Penguat Daya 2W Terbaru 27 KM penerima pemancar video nirkabel jarak jauh, transmisi tautan data gambar demo hidup di 2022

Untuk lebih menunjukkan kepada pelanggan kami jarak dukungan sebenarnya dan menggunakan efek pemancar dan penerima transmisi gambar jarak jauh 2W PA 30km, kami melakukan tes yang sebenarnya baru-baru ini dan menemukan Puncak Meisha, dari sini ke tepi laut Nan'ao, Jaraknya adalah 27 kilometer. This site passes through Dapeng Bay, the line of sight is visible, and there are no obstructions. It just simulates the use of the transmitter in the air and the receiver on the ground.

How to choose the best long-range video transmitter and receiver?

Please consider the below points before you buy. Here are some tips for you.
1. jarak transmisi dari pemancar dan penerima. The further the distance, the larger the power amplifier required; the larger the power amplifier, the higher the battery capacity requirement. Karena itu, you need to determine the wireless transmission distance according to your own project or drone.

2. LOS or NLOS, Is there any obstacle between the transmitter and receiver? All the transmission distances mentioned on this site are based on the LOS environment. If your use environment is NLOS, you need a larger power amplifier to have stronger diffraction and penetration capabilities. Juga, consider placing a relay repeater module in the middle.

3. One-way or two-way transmission type? One-way is like TV or radio, you can get the video or data at the receiver only, and two-way like mobile phones and the internet, you can get living video and send data or joystick control commands to the transmitter’s camera from the receiver side remotely. Two-way has a downlink and an uplink both.

4. PA, Power Amplifier, it is a signal enlarger, sebagai contoh, 1 watt, 2 watt, 5 watt, 10 watt, 20 watt, big PA support longer range and strong signal to Anti-jamming. When choosing a power amplifier, you also need to consider power consumption, which will also increase the capacity of the battery.

5. Antena, A longer and bigger antenna will offer you better signal sensitivity. Omnidirectional FRP fiberglass antennas or automatic antenna tracking pan/tilts are recommended.

6. UART control, Do you need to send the AT command from the computer or portable tablet receiver via uart?
Please check the below link for more details.
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Test Map measured 27km from the transmitter to the receiver


27 KM Test Video on YouTube

2Penguat Daya W 27 KM penerima pemancar video nirkabel jarak jauh, transmisi tautan data gambar demo hidup

Beri tahu kami permintaan Anda untuk pemancar dan penerima video nirkabel, our professional engineer will offer you the best solution and a nice price.

Features for drone long-range video transmitter and receiver

1. Berdasarkan OFDM teknologi, an IP RJ45 camera (Kamera HD dengan ethernet) direkomendasikan.

2. Two-way broadband wireless link equipment supports 30Mbps. (Penerima bisa mendapatkan unduhan audio-video, itu juga dapat mengunggah data ke penerima)

3. antarmuka: 2Port X Ethernet, 3Port serial X RS232, masukan-keluaran audio (Lebih banyak operasi kontrol) Jika kamera Anda adalah output HDMI, maka dibutuhkan perangkat encoder tambahan, yang dapat mengkodekan video HDMI dan sinyal audio ke data digital ke pemancar ini. Di penerima, itu dapat menghubungkan komputer atau NVR Anda secara langsung, jika Anda membutuhkan output ke monitor HDMI, maka itu juga membutuhkan perangkat dekoder tambahan untuk menyandikan data digital ke video HDMI dan sinyal audio.

4. Antena ganda: konektor SMA. ANT1 is the main antenna to work in transmitter mode, and the ANT2 is the auxiliary antenna to work in receive mode.

5. Pita frekuensi kerja nirkabel: 1428~1448MHz (1.4G) atau 806~826MHz (800mhz) atau 2,4Ghz, mendukung frekuensi otomatis melompat di pita frekuensi (Model ini dirancang untuk transmisi nirkabel video dan data dengan tautan data nirkabel dua arah).

6. Bandwidth nirkabel: 3MHz, 5MHz, 10MHz, 20MHz, semua node berbagi bandwidth kerja, dan tingkat berbagi maksimum sistem adalah 30Mbps.

7. modus modulasi: QPSK / QAM16 / QAM64 adaptasi otomatis. Modus jaringan: poin ke poin, jaringan bintang point-to-multipoint, Jaringan jaring IP, or relay networking. (suka sampai 6 cameras and transmitters to one receiver application.)

8. Daya transmisi nirkabel: 2-watt, 5-watt, 10-watt power amplifier.

9. Sensitivitas penerimaan simpul: -103 pada bandwidth 10MHz.

10. Mendukung AES128 encryption and decryption.

11. jarak transmisi: 15km/30km/80km/150km range optional.

12. Konfigurasi perangkat dan status kerja nirkabel dapat dilihat melalui UI Web dari port jaringan atau port serial.

13. Sumber Daya listrik: DC24~30V, 28Catu daya V direkomendasikan, konsumsi daya rata-rata maksimum kurang dari 1.4A@28V, dan kebutuhan catu daya puncak seketika dapat mencapai 2.8A @ ​​28V.

14. Ukuran: 124*67.8*28.5mm (tidak termasuk konektor yang keluar dari cangkang, dan lain-lain).

15. 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter receiver Weight: 250 gram

One of our clients bought our 2W PA (Power Amplifier) with 30km, up to 150km wireless video transmitter and receiver, but we can not find a 30km Line of sight place to test in our city, there are many high buildings. But luckily we found a place called Meishajian Peak, which is about 27 kilometers from the top of the mountain to the seaside.

About Meishajian, please check the below two links.

Although the client chose a 2W-PA 30km transmission distance transceiver system, the test video is only 27km, So it is a 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter-receiver.

Let us show you the transmitter and receiver first.

15-150km long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver for drone camera
15-150km pemancar dan penerima video nirkabel jarak jauh untuk kamera drone

Untuk menunjukkan dengan jelas, we put the devices on one top and one bottom side for you.

Latest 2W Power Amplifier 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter receiver living demo image data link transmission in 2022 1

Ada dua antena SMA. ANT1 adalah antena utama dan bekerja dalam mode transceiver. ANT2 adalah antena tambahan yang bekerja dalam mode terima.

Latest 2W Power Amplifier 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter receiver living demo image data link transmission in 2022 2

Ada 2 potongan input ethernet RJ45 dan input daya. There is an Audio input and output connector, and the connector is three pieces of RS232 for UART data communication.

Latest 2W Power Amplifier 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter receiver living demo image data link transmission in 2022 3

Sebelum pengiriman, we take it out for testing and a live demo. Sulit untuk menemukan tempat yang bagus untuk menguji di kota kami yang super besar, yang membutuhkan 30km tanpa hambatan. Dalam pengujian ini kami memiliki dua tim, satu tim membawa kamera IP dan pemancar ke puncak gunung (Meishajian Peak), and another team takes the receiver and computer to the seaside (Nan’ao).

Where is the Air Unit Transmitter and Camera?

Kami menempatkan pemancar, kamera, dan baterai isi ulang di atas batu.


Di peta, we can see the distance measurement is 27.85km.(17.30 mil)


Di puncak gunung, cuaca buruk dan penuh kabut.

Di sini saya menggunakan video demo terakhir kami untuk menunjukkan kepada Anda posisi dan lingkungan kami.

It was a sunny day, it was easy to watch the seaside.

Semoga Anda melihat di mana pemancar dan kamera sekarang.

That time we were at the top of the mountain to test another composite CVBS video transmitter COFDM-912T.

Itu juga diuji dan melewati 26km dari pemancar dan penerima.

Today The set we tested is a long-range video data link system on the base of OFDM, yang berarti pemancar dan penerima total sama dan mendukung input video kamera web RJ45 IP melalui konektor ethernet.

If your camera has HDMI output, then it needs an extra HDMI encoder IP RJ45 output board, yang dapat mengkodekan video HDMI dan sinyal audio ke data digital ke pemancar ini.

Di penerima, itu dapat menghubungkan komputer atau NVR Anda secara langsung, We used a notebook computer monitor as the receiver screen, RTSP player, or VLC player to play the living video streaming from the transmitter and camera.

Mode Jaringan model ini mendukung jaringan bintang point-to-point dan point-to-multipoint.


Point to point berarti satu pemancar dan satu penerima, Point to multipoint artinya sampai 6 cameras from the different transmitters and one receiver at the Security monitoring center.)

multi-camera transmitter and receiver for ptz surveillance camera
pemancar dan penerima multi-kamera untuk kamera pengintai ptz

They are two-way broadband wireless video data audio links, penerima bisa mendapatkan unduhan audio dan video, and it also can upload the data to the transmitter, sebagai contoh, some people need to control the PTZ camera via the joystick from the receiver.

Where is the Ground Unit Receiver and Computer (ground control station)?

Di posisi penerima, which is at the seaside, kami menggunakan dua antena fiberglass sebagai antena penerima. Karena penerima video nirkabel mendukung output RJ45, we can connect it by computer directly, with no need HDMI monitor.


The link and operation are very simple.

long distance video transmission TX900 connection
koneksi TX900

Now we will show you the video of the computer, it is from the computer recording screen software.

Latest 2W Power Amplifier 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter receiver living demo image data link transmission in 2022 4

At the parameter of transmitter and receiver, there are two data in red, which shows the signal strength. Another import parameter shows the distance between the transmitter and the receiver.

Latest 2W Power Amplifier 27 KM long-range wireless video transmitter receiver living demo image data link transmission in 2022 5

This distance is calculated based on the time when the receiver sends some packets to the transmitter and receives their response from the transmitter.

15km 30km long-distance wireless video transmitter receiver transmission transceiver
15km 30km jarak jauh pemancar video nirkabel penerima transmisi transceiver
15km 30km long distance wireless video transmitter receiver transmission transceiver
15km 30km jarak jauh pemancar video nirkabel penerima transmisi transceiver
15km 30km long-distance wireless video transmitter receiver transmission transceiver
15km 30km jarak jauh pemancar video nirkabel penerima transmisi transceiver
15km 30km long-distance wireless video transmitter receiver transmission transceiver
15km 30km jarak jauh pemancar video nirkabel penerima transmisi transceiver

Now we will show you the transmitter and receiver working details. The transmitter IP address is and the receiver IP address is

If you have any questions about our 27 Penerima pemancar video nirkabel jarak jauh KM, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami. Saya akan menunjukkan detailnya di video berikutnya.

What can you operate at the Web UI?

Do you want to see a 110km Real Test video?

Which model supports 150km?

10W PA 100KM airborne video data link long range tactical handhold UAV wireless transmission transmitter receiver
10W PA 100KM tautan data video udara jarak jauh genggam taktis UAV pemancar-penerima transmisi nirkabel

Long-Range Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver for camera datasheet download

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