In the introduction of the wireless video transmission system, all the transmission distances mentioned are based on the visible range (THE). The 2WPA power amplifier supports 30 kilometers and is usually used on drones. The altitude is very high and the receiver is on the ground, so there is an obvious height difference between the transmitter and the receiver, and the wireless signal is transmitted in accordance with the waveform. The signal loss is small and other interference is very little clutter.

You mentioned that your usage scenario is that both the transmitter and receiver are on the ground, especially in desert areas, and there may be rolling sand dunes. kituna, the signal transmitted wirelessly is easily interfered with. So here are the suggestions:

1. Try to use a high-power transmitter, sapertos 10 Watts atawa 20 Watts. Many of our ship customers use 20W transmitters.

2. Try to use a higher antenna or put the antenna on the roof or a nearby hill, and you can also increase the antenna tripod. Our clients always choose some 1.8-meter FRP omnidirectional fiberglass antennas.
COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver with 1.8 meter omnidirectional FRP antenna Yagi directional antenna

3. If conditions permit, a repeater can also be added to enhance the signal strength and increase the transmission distance. The repeater can be fixed at a high place or on the roof of a moving car.

How to assemble the wireless video transmitter, kamera, and battery?

Mangga parios gambar di handap ieu.
COFDM drone video transmitter camera battery assemble conneciton
There are two power connectors at the transmitter, the red connector is 12V output for the camera, and the black connector is 12V input.

What is the lag or delay in milliseconds of your COFDM-912T?

200-300ms with a regular camera and monitor.
Normal camera and screen have a delay of 200 milliseconds, bener?
With our 100 milliseconds, it’s about 300 ka 400.
We also have one with 30 milliseconds, but the price is 6 times that
300 milliseconds is acceptable if your plane has an automatic obstacle avoidance function.

I noted your transmitter can support up to 30 kilometers in LOS. How far will it support in the NLOS environment?

It’s hard to say the range of non-line-of-sight use, it depends on how many obstacles are in the middle. It is difficult to transmit if fully surrounded metal or mountains block it.
The test environment is unique, and the distance obtained from the test is also different. We can’t make any guarantees or promises about this.

We are a company that offers a solution to some rural areas here in the Philippines to monitor their rivers. If we purchased a 2W(30km) in the NLOS location, it could be reduced to 20km or more?

It is hard to say, it should depend on the obstacles between the transmitter and receiver. We don’t test it in your use environment, So I can’t tell you.
The same product will be interfered with differently in different environments, and the transmission distance is hard to say. Only the actual test will know.

Buyer: Actually, we have installed a radio transceiver that gathers a data sensor and transmits its data to an 18km distance center command. The operation is smooth and ok.
The same place we’re going to put up the device that we will buy from you.
As you have said, only an actual test will answer all of my questions.

Can the COFDM-912T TX device output separate serial data?

Data can only be transmitted in one direction from the transmitter to the receiver.
If you need to transmit data in both directions, you need to add a digital radio telemetry. (wireless data transceiver).

I would like to know if the transmitter can also output serial data on what the camera is capturing. Other than RF does it have a separate rs232 output for the transmitter?

nuhun, COFDM-912T supports transferring the serial data for you. Mangga parios gambar di handap ieu.
wireless transmitter board

In this module where I can put up the camera? What type of camera is suited for this device?

The black one on the left shows a little bit of the above picture, which is connected to the camera.
It supports a 720p CVBS composite AV camera. or any HDMI camera by HDMI to AV converter box.

How can I let the transmission still work well if I remove the menu and panel board from the receiver?

Is there any way to disable the control panel so that the receiver can see the video from the transmitter?
If I remove the control panel on the receiver, the receiver does not see the signal from the transmitter.
Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver remove the menu and panel board
jawaban: Please check the FAQ in the below link.,_why_it_is_not_saving_when_i_restart?

I guess that you did not save the frequency, after you remove the menu on the receiver, the system will be back to the default frequency of 340Mhz. So you can not get the signal.

If GPS and TX are separated less than 1 meter – GPS is jammed. COFDM-912T has significant noise in GPS l1 and l2 freq. Do you have any low-pass filters to solve this problem?

Hai! We did extensive testing before ordering a bigger batch. And faced issues if combining the COFDM-912T transmitter with GPS.
external low-pass filter and IC of low-pass filter to add on the transmitter board

1. If you buy it again, I can add a low pass filter in the transmitter inside free. I can also provide an external low-pass filter for you for free.

2. “Do you know what insertion loss is in non-filtered frequency?”, jawaban: max 0.6db

3. “Do you know what dBm loss is pass frequency?” 0.4dBm

COFDM-912T Customize Development

2 Watts default 595Mhz with 1.8-meter transmitter and receiver antenna

The client told us that his application details, the transmitter and receiver, are both used on the ground. In order to enhance the wireless transmission distance and avoid other signal interference, I recommend that both the transmitter and receiver antennas use 1.8-meter fiberglass antennas.

It was the first time the customer took the sample for testing, so he used the default two-watt amplifier and 595 MHz frequency.

The customer requires that the transmitter have an HDMI output so that he can transmit the received video to other devices. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, in order to support HDMI input, I also matched an HDMI to CVBS RCA AV converter box.

The customer has added an optional parameter adjustment tool, the main function of which is to modify the transmitter’s transmission frequency and impedance. You can also add a password to the wirelessly transmitted video to encrypt the video of the transmitter. We must enter the same password on the receiver to decode the video to improve the security of the video.

cofdm transmitter
COFDM pamancar
cofdm video transmitter with 1.8 meter transmitter and receiver antenna2
COFDM video transmitter-receiver with two 1.8-meter antenna
COFDM Transmitter receiver feed cable length
COFDM Transmitter receiver feed cable length

Change COFDM Transmitter to 200 mW PA, with a power switch of the cooling fan for body wear

Customize a video on-off switch on the COFDM Transmitter for audio-only wireless transfer.

Here is the test video for this client’s requirement, added a video on-off switch at the 10-watt PA wireless video transmitter to transfer the audio only.

Here is a video to show you that we can add one video on-off switch on the COFDM wireless video audio transmitter.
Video on, then the transmitter will transfer the video and audio at the same time.
Video off, then the transmitter will transfer the audio only.
If you have any project or need to customize the function of the wireless video transmitter and receiver, mangga ngahubungan kami.
The default power amplifier is 2-watt, we also make a 10-watt PA inside, to support long-range and transfer more extended distances.

2 Watts default 595Mhz with Yagi Directional Antenna and Omnidirectional antenna


300 Watts power amplifier modified 230Mhz COFDM wireless video transmitter and receiver

230Mhz work frequency cofdm video transmitter at 300 mill watts
230Mhz work frequency cofdm video transmitter at 300 mill watts
COFDM Transmitter customize 230Mhz and 420Mhz
COFDM Transmitter customized 230Mhz and 420Mhz
5-watt power amplifier transmitter and cofdm wireless video receiver
5-watt power amplifier transmitter and COFDM wireless video receiver


1. Dupi abdi tiasa ngarobah frékuénsi pamancar jeung panarima? Naha éta tiasa dianggo 260 pita MHz?
  1. nuhun, rentang frékuénsi bisa dirobah tina 170Mhz (leuwih alus ti 220Mhz) nepi ka 860MHz. Janten tiasa dianggo saé dina pita 260Mhz.
  2. Frékuénsi kudu dirobah jadi sarua dina pamancar jeung panarima. Sabab, Panguat Daya sareng frékuénsi anteneu kedah ngarobih frekuensi anu sami. (Anjeun kedah mésér panguat kakuatan sareng anteneu pikeun pamancar sareng panarima pikeun nyumponan frekuensi anu dirobih anjeun).
  3. Pikeun ningkatkeun sensitipitas ngirim sareng nampi, lebar band frékuénsi umumna dijieun pisan sempit (frékuénsi puseur ±15MHz, jadi rubakpita kudu 30Mhz). Panguat kakuatan pamancar sareng frékuénsi anteneu disaluyukeun khusus dumasar kana frékuénsi anu anjeun peryogikeun.
  4. Hadé pisan mun éta nempatkeun pesenan, punten wartosan abdi jenis frékuénsi gawé anjeun peryogi. Insinyur kami bakal ngarobih frékuénsi pamancar sareng panarima, sarta ogé ngaropéa pa jeung anteneu custom nurutkeun rentang frékuénsi ieu pikeun mastikeun sensitipitas pangalusna sarta ngarojong jarak transmisi pangpanjangna.
  5. Frékuénsi standar nyaéta 590Mhz, Kalayan 30Mhz (+/-15MHz), Anjeun tiasa ngarobahna tanpa ngarobah Power Amplifier jeung anteneu. Salaku conto, 578MHz, 584MHz, 590MHz, 596MHz, jeung 602MHz.
  6. Upami anjeun kedah ngarobih frekuensi pemancar sareng bandwidth, Anjeun peryogi alat husus tina dewan ngonpigurasikeun parameter, mangga tingali gambar di handap ieu, éta lain aksésori standar, punten mésér éta kalayan biaya tambahan atanapi ngahubungi kami sateuacan mesen.

parameter configure board tool for transmitter
Parameter ngonpigurasikeun alat dewan pikeun pamancar

nuhun, eta ngarojong pikeun ngirim video jeung data UART ti pamancar jeung panarima.
Kusabab éta transmisi hiji arah, jadi teu bisa ngirim paréntah kontrol ti panarima ka pamancar.

Upami anjeun kedah ngirim paréntah kontrol atanapi data sanés tina panarima pikeun ngontrol alat sanés sapertos kaméra atanapi drone di pamancar, Anjeun tiasa nambahkeun hiji set parabot transmisi digital mirah, taros Kami, sarta kami bisa ngaropea eta pikeun anjeun.


Mangga parios definisi UART dina pamancar sareng panarima dina tautan di handap ieu. Punten wartosan abdi upami anjeun hoyong gaduh kabel lead. (standar henteu)

Drone wireless video transmitter UART connection define for data transmission
Drone pamancar video nirkabel sambungan UART nangtukeun pikeun pangiriman data

drone wireless video receiver UART connection define for data transmission
drone panarima video nirkabel sambungan UART nangtukeun pikeun pangiriman data

Panguat Daya standar pamancar nyaéta 2 Watts, sangkan bisa ngarojong 30 KM di line-of-sight.

Gambar di handap ieu mangrupikeun jarak anu diuji urang ti gunung ka sisi laut.

Upami anjeun hoyong ngirimkeun jarak anu langkung panjang, Anjeun tiasa ningkatkeun panguat kakuatan. Salian hiji watt sareng dua watt, urang ogé bisa nyieun 5 watt, 10 watt, jeung 20 watt pikeun pilihan Anjeun. Panguat anu langkung ageung ogé peryogi batré anu langkung ageung sareng dukungan anu ayeuna.


Pikeun 20W PA, catu daya kedah 24 ~ 28V. Ngan di 28 volt tiasa power amplifier ngahontal workability pangalusna.

Insinyur urang tiasa ngarobih frékuénsi ka 300Mhz tina standar 590Mhz, anteneu, jeung Pa di gudang anu 590Mhz, 300Mhz peryogi dua minggu kanggo ngaropea, jadi waktu pangiriman perlu leuwih panjang batan standar urang 590Mhz.

nuhun, éta ngadukung input pidéo 720P CVBS dina pamancar sareng output pidéo 1080P HDMI dina panarima.
Upami kaméra anjeun konektor HDMI, anjeun tiasa nganggo hiji kotak konvérsi pidéo HDMI ka CVBS, eta bakal laér leuwih murah ti anjeun dipaké hiji pamancar video nirkabel.
HDMI to CVBS AV video converter box
Upami anjeun masih peryogi input HDMI dina pamancar, mangka dianjurkeun model handap.
OFDM Wireless Video Transmitter
COFDM-908T ogé disarankeun.

Lengkah 1: Punten pencét OK sareng tombol katuhu dina waktos anu sami, menu naha pikeun ngahemat nembongan dina layar.

COFDM Wireless Reciever save parameter
Parameter hemat COFDM Wireless Reciever

Lengkah 2: Punten pencét OK kanggo milih Sumuhun pikeun nyimpen.

wireless video receiver adjust parameter
panarima ngarobih pidéo nirkabel

nuhun, Anjeun tiasa ngarobah frékuénsi ka 300Mhz, tapi ieu teu dianjurkeun.
1. Pamancar sareng panarima pidéo nirkabel kami ngadukung énkripsi sareng dekripsi AES128. Sandi bisa dirobah dina dewan konfigurasi iraha wae. Éta aman pikeun pidéo anjeun.
2. Lamun ngarobah frékuénsi on pamancar jeung panarima ka 300Mhz, anteneu jeung frékuénsi Power Amplifier kudu dirobah jadi 300Mhz ogé.
Pikeun sajumlah leutik anteneu frékuénsi husus, meureun pabrik anteneu moal satuju kana produk husus.
3. Meureun masalah anteneu geus direngsekeun. Panguat kakuatan dina pamancar prasetél, sareng kami ogé ngirim anjeun pidéo tés sateuacan pangiriman. Upami pangguna akhir ngarobih frekuensi panguat kakuatan, gampang diduruk. Tanpa amplifier kakuatan, mangka sistem ieu teu bisa jalan ogé dina jarak jauh. Nu meuli kudu ngirim deui ka pabrik Cina pikeun perbaikan, Sanajan perbaikan urang gratis, tapi nu meuli kudu mayar sagala biaya pengiriman barang.
4. Punten wartosan kami frekuensi naon anu dipikahoyong ku pembeli, kami bakal ngarobih sareng nguji kualitasna di pabrik. sanggeus QC lulus, kami bakal ngirim anjeun.
COFDM-912T mangrupa saarah sistem transmisi nirkabel.
Éta hartosna ngan ukur ngaunduh pidéo atanapi data tina pamancar ka panarima, tapi teu bisa unggah data UART ti panarima ka pamancar, salaku conto, eta teu bisa ngadalikeun kaméra pamancar urang atawa drone.
Naha éta cocog pikeun proyék anjeun?
Atawa pariksa dina link handap, urang bakal ngarti jelas proyek Anjeun.
COFDM-912T nyaéta sistem transmisi video hiji arah.
Upami anjeun kedah ngontrol kaméra sareng drone, Anjeun kudu milih model dua arah.
Ayeuna kami tiasa nawiskeun anjeun antena pamancar pangleutikna 13 cm panjangna.
Ngingetan, punten nganggo anteneu anu langkung ageung atanapi langkung panjang upami proyek anjeun ngamungkinkeun, eta bisa meunang kinerja panarimaan hadé dina rentang nu leuwih gede.
13cm length cofdm wireless video transmitter antenna
13panjangna cm cofdm anteneu pamancar video nirkabel

Set lengkep standar

  1. SD pamancar ( PA 0,5W, 1W, 2W, 5W, 10W, 20W, 50W pilihan nurutkeun paménta urutan Anjeun)
  2. anteneu SD pamancar
  3. HDMI CVBS panarima kaluaran kalawan menu kontrol parameter jeung layar leutik
  4. 0.8-méteran panarima anteneu 1 PCS. (Aya dua jinis masang atanapi ngalereskeun anteneu: 1. anteneu base mamat magnét, 2. standar U-tipe clamp FRP fiberglass anteneu )
  5. meunang milih, dewan konfigurasi parameter pikeun pamancar video nirkabel.

(Upami anjeun peryogi anteneu dasar mamat magnét, ekspres atanapi pamawa nganggap produk magnét bakal ngaganggu kasalametan pesawatna, jadi biaya pengiriman barang leuwih luhur ti anteneu clamp tipe U. )

Dimensi pakét set lengkep standar

  1. 84*21*12CM
  2. Beurat kotor 4.5KG
  3. Upami anjeun milih langkung ti 100cm anteneu sareng anteneu dasar mamat magnét, Sababaraha forwarders angkutan barang bakal ngecas waragad tambahan, sapertos biaya tambahan panjang sareng biaya tambahan pikeun barang magnét anu kuat.

  1. Parameter pamancar ngonpigurasikeun dewan béda ti anu aya dina panarima. The firmware on dewan Konpigurasikeun parameter éta béda ti pamancar jeung panarima, aranjeunna teu bisa dipaké bulak.
  2. Parameter pamancar ngonpigurasikeun dewan tiasa nyaluyukeun atenuasi sinyal dina pamancar. Per 0.3db bakal ngirangan 0.5W pa.
Ieu papan konfigurasi parameter pamancar.
parameter configure board tool for transmitter
Parameter ngonpigurasikeun alat dewan pikeun pamancar
Di handap ieu dewan konfigurasi parameter panarima.
COFDM Wireless Reciever save parameter
Parameter hemat COFDM Wireless Reciever

tatanya: Éta mungkin pikeun ngarobah kakuatan outpout (internal PA 0,5 w, 1 w, 2 w) ngaliwatan dewan konfigurasi?

parameter configuration board tool for COFDM wireless video transmitter
alat dewan konfigurasi parameter pikeun pamancar video nirkabel COFDM
  1. Sakumaha dijawab di luhur, Anjeun tiasa nyaluyukeun kakuatan kaluaran ku netepkeun parameter ATTEN ngaliwatan alat dewan konfigurasi parameter dina pamancar. (Alat ieu henteu kalebet pakét standar, anjeun kedah ngabéjaan yén anjeun hoyong gaduh alat ieu nalika anjeun mesen)
  2. Lamun meuli 2W Pa, teras anjeun tiasa nyetél éta 0,5W, 1W, tapi teu bisa ngarobah kana 5W.
  3. Urang ogé tiasa ngadamel kana 5W, 10W, 20W, sareng 50W upami anjeun peryogi ngadukung jarak jauh.


Pamancar pidéo nirkabel ieu ngan ukur ngadukung kaméra CVBS atanapi input pidéo, tipe séjén kaméra video perlu kotak converter tambahan.

teu. Ieu COFDM (DVB-T) téknologi.

Jadi rentang frékuénsi COFDM nyaeta 170-860Mhz. Bisa ngarojong 477, 610, 675, 724, 816MHz, tapi teu bisa ngarojong 970, 1180, 1230 MHz.

Pamancar modél khusus urang tiasa ngadukung sadaya rentang di luhur, tapi panarima kudu ngagunakeun blok downconverter.

Dina raraga ngidinan sistem transmisi nirkabel urang ngarojong rentang lega tur kakuatan sinyal hadé, urang umumna nyetel frékuénsi operasi ka titik nu tangtu (170~860Mhz), sareng rentang anu dirojongna ngan ukur tambah atanapi minus 15Mhz. Salaku conto, frékuénsi puseur nyaéta 590Mhz, rentang frékuénsi rojongan max kedah 575Mhz ~ 605Mhz, PA sareng anteneu disaluyukeun khusus dumasar kana frékuénsi pusat ieu.

Masih aya patarosan?

Mangga ngahubungan kami pikeun inpo nu leuwih lengkep.

Kirim patarosan anjeun

How to add a low-pass filter chip to the transmitter?

Some customers reported that when the distance between our transmitter and the GPS antenna is less than one meter, the transmitter will interfere with the work of the GPS through the transmitting antenna.

GPS satellite signals are divided into L1 and L2, with frequencies of 1575.42MHZ and 1228MHZ respectively. Our transmitter frequency is 595Mhz by default. If we encounter this situation, we can consider adding a low-pass filter, which means frequencies below 600Mhz. Frequencies above 600 MHz can be suppressed to avoid interference with other emitting electronic products.

There are two ways to add a filter. One is to add a filter IC to the COFDM-912T transmitter board, and the other is to add a filter box outside the transmitter. The down-pass filter can suppress frequencies below a certain frequency point, and the wave-pass filter can suppress the frequencies below a certain frequency point by allowing them to pass through.


Ninggalkeun Balesan

alamat surélék anjeun moal diterbitkeun. Widang diperlukeun ditandaan *

Panggihan leuwih ti

Ngalanggan ayeuna pikeun tetep maca sareng kéngingkeun aksés kana arsip lengkep.

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