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Pangiriman Data Nirkabel, radio telemetry

Wireless Data Transceiver

A wireless data transceiver for drones, also known as a wireless telemetry system or radio link communication module, is a device that allows data to be exchanged between a drone and a ground station or remote controller. These transceivers are essential for controlling and monitoring the UAV's flight, as well as relaying vital data such as telemetry data, video feeds, and operation directives.

Kéngingkeun Penawaran Gratis

What you should consider when you choose a suitable wireless data transceiver?

Sistem Transmisi Data Nirkabel dipaké pikeun pangiriman data antara kontrol hiber jeung stasiun taneuh. Prinsip dasarna nyaéta modem tiasa dianggo sacara nirkabel. Pikeun nempatkeun éta bluntly, éta garis data, tapi éta nirkabel sarta boga fungsi garis data. Tujuanana pikeun ngagampangkeun adjustment parameter, data telemétri, ngawaskeun jarak jauh, teu perlu nyolok dina kabel, and can adjust parameters during flight and send back the flight data of the flight controller.
Pondokna, this "data line" is not simple, and there are many precautions. Here I will introduce the origin of this "data line".

Which system of the UAV is the data transmission in?

The control system of the UAV is known as a part of the heart of the UAV. Kanyataanna, the subsystems of UAVs also include navigation and control systems, link systems, payload systems, and ground station systems. The data transmission belongs to the link system here. The link system specifically includes the data transmission link, the image transmission link and the remote control, which is the only link connecting the ground station and the aircraft. Link systems can:
  • Help the UAV to receive instructions from the ground station;
  • Send the image information collected by the UAV payload system to the ground station;
  • Transmit the UAV's attitude, position, altitude and power back to the ground station.

What is a Wireless Radio digital link

The wireless data transmission link is also the data transmission system, which is divided into an airborne data transmission station and a ground data transmission station, which can transmit information such as the attitude, position, and height of the UAV to the air terminal and the ground terminal.
  • Airborne data transmission station: connected to the UAV's autopilot through a data cable;
  • Ground data transmission station: connected to the UAV ground station through data lines.

How to choose a radio data link

We all know that the UAV data transmission station is the core of the UAV data link and an indispensable part of the UAV flight control system. kituna, the correct selection of the UAV data transmission station is the key to the success of the UAV project. a key part of. So, how to choose the right data transmission correctly?
There are several characteristics to measure whether the UAV data transmission station is robust:
  • ukuran leutik, beurat cahya, konsumsi kakuatan low;
  • Convenient wiring and easy to use;
  • Frequency hopping spread spectrum function, pangabisa anti gangguan kuat: the higher the frequency hopping combination, the stronger the anti-interference ability. General equipment can achieve dozens or hundreds of frequency hopping combinations, and equipment with excellent performance can achieve 60,000 a frequency hopping combination.
  • With store and forward function.
  • With data encryption function: improve the reliability of data transmission and prevent data leakage. Common encryption methods include DES, AES, jsb.
  • Gancang: UAV data transmission radio station belongs to the category of narrow-band long-distance transmission, and the data rate of 115200bps belongs to high speed.
  • With high sensitivity, konsumsi kakuatan low, jarak jauh, high-speed frequency hopping spread spectrum, time division duplex full duplex: Since the UAV is powered by batteries, and the transmission distance is long, the power consumption of the device is required to be low (nyaeta, low transmission power ), sensitipitas narima tinggi (the higher the sensitivity, the farther the transmission distance). dina umumna, the receiving performance of the device is measured by the receiving sensitivity under the bit error rate, salaku conto: –106 dBm @ 10-6BER.
  • Complete certification: with CE, FCC, ETSI and other European and American mainstream certification.

FAQs of Wireless Data Transceiver

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Seueur pisan nyeri téh, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet placerat sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam feugiat blandit mauris, non fringilla urna ultrices vel. Donec id urna consectetur, pellentesque libero rutrum, congue massa.

Seueur pisan nyeri téh, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet placerat sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam feugiat blandit mauris, non fringilla urna ultrices vel. Donec id urna consectetur, pellentesque libero rutrum, congue massa.

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