Ya nt'a̲ni frecuentes dige ar transmisión inalámbrica vídeo

COFDM — 912
1. ¿Ar tsa̲ mpa̲ti ar frecuencia ar transmisor ne ar receptor?? Can it work on 260 Me̲'bida MHz?
  1. Hä, the frequency range can be changed from 170Mhz (mäs xi hño from 220Mhz) ga 860 ar Mhz. So it can work well at 260Mhz band.
  2. Ar frecuencia da modificar ar jar Nt'uti ar transmisor ne ar receptor. Ar causa, Amplificador nts'edi ne ar frecuencia ar antena tsa modificar xkagentho ar frecuencia. (You need to buy a power amplifier and antenna for the transmitter and receiver to meet your changed frequency).
  3. In order to improve the sensitivity of transmitting and receiving, the frequency bandwidth is generally made very narrow (center frequency ±15MHz, so bandwidth should be 30Mhz). The power amplifier of the transmitter and the frequency of the antenna are specially customized according to the frequency you need.
  4. It is best when you place an order, please tell me what kind of working frequency you need. Our engineers will modify the frequency of the transmitter and receiver, and also modify the PA and custom antenna according to this frequency range to ensure the best sensitivity and support the longest transmission distance.
  5. Ar frecuencia ar predeterminada xí 590 Mhz, Ko 30 ar Mhz (+/-15MHz), pe mpa̲ti nä'ä hinda modificar amplificador nts'edi ne ar antena. Ngu, 578MHz, 584MHz, 590MHz, 596MHz, and 602Mhz.
  6. Nu'bu̲ t'ot'e modificar ar frecuencia ne ar ancho 'me̲i ar transmisor, T'ot'e 'nar herramienta hontho placa configuración parámetros, Jaki ar mäte, vea ar tsita ar abajo, Hingi ge 'nar accesorio predeterminado, Jaki ar mäte, ta̲i nä'ä da coste 'nar adicional wa ga japi ar jar contacto ko ngekagihe 'bu̲ 'be̲tho ga OT'UJE ar pedido.

parameter configure board tool for transmitter
Parámetro Configurar ar herramienta placa pa ar transmisor

Hä, Admite ar envío vídeo ne datos UART ndezu̲ ar transmisor ne ar receptor.
Komo ar transmisión unidireccional, nä'ä hingi tsa̲ da pe̲hni ts'edi control ndezu̲ ar receptor ja ar transmisor.

Nu'bu̲ t'ot'e pe̲hni comandos control wa ma'ra datos ndezu̲ ar receptor da controlar ya dispositivos komongu cámaras wa drones ja ar transmisor, Tsa̲ da agregar 'nar conjunto equipos ar transmisión 'bede baratos, jar contacto ko ngekihe, ne podemos personalizar nä'ä da nu'i.


Jaki ar mäte, compruebe ar definición UART ar transmisor ne ar receptor da ku̲hu̲ enlace. Jaki ar mäte, gi mä nu'bu̲ gi 'ñehe 'nar cable plomo. (ár hmädi predeterminado ar hingi)

Drone wireless video transmitter UART connection define for data transmission
Drone transmisor vídeo inalámbrico conexión UART definir pa ar transmisión datos

drone wireless video receiver UART connection define for data transmission
Drone receptor vídeo inalámbrico conexión UART definir pa ar transmisión datos

Ar amplificador ar nts'edi predeterminado ar ar transmisor ar 2 Vatios, pa pa soportar 30 KM jar 'ñu visión.

Xtí ar tsita ge ma mbi probada ndezu̲ ar LA asta ñäni jar däzabi.

Nu'bu̲ gi ungumfädi 'nar dätä ntsoni ngatho, Pe aumentar amplificador nts'edi. 'Nehe 'nar vatio ne yoho ya vatios, 'Nehe podemos gi 'yo̲t'e 5 Watts, 10 Watts, ne 20 vatios pa ár nt'ets'i. Ya amplificadores mäs mña dätä 'nehe requieren baterías mäs mña dätä ne soporte corriente.


Pa PA 20W, la fuente de alimentación debe ser de 24 ~ 28 V. Ho̲ntho ja 28 voltios to amplificador nts'edi dähä mäs xi hño trabajabilidad.

Ma ingeniero to mpa̲ti ar frecuencia bí 300 ar Mhz ndezu̲ ar predeterminada 590 Mhz, Ar antena, ne PA ja ar almacén ya 590 Mhz, 300Mhz t'ot'e yoho ya su̲mänä pa ar personalizar, nä'ä ar pa entrega t'ot'e nä'ä da ma hmädi predeterminado 590 Mhz.

Hä, Ar compatible ko ar entrada vídeo CVBS 720P ar transmisor ne ar salida vídeo HDMI 1080P ja ar receptor.
Nu'bu̲ ar cámara ge 'nar conector HDMI, Tsa̲ da utilizar 'nar caja conversión vídeo HDMI ma CVBS, Da xingu mäs barato nä'ä mi usó 'nar transmisor video inalámbrico.
HDMI to CVBS AV video converter box
Nu'bu̲ aún mi t'ot'e 'nar entrada HDMI ja ar transmisor, Gem'bu̲ bí recomienda da ku̲hu̲ modelo.
OFDM Wireless Video Transmitter
'Nehe ar recomienda COFDM — 908T.

Bi thogi 1: Jaki ar mäte, pulse xi hño ne ar botón derecho jar xkagentho ar pa, Neki ja ar pantalla 'nar menú nu'bu̲ ar da guardar.

COFDM Wireless Reciever save parameter
Parámetro ar guardado ar COFDM Wireless Reciever

Bi thogi 2: Pulse xi hño pa da 'ñets'i Sí ku̲.

wireless video receiver adjust parameter
parámetro ar za ar receptor vídeo inalámbrico

Hä, Pe mpa̲ti ar frecuencia bí 300 ar Mhz, pe hingi gehna recomendable.
1. Ma transmisor ne receptor video inalámbricos admiten ar cifrado ne ar descifrado ar AES128. Ar contraseña ar tsa̲ da mpa̲ti jar placa configuración jar 'na t'olo ora. Ar pädi xi hño pa ir video.
2. Nu'bu̲ cambia ar frecuencia ar transmisor ne ar receptor bí 300 ar Mhz, ar antena ne ar frecuencia amplificador nts'edi 'nehe tsa mpa̲ti ar bí 300 ar MHz.
Pa pequeño 'nar 'bede ya antenas frecuencia hontho, Pe xähmä fábrica antenas hingi acepte productos hontho.
3. Pe xähmä ar hñäki ar antena xí resuelto. Amplificador nts'edi ja ar transmisor xí preestablecido, ne 'nehe bí enviamos ar video ntsa̲ 'be̲tho ar entrega. Nu'bu̲ ar usuario final modifica ar frecuencia amplificador nts'edi, ar hei to da tsät'u̲nu̲ da. 'Ñotho ar amplificador nts'edi, Gem'bu̲ nuna ko ya hingi to 'bu̲i funcionando xi hño maku̲nzaki mbi. Ar da̲i pe̲ts'i da pe̲hni ja ya vuelta ja ar fábrica Ntxinä pa ár ma., Anke ma ma ar gratuita, pe ar da̲i pe̲ts'i da gut'i nga̲tho ya mahyoni envío.
4. Jaki ar mäte, gi mä ga Temu̲ frecuencia ne ga pe̲ts'i ar da̲i, Modificaremos ne probaremos nthehu jar fábrica. después ja da ar bi dädi hä control hño, Gi enviaremos.
COFDM — 912T ge 'nar unidireccional ko transmisión inalámbrica.
Nä'ä ir bo̲ni ke ho̲ntho descarga ar video wa ya datos ar transmisor ja ar receptor., pe Hindi tsa̲ da cargar ya datos UART ndezu̲ ar receptor ar transmisor, ngu, it can not control the transmitter's camera or drone.
¿Ar mfädi pa ár 'be̲fi??
Wa revisa ar enlace ar abajo, Nugu̲je entenderemos ja ár 'be̲fi.
COFDM — 912T ge 'nar ko transmisión video unidireccional.
Nu'bu̲ necesitas controlar ar cámara ne ar dron, Gi da 'ñets'i modelos bidireccionales.
Nu'bya podemos ofrecer bí ar antena transmisora mäs t'olo ar 13 cm jar longitud.
Tsa̲ gi mbeni, Utilice antena mäs dätä wa mäs xi maki nu'bu̲ ár 'be̲fi nä'ä permite, To da 'nar mäs xi hño rendimiento recepción ja ar rango mäs nthegi xi hño..
13cm length cofdm wireless video transmitter antenna
13Antena transmisora ar video inalámbrica COFDM ar longitud jar cm

Ar conjunto completo predeterminado

  1. Transmisor SD ( PA 0.5W, 1W, 2W, 5W, 10W, 20W, 50W opcional nä'ä mä jar demanda ár pedido)
  2. Antena transmisora SD
  3. Receptor salida HDMI CVBS ko menú control parámetros ne pantalla t'olo
  4. 0.8-Medidor Antena receptora 1 PC. (Yoho xingu ya instalación wa fijación ar antena: 1. antena base ventosa magnética, 2. Ya defecto Antena fibra vidrio FRP ko abrazadera ar klase wa )
  5. Opcional, Tablero configuración parámetros pa ar transmisor vídeo inalámbrico.

(Nu'bu̲ t'ot'e 'nar antena base succión magnética, Ar expreso wa ar transportista creen da productos ya magnéticos interferirán ko ar ntsuni ár nsa̲ni bo̲jä, nä'ä costo envío ar mäs mar hñets'i da 'nar antena abrazadera ar klase wa. )

Dimensión predeterminada paquete conjunto completo

  1. 84*21*12CM
  2. Be̲xu bruto: 4.5KG
  3. Nu'bu̲ gi jwahni 'nar antena mäs ar 100 cm ne 'nar antena base succión magnética, 'Ra ya agentes carga cobrarán tarifas Nthuts'i, komongu tarifas extra largas ne tarifas Nthuts'i pa ar xeni Nthuts'i magnéticos fuertes.

  1. Ar parámetro ar transmisor configura ar placa xí diferente ar ja ar receptor. Ar firmware ar placa configuración parámetros mar diferente ar transmisor ne ar receptor, hingi ar xi zu̲di indistintamente.
  2. Ar parámetro ar transmisor configura ar placa to ajustar ar atenuación ar señal ar transmisor. Ya 0.3db reducirá PA 0.5W.
Nuwa 'bu̲kwa tablero configuración parámetros ar transmisor.
parameter configure board tool for transmitter
Parámetro Configurar ar herramienta placa pa ar transmisor
Nuwa 'bu̲kwa tablero configuración parámetros ar receptor.
COFDM Wireless Reciever save parameter
Parámetro ar guardado ar COFDM Wireless Reciever

Ar nt'a̲ni: ¿Ra tsa̲ mpa̲ti ár nts'edi ar outpout? (megafonía ja yá 'muise mbo 0,5 W, 1 W, 2 W) a través de ar placa configuración?

parameter configuration board tool for COFDM wireless video transmitter
herramienta placa configuración parámetros pa transmisor video inalámbrico COFDM
  1. Honja ar bí dädi ma 'met'o mi, tsa̲ da ajustar ár nts'edi salida configurando ya parámetros ATTEN a través de ar herramienta tablero configuración parámetros ja ar transmisor. (Nuna ar herramienta hingi mfa̲ts'i 'bu̲i ar paquete predeterminado, Gi notificar da ne ga xí herramienta nu'bu̲ realice ar pedido)
  2. Nu'bu̲ compras PA 2W, Gem'bu̲ tsa̲ configurar bí 0.5W, 1W, pe hingi ar tsa̲ da mpa̲ti ma 5W.
  3. 'Nehe podemos zo̲ni jar 5W, 10W, 20W, ne 50 W nu'bu da t'ot'e admitir 'nar ya'bu̲ ntsoni ngatho.


Nuna ar transmisor video inalámbrico Honto ar compatible ko ar cámara CVBS wa ar entrada video, Ma'na ar klase ar cámara video t'ot'e 'nar caja convertidora adicional.

Hi'nä. Ar COFDM (DVB — T) Tecnología.

Ir rango frecuencia COFDM ge ar 170 — 860 Mhz. Pe soportar 477, 610, 675, 724, 816MHz, pe Hindi tsa̲ da soportar 970, 1180, 1230 MHz.

Ma transmisor modelo hontho tsa̲ da admitir ga̲tho ya rangos bí thogi, Pe ar receptor t'ot'e zu̲di bloque convertidor descendente.

Pa hegi nuna ar Hmunts'i da ma ko transmisión inalámbrica admita 'nar rango mäs nthegi xi hño. ne 'nar mäs xi hño intensidad señal, Ir 'me̲t'o general, ajustamos ar frecuencia funcionamiento ja 'nar punto determinado (170~860 Mhz), ne ár rango ar soportado ar ho̲ntho mäs o menu 15 ma Mhz. Ngu, ar frecuencia ar central xí 590 Mhz, el rango máximo de frecuencia de soporte debe ser de 575 Mhz ~ 605 Mhz, Ar PA ne ar antena bí personalizan hontho ir nge nuna frecuencia central.

Tobe dí 'ñehe 'nar nt'a̲ni?

Ga japi ar jar contacto ko ngekagihe da uni mäs ungumfädi.

Envía ir nt'a̲ni

Ya nt'a̲ni Frecuentes

Fuente alimentación nuna ar transmisor ne ar bateriya ge 3A@28V. Ar ora normal, ar bateriya japu̲'be̲fihe pa probar ar 7AH, puede funcionar durante 2 ~ 4 horas. Nu'bu̲ compras 'nar bateriya cargable 15AH, Puede funcionar continuamente durante aproximadamente 4 ~ 8 horas.

Jawa hñu ya frecuencias pa da 'ñets'i entre 800 Mhz, 1.4G, ne 2.4G.
Pe otho 'nar amplificador nts'edi 10W pa 150 km ma 2.4Ghz. Pos hä, nu'bu̲ ar da̲i ne admitir mbi ar transmisión 150 km, Ho̲ntho bí xi da 'ñets'i 800 ar Mhz ne ar 1.2G.

Hingi ho̲ntho cambie ar frecuencia ar parámetro ar interfaz usuario web hingi hembi da, 'me̲fa mpa̲ti ar frecuencia, 'nehe t'ot'e mpa̲ti amplificador nts'edi ja ar interior ne ar xkagentho antena transmisor frecuencia ne receptor. Ir ar da̲i da confirmar xí frecuencia t'ot'e 'be̲tho ar entrega.. Ar antena ar personaliza nä'ä mä nuna ar frecuencia.

UI Wireless 1.4G
UI Inalámbrico 1.4G

Respecto a cable RF, our engineer doesn't recommend that you used it so long. Da 'nar cable rf reducido 0.5dB pa 'na 'ma̲i ár. Pa 3 meters RF cable, ar intensidad ar señal bí reducirá jár 1,5 ar DB.
In order to support long-distance, It is better that you use the RF cable less than 1 medidor ar?
Jar gu̲ki makwäni, ar transmisor ar na pequeño, Ar mäs xi hño da zeti corta mbi ndezu̲ ar transmisor asta ar antena transmisora. Cable fuente alimentación pa ar transmisor ne ar cable Ethernet ar ar cámara ar transmisor xi to mäs largos, ya mi otho ar pérdidas komongu ar cable RF.

Hä, the default video input is IP RJ45 ethernet port, Nu'bu̲ ár ar cámara ar HDMI wa ya SDI wa ya AHD, Ho̲ntho mäs 'nar t'olo caja ar codificador pa resolver nuna ar hñäki. Jaki ar mäte, compruebe da ku̲hu̲ modelo.

HDMI SDI AV input encoder IP RJ45 Ethernet output
HDMI SDI AV entrada codificador IP RJ45 Salida Ethernet

  1. If your area has a DVB-T or DVB-T2 digital television signal, ar TV frequency range is 170-860Mhz, it has including 800Mhz, so choose 1.4G is better.
  2. Because the GPS antenna receives the GPS signal and the GPS direction on the drone is up, our transmitter antenna is pointing down to send the signal to the ground. Komongu ar nt'uni, the 1.4G frequency effect on GPS is negligible.

The package size is 125 x 23 x 11 ar cm. Be̲xu bruto:3.72KG, Be̲xu ar volumen:7.5KG

long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver for drone package
long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver for drone package

Here is the full set picture.

15km 30km 80km 150km long-range-wireless-video-transmitter-receiver-full-set
15km 30km 80km 150km long-range-wireless-video-transmitter-receiver-full-set

Regarding frequency hopping, the engineer has some suggestions for you.

UI Advance
UI Advance

  1. As the system frequency range is 20Mb, if your bandwidth is chosen 20Mb, then it can not hop (only one point). If the bandwidth is chosen 10Mb, then you have two points to hop, if the bandwidth is chosen 5Mb, then you have 4 points to hop.
  2. If 1410Mhz has jammed, then 1420Mhz also has jammed, as the frequency is too close.
  3. When hopping frequency, the data or video transmission will be disconnected, and your video will be frozen.
  4. Ar ora normal, it is better to choose hopping is NOT.
  5. If your transmission distance is less than 15~22km, then we have another option to choose from, the frequency has 110Mb, and even if you choose 20Mb bandwidth, pe̲ts'i 5 points to choose from for frequency hopping.

Hä, ar compatible.
There are two solutions for the multi-transmitter cameras to one signal receiver.
Please check the below test video at youtube
multi-camera transmitter and receiver for ptz surveillance camera
multi-camera transmitter and receiver for ptz surveillance camera
1. 4 IP cameras -> Net Hub -> Transmisor <===> Receiver -> Computer Screen
2. 4 IP cameras -> NVR HDMI output -> HDMI encoder IP output -> Transmisor <===> Receiver -> computer screen.

If you need to support S.bus, then please tell us before shippment, and we will modify our RS232 to TTL.

Our TX900 has three RS232 ports. If you need it to support S.bus, just need plus one small converter from S.BUS to RS232 is ok. ( Mini SBUS Conversion Module Uart to Sbus, Sbus to Uart ).


SBUS input UART TTL output and UART TTL input and SBUS output
SBUS input UART TTL output and UART TTL input and SBUS output

Please tell us if you need sbus port before delivery. Our engineer will modify the D2 port from RS232 to Sbus.

wireless video transmitter and receiver with sbus from rs232 data port
wireless video transmitter and receiver with sbus from rs232 data port

RSSI wireless link status data requires customers (such as flight controllers) to manually send AT commands to obtain it. It can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Configure UART3 (data port 3rd) as an AT command serial port, and then send AT commands through UART3 (D3) to obtain. https://ivcan.com/change-d3-from-transparent-serial-port-to-at-command/
  2. Update the firmware version 1.5.1 wa mäs xi ngu, so that there will be an additional TCP server inside for customers to access through TCP to send AT commands to obtain the wireless status.
  3. The LED light is used to indicate the wireless connection status (ngu, if the wireless link is disconnected, the light will go out), and there is no dedicated external pin to notify the customer flight control.

Or see the UART AT command list nuwa.

or see https://ivcan.com/how-to-get-the-rssi-and-snr-on-the-drone-transmitter/

  1. The serial port of our wireless video transmission is transparent, and no data is actively sent to the flight controller. This is controlled by the ground station.
  2. It won't send the failsafe command, but you can see the link status light from the signal indicator.TX900-long-range-wireless-video-data-transmitter-and-receiver-led-for-power-link-node
  3. Here is the link status signal strength indicator means
    1. Not Bright: Indicates that the wireless link of the module is not connected
    2. Xí nthe̲ni: Indicates that the wireless link of the module has been connected, but the wireless signal strength is very weak
    3. Orange: Indicates that the wireless link of the module has been connected, and the wireless signal strength is medium
    4. : Indicates that the wireless link of the module has been connected, and the wireless signal strength is very strong
  4. We understand that you hope to have this function, If aircraft loses signal during flight it will not return to home because flight controller will not understand that rc link is lost.
  5. You need to see the link status LED light, if it is Orange or Red, you should control the plane back in advance.
  6. You also can get the RSSI at the below windowshow to check the rssi in the wireless video transmitter and receiver

At the normal usage, one node as the transmitter, another node as the receiver. If you need to support long range or over a mountain top, like the below picture, Hä, please buy 3rd nord as the reapter.
You just need to put the 3rd node in the middle and set the 3rd node be a 2D3U then ok.

replay repeater for wireless video transmitter and receiver
replay repeater for wireless video transmitter and receiver

How to set 3rd node be 2D3U?

Set with AT command:
Restart the link device after the operation

AT command operation postion
AT command operation postion

UAV Video Link Drone Wireless Video Data Transmitter Receiver new 2023-
UAV Video Link Drone Wireless Video Data Transmitter Receiver new 2023-

On the Web UI parameter mangagment page and debug section,

AT command

Entrada AT^DGMR?

If you get result is 6602, then it is 15km Versión.

If you get result is 6603, then it is 30km Versión.

wireless video transmitter and receiver AT command input section
wireless video transmitter and receiver AT command input section

4K video is supported.
4K video stream generally has more than 8Mbps, and 1080P video generally has more than 2M, so the distance of our wireless video transmission when transmitting 4K video will be shorter than that of 1080P.

In one word, the higher the definition of the video, the shorter the transmission distance.
The video compression is smaller, and the transmission distance is supported farther.

In the process of video transmission, if there is data loss, the picture will appear mosaic or stagnation, freeze and other phenomena.

There will be a limited number of retransmissions at the wireless link level (Majwäni, data errors will also occur if the situation is not good). The upper-layer application on the end will not be aware of it, nor will it ask the sender to retransmit.

If the signal of the wireless link is not good at a certain point after the distance is extended, and there are always bit errors, it is impossible to design it to be retransmitted all the time, so that the end user experience will be very poor.

The wireless link layer has a limited retransmission mechanism. We have tested the tcp protocol for transmission at the video transmission layer (trying to retransmit on the upper layer through the tcp protocol), but the test found that there is no obvious improvement, and it will also lead to uncontrollable delays.

  1. The heat generated by the aircraft side is much larger than that of the ground side. If the fan is running, check whether the air inlet and outlet of the lower fan (the positions of the heat sinks at both ends) are blocked
  2. Try changing the power supply of the air unit transmitter from 24V to 12~18V (the transmit power will be reduced to about 35~36DB)
  3. Slightly reduce the transmit power of the aircraft by the below AT commands: AT^DSSMTP="23" Reboot after setting

Ar nt'a̲ni: Are these settings maximum power of the module? (24 dBm)

Respuesta: 24dBm is the maximum output power of the link Module, and the gain of the PA (about 14dBm) needs to be added. The actual transmission power after the 24V power supply PA output is about 38dBm.


Procurement Specifications




The unit shall operate in the VHF BAND and UHF band with its RF transmissions.




The unit shall have an RF output power of 27 dBm or more.

2W 33dBm

5W 37dBm

10W 40-41dBm


The unit shall provide Serial (Bidireccional, Fullduplex) as data interface. (RS232 or RS422)

RS232 bidirectional full duplex


The unit power consumption shall not exceed 25W.



The unit mass shall not exceed 250 gramos.

<150 gramos (142gramos)


The unit shall have a data rate of at least 4.8 Kbps


Ethernet:>2M Bps

Lead time: 10 days for small quantity order.

HS code: 8517629900

The difference between the air unit (transmisor) and ground unit (receptor) is two points:

One is the device type: Air unit (transmisor) is the Nodo nthogi and the ground unit (receptor) is the central node.

Two is the rate ratio of the downlink and up link. Over 30km, the best rate ratio is 4:1 o 3:2.

If you don't want to connect the receiver ethernet cable directly to the computer. Then it is not easy to access the receiver at your local network.

Here is two solutions for you.

1. Add the IP address of the 192.168.1.x network segment on the PC side (the PC can be configured with multiple network segment IP addresses)

2. Modify the IP of the wireless video data receiver from to the address of the 10.220.20.x network segment to meet your local network.

For further questions and solutions, please talk with your local area network workmate or engineer, our receiver is like a computer with IP address, it should keep the network segment IP address at the same, ngu, 192.168.1.xxx.

Hä, we can change the receiver antenna with a U-shaped clamp bracket to replace the magnetic sucker base.
It is easy to fix on the pole. And magnetic items are charged extra during shipping.
FAQ for wireless video transmission 1
  1. Hä, there are three solutions to do that.
  2. TX900 has three data ports. Distinguish through different transparent serial ports, such as D2 to control relay aircraft and D3 to control mission aircraft. The disadvantage is that the TX900 receiver needs to be connected to two serial ports to send instructions separately.
  3. Use the same transparent serial port to send data in bulk, and then add layer protocols (such as header information) to the data to distinguish which aircraft should receive and process the data. The disadvantage is that the processing of sending and receiving data is complicated.
  4. Or use two receivers: One receiver is for the mission plane (transmisor), and another receiver is for the repeater drone. The connection and operation are easier.

Tobe dí 'ñehe 'nar nt'a̲ni?

Ga japi ar jar contacto ko ngekagihe da uni mäs ungumfädi.

Envía ir nt'a̲ni