سڀ ڏيکاريندي 7 نتيجا

HDMI انڪوڊر


هي HDMI وڊيو کان IP انڪوڊنگ بورڊ موجوده پيٽرولر جي ترتيب کي نيٽ ورڪ پورٽ ويب UI ذريعي ڏسي سگهي ٿو ۽ ايپليڪيشن جي ضرورتن مطابق ان کي تبديل ڪري سگھي ٿو.. نيٽ ورڪ پورٽ برائوزر ذريعي كي:// (انڪوڊنگ بورڊ جو IP پتو)

1. مهرباني ڪري برائوزر مان ويب UI چيڪ ڪريو, هيٺ ڏنل تصوير تي, جيڪڏهن وڊيو جو ذريعو ان پٽ ٺيڪ آهي, پوء اهو ڏيکاريندو CVBS يا HDMI ڳاڙهي تير تي.

هاڻي ڪوبه وڊيو ان پٽ
هاڻي ڪوبه وڊيو ان پٽ

HDMI انڪوڊر وڊيو ان پٽ ماخذ کي ڳولي سگھي ٿو
HDMI انڪوڊر وڊيو ان پٽ ماخذ کي ڳولي سگھي ٿو

2. مھرباني ڪري چيڪ ڪريو HDMI انڪوڊنگ بورڊ LED لائيٽ بلڪ آھي يا نه.
جيڪڏهن اهو سائو ۽ چمڪندڙ آهي, پوءِ وڊيو ان پٽ ماخذ سٺو ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي, جيڪڏهن نه چمڪيو, پوء مهرباني ڪري چيڪ ڪريو وڊيو ان پٽ جو ذريعو ٺيڪ آهي يا نه.

HDMI ان پٽ انڪوڊر بورڊ انڪوڊنگ لائيٽ بلڪ آهي يا نه.
HDMI ان پٽ انڪوڊر بورڊ انڪوڊنگ لائيٽ بلڪ آهي يا نه.

انڪوڊنگ بٽريٽ ترتيب ڏئي سگھجي ٿو. The default web server is set to 0.0 to represent auto (3.12Mbps will be used internally). Customers can modify this value. مثال طور, it is possible to configure 1Mbps~2Mbps or even lower.

GOP is required to be set to an integer multiple of the encoding frame rate (note that it is the encoding frame rate):
1. مثال طور, if the camera inputs 1080p60, then the gop is set to 60/120/180 (it is not recommended to set too large)
2. مثال طور, if the camera inputs 1080ص25, the gop is set to 25/50/75 (it is not recommended to set too large)
3. مثال طور, the camera input 1080i60, due to the need for de-interleaving, all the actual encoding is 1080p30, then the gop is set to 30/60/90
If your video source is CVBS, CVBS has two systems, PAL is 25fps, NTSC is 30fps
if your CVBS is دوستي, then GOP set is 25/50/75, if your CVBS is NTSC, then GOP set is 30/60/90.
جي larger the gop setting, the better the image quality, but the size difference between the I frame ۽ P frame becomes larger, resulting in the following disadvantages:
1. وائرليس ٽرانسميشن جي ڪري وڏا I-frames فريم نقصان جو شڪار آهن;
2. جيڪڏهن گوپ سيٽنگ وڏي آهي, I فريم جي نقصان جي نتيجي ۾ هڪ ڊگهي وصولي واري وقت تائين هلندي اسڪرين کان پوء;
3. I فريم ۽ پي فريم جي وچ ۾ سائيز جو فرق وڏو آهي, جيڪو ٽرانسميشن جي دير کي وڌائيندو.
gop کي انڪوڊنگ فريم جي شرح جي انٽيجر گھڻن کي سيٽ ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آھي(نوٽ ڪريو ته انڪوڊنگ فريم جي شرح):
1、مثال طور، ڪئميرا ان پٽ 1080p60 آهي,اهو گوپ 60/120/180 تي مقرر ڪيو ويو آهي(ان کي تمام وڏو مقرر ڪرڻ جي سفارش نه آهي)
2、مثال طور، ڪئميرا ان پٽ 1080p25 آهي,اهو گوپ 25/50/75 تي مقرر ڪيو ويو آهي(ان کي تمام وڏو مقرر ڪرڻ جي سفارش نه آهي)
3、مثال طور، ڪئميرا ان پٽ 1080i60 آهي,interweave ڪرڻ جي ضرورت جي ڪري,所有实际编码是1080p30那gop设置为30/60/90
  1. We can modify the TS stream over UDP, but the TS stream is a non-standard TS stream that we have modified, which needs to be interpreted by our decoder board or special player (ڊائون لوڊ).
  2. If you agree with the RTSP protocol, VLC can play it; if you only agree with the TS stream (due to our non-standard modification), VLC cannot decode and play it, so we must use our special player. (ڊائون لوڊ).
  3. If you want to switch to the standard MPEG-2 TS stream to play with VLC, our software engineer can customize the firmware for you (this will take a few days) for an additional fee of USD500.
  4. We use non-standard mpeg-2 ts streams primarily for the following reasons:
    1. The standard mpeg-2 ts stream has too much overhead outside the effective data, making it unsuitable for use with cofdm;
    2. The standard mpeg-2 ts stream is difficult to implement the aes encryption function;
    3. The standard mpeg-2 ts stream is difficult to achieve serial port transparent transmission (used with our decoder board)
  5. If you don't need our decoder board, encryption and serial port transparent transmission, it is also possible to use standard mpeg-2 ts stream
  6. It is recommended that you try our player; in real-time performance, our player outperforms vlc.
    The vlc player's algorithm does not take into account real-time performance; بدران, it will constantly adjust its cache (صرف وڌايو پر گھٽ نه). نتيجي طور, جيترو وقت اهو کيڏيو ويندو آهي, گهڻي دير ٿي سگهي ٿي (خاص طور تي جڏهن وائرليس لنڪ سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي)

1. SSL سرٽيفڪيٽ HTTPS پروٽوڪول آهي, اسان جي پروڊڪٽس هاڻي ان جي حمايت نه ڪندا آھن, صرف HTTP.
2. RTSP پروٽوڪول ذريعي ڊفالٽ انڪوڊر بورڊ, RTSP انڪوڊ ٿيل نه آهي. توھان ھڪڙو ڊگھو پاسورڊ سيٽ ڪري سگھو ٿا. ۽ ان کي بار بار تبديل ڪريو.
3. جيڪڏهن توهان انڪرپٽ ڪرڻ چاهيو ٿا, توهان کي اسان جي ڪوڊيڪ بورڊ جو هڪ جوڙو استعمال ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي (TX ۽ RX طور انڪوڊر ۽ ڊيڪوڊر بورڊ سان), UDP پروٽوڪول سان, ۽ اهي استعمال ڪري رهيا آهن aes256 انڪرپشن. (بس بئنڪ جي سطح وانگر.)

ها, پڪ, اسان سان رابطو ڪريو. مون کي توهان جي مطالبن کي هيٺ ڏنل فهرست ڏيو.

1. We need to take a composite analog PAL video signal and transmit it using h264 over MPEG2 TS. ٺيڪ
2. The output must be playable through VLC. ٺيڪ
3. UPD://@1030. ٺيڪ
4. The output network stream packet should be 188 bytes standard mpeg2 TS. ٺيڪ
5. Compression scheme is h. 264, CVBS PAL input and IP output. ٺيڪ

How to upgrade the firmware of the CVBS PAL Analog or HDMI video input encoder board IP RJ45 ethernet output?

Only CVBS composite video input, we once designed and produced 42x37mm, CVBS composite video source to IP encoder board. (No HDMI input)
If both CVBS and HDMI video input, we can not make it smaller. Except that you allow the use of two PCB boards stacked.

ping encoder board default ip address 192_168_1_30
ping encoder board default ip address 192_168_1_30

Please follow the checkpoints below to confirm.

  1. After connecting the encoder board with your computer by ethernet cable, the LED of RJ45 connector should be blinking or not. (to check the ethernet connection is ok or not)
  2. Is your computer configured with 192.168.1.x network segment ip?
  3. Have you modified the default IP address of the encoding board? If the IP address changed, maybe you can download and use the below software to find what IP address now.
  4. Or Directly connect the UART cable of the encoding board to the computer, and use the serial port debugging assistant to send the ATGIP_ command.get ip address command Operation Video at Youtube



    مثال: ATGIP_




    حاصل ڪرڻ واري پڇاڙي جي موجوده IP پتي کي پڇڻ لاء

    واپسي جي قيمت



    ATGIP192.168.0.215 ٺيڪ


    1. سوال جو حڪم
  5. More COFDM UART AT commands, مهرباني ڪري هن لنڪ کي چيڪ ڪريو. https://ivcan.com/encoder-modulator-decoder-demodulator-module-parameter/

These parameters are determined by the camera, only the sensor has it.

One more question: In the future is there any possibility to incorporate these features in the output side of encoder (if we get volume orders) ?

Our Answer: These are the parameters of the isp, and our current encoding boards are all bypass isp (because we don't connect the sensor, we don't need and can't use the isp), so we can't add these parameters.

ها, CVBS input support NTSC and PAL, Automatic detection and adaptation

  1. جي parameter configuration board tool is mainly used for the COFDM module function. If you buy this HDMI / CVBS to IP encoder Vcan1746 separately, you don’t need to buy a parameter configuration board tool, you can adjust the parameters through the Web UI.
  2. يقيناً, if you want to use the parameter configuration board tool to adjust some parameters of the encoder board, it is also possible.
  3. مثال طور, the video encoding bit rate can be configured through the Web UI or changed through the extra parameter configuration board tool. The Web UI can configure all the parameters, and the parameter configuration board tool can only adjust some of them.

ها, جيڪڏھن توھان کي ضرورت آھي, we can offer you the special firmware to have USB recorder function.

سوال: Does your USB DVR support playback on the encoded video?

جواب: نه, The USB has the record function. You need to play it on a computer, it can not playback on the encoder board directly.

  1. Do you mean HDMI or AV input, or do you need HDMI and AV to support two simultaneous inputs?
  2. Currently it supports either HDMI or AV input.
  3. Vcan1746 can only choose one of HDMI/AV at present, other boards can meet the firmware you need, but this board only supports SDI + AV/AHD output.
  4. If necessary, you can evaluate the board with SDI + AV/AHD input to see if it meets your requirements. جيڪڏهن ها, our HDMI + AV input Vcan1746 can be made the same later.
  5. If you really need to evaluate the HDMI + آڊيو وزيوئل انٽرفيس, please first buy Vcan746 and burn the default shipping firmware for testing. HDMI and AV can be selected for use. If there is a certain amount of follow-up orders, we can develop a special firmware to support HDMI+AV input at the same time.
  6. The display of HDMI and CVBS video input by two channels at the same time is similar to Hikvision IPC, which is divided into main bit rate and sub bit stream. The main stream corresponds to HDMI, and the sub stream corresponds to CVBS.
  7. Now we can develop a new firmware to support HDMI and CVBS to live streaming at the same time, پر آڊيو صرف ٻن مان هڪ مان چونڊيو وڃي ٿو (سسٽم وڊيو رسائي جي صورتحال جي مطابق HDMI آڊيو / اينالاگ آڊيو چونڊيندو آهي).

hdmi rca cvbs encoder ip output for live stream RTSP پليئر ٻن وڊيو اسٽريمز کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿو
hdmi rca cvbs encoder ip output for live stream RTSP پليئر ٻن وڊيو اسٽريمز کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿو

hdmi rca cvbs encoder ip output for live stream RTSP پليئر ٻن وڊيو اسٽريمز کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿو
hdmi rca cvbs encoder ip output for live stream RTSP پليئر ٻن وڊيو اسٽريمز کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿو

HDMI وڊيو ان پٽ کي IP RJ45 آئوٽ انڪوڊر ڪنورٽر
HDMI وڊيو ان پٽ کي IP RJ45 آئوٽ انڪوڊر ڪنورٽر

RTSP پليئر لاءِ hdmi cvbs rca جامع وڊيو انڪوڊر ڏيکاري ٿو HDMI ڪئميرا ۽ CVBS ڪئميرا
RTSP پليئر لاءِ hdmi cvbs rca جامع وڊيو انڪوڊر ڏيکاري ٿو HDMI ڪئميرا ۽ CVBS ڪئميرا


Our HDMI and CVBS input video encoding board has a USB interface, which can be used for USB recording. It can also be used as the input interface of a USB web camera.
In this way, our video encoding board can convert the signal of your USB web camera into a network interface, while supporting ultra-low latency and supporting h264 and h265 encoding.

اڃا به هڪ سوال آهي?

مهرباني ڪري اسان سان رابطو ڪريو وڌيڪ معلومات لاء.

پنھنجو سوال موڪليو

HDMI وڊيو ذريعن ان پٽ IP Ethernet آئوٽ پٽ انڪوڊر, VLC RTSP آپريشن

صنعتي درجي جي درجه حرارت جي حد -40 ° C کان 70 ° C Celsius ٽيسٽ

سپورٽ HDMI ۽ CVBS 2 هڪ ئي وقت ۾ وڊيو اسٽريم

انڪوڊر جو IP پتو ڪيئن حاصل ڪجي جيڪڏهن توهان وساريو

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