transceptor datos transmisor video ar 'bixt'i aerostático Nar dätä hño altitud

Do you have internet long-range routers? I need it at least 20 o 30 kilometers in a high-altitude balloon. We are doing science experiments at our university with high-altitude balloons.

TX900 ar recomienda.
We also have a buyer from European clients to use this model.
They do space weather monitoring, they need wireless video transmission equipment to monitor their equipment and download data.
The person also can upload the control command for some experiment types of equipment from the ground receiver to the balloon.
The bandwidth is 20mbps, is that ok for you?

We are planning to mount the transmitter device on a balloon that will reach a 40 km altitude and receive the video signal on the ground using an auto-tracking antenna. We are looking for an integrated plug-and-play solution. Would this be possible? Jamädi.

Jamädi. TX900 is recommended.

Do you have a datasheet? Could you send me the antennas that work with this video transceiver? Do you have any compatible camera? How many cameras can we use with just one transceiver? Do you have a battery system or power system for the transceiver? Our flight will be 6 hours approx. Do you have batteries that will long 6 ya ora?

iVcan: Our battery is 7AH, normally we tested time is 2~4 hours, no problem. If you buy a 15AH battery, it should support 4~8 hours. Please check the attached picture.
The 10W PA transmitter and receiver need 3A@28V (24~30V), please try to source at your side.

This flight will be without tribulation. So we will power on all the equipment right before the flight.

Respecto a transmisor vídeo, Temu̲ ya ya frecuencias da 'mui? ¿Podríamos da 'ñets'i? 2.4 GHz as an option or it has to be 1.4GHz or 800MHz?
'Nehe, do you provide RF cable from the video transmitter to the antennas?

1. There are three frequencies to choose from. If you choose 2.4G, then we will arrange the 2.4G Power Amplifier inside and the 2.4G transmitter and receiver antenna. So you should confirm which frequency you need before delivery. Ar antena ar personaliza nä'ä mä nuna ar frecuencia.
UI Wireless 1.4G

2. We can offer you the RF cable from the transmitter to the antenna, how long do you need it for? It will be easy to have interfered if the cable is too long. So how long do you really need it for the best installation?

That would be perfect. I guess that sweeping the frequency to 2.4GHz will not affect the link budget and we still have 10W and 150Km coberture range?
Regarding RF cable we will need about 3m cable because we will put the video transmitter in the middle of the capsule and this has a 2.5m radius so 3m approx.

Respecto a cable RF, our engineer doesn’t recommend that you use so long. Da 'nar cable rf reducido 0.5dB pa 'na 'ma̲i ár. For the 3-meter RF cable, the signal strength will be reduced by 1.5 dB.

In order to support long-distance at 150km, Can you use an RF cable that is less than 1 medidor ar?

Jar gu̲ki makwäni, the transmitter is very small, Ar mäs xi hño da zeti corta mbi ndezu̲ ar transmisor asta ar antena transmisora. Cable fuente alimentación pa ar transmisor ne ar cable Ethernet ar ar cámara ar transmisor xi to mäs largos, ya mi otho ar pérdidas komongu ar cable RF.

I will check with the structure team that we need to put the video transmitter as close to the antenna as possible and get back to you with the RF cable length.

The system team asked me about the attachment system for the S transmitter that will be inside the capsule. Do you have any mounting brackets or recommendations? Ideally, Transmisor video ar colocará mbo 'nar bastidor.

Ir nge Honja instalar nä'ä, Jaki revise ar tsita ar abajo.
how to fix the balloon wireless video data transmitter and receiver
Jawa goho agujeros pa tornillos jar caja ya bo̲jä,, maxo̲ts'e jar flecha nthe̲ni ar tsita. 'Nehe ar tsa̲ da unir ko 'ra ya cables ngu nä'ä bí gi 'ñudi tso̲kwa continuación.
lock ties cable

Hadi, we are a high school that has the launch of radiosondes in its educational projects.

Jar ngäts'i ar lanzamiento, Utilizamos 'nar 1.2 Transmisor vídeo GHz pa ungumfädi imágenes ndezu̲ ar estratosfera da ar ha̲i. Hingi je̲ya'bya satisfechos ko ar nt'uni conseguido ne di hom'be 'nar transmisor vídeo ko nuya ya características: Frecuencia de 1,2 GHz, PANTALLA NXO̲GE, Nts'edi RF mäs xi ngu 500mw, Be̲xu inferior 100 ar gr ne ar consumo hingi mäs xi ngu 500mA.

¿Ar tsa̲ ga pädi Tange ar mbi ar estratosfera da ar ha̲i??
Ndezu̲ ar internet, O̲de da ar mbi ge ar 8 km bí 50 ar km.
'Nehe ofrecemos 'nar modelo similar pa ar Observación ne ar Predicción Meteorológica ya 'bixt'i ar Hidrógeno ja ar Atmósfera nu Españä, da t'ot'e 150km.
Ar recomienda ar modelo 'be̲t'o TX900 — 5W — 50km.
Ár 'medi da: 1.2frecuencia ghz FULL HD, Nts'edi RF mäs xi ngu 500mw, Be̲xu inferior 100 ar gr ne ar consumo hingi mäs xi ngu 500mA.
TX900 — 5W050km: 1.4Frecuencia Ghz, Cámara Full HD 1080P HDMI wa ya Ethernet, Nts'edi RF 2 Watts, ar be̲xu ar 142 gramos.

Ma equipo pe̲ts'i ngu objetivo pe̲hni ar cohete ma'bu̲ 40 km ne xu̲ki 100 km, ¿Pe̲ts'i uni 'mehni pa ar transmisor?, receptor, ne cámara?

Dá pe̲ts'i 'nar cliente 'be̲t'o ko 'nar nt'ot'e similar ja ar tuya. Usó 'nar 'bixt'i aerostático pa te ar 50 Pa 80 kilómetros por encima de ar ha̲i pa monitorear ar nt'uni mbo jar ximha̲i. Ja ir wadi ta̲i ma transmisor ne receptor video inalámbrico xi maki mbi pa monitorear nu'bu̲ ya instrumentos científicos jar ar 'bixt'i ya normales.

Consulta gratuita, Bojä Gratis, Soporte gratuito, Demostración muestra gratuita .

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