altitude handiko globoen bideo-igorlea datu-transceptor

Do you have internet long-range routers? I need it at least 20 edo 30 kilometers in a high-altitude balloon. We are doing science experiments at our university with high-altitude balloons.

TX900 gomendatzen da.
We also have a buyer from European clients to use this model.
They do space weather monitoring, they need wireless video transmission equipment to monitor their equipment and download data.
The person also can upload the control command for some experiment types of equipment from the ground receiver to the balloon.
The bandwidth is 20mbps, is that ok for you?

We are planning to mount the transmitter device on a balloon that will reach a 40 km altitude and receive the video signal on the ground using an auto-tracking antenna. We are looking for an integrated plug-and-play solution. Would this be possible? Eskerrik asko.

Eskerrik asko. TX900 is recommended.

Do you have a datasheet? Could you send me the antennas that work with this video transceiver? Do you have any compatible camera? How many cameras can we use with just one transceiver? Do you have a battery system or power system for the transceiver? Our flight will be 6 hours approx. Do you have batteries that will long 6 ordu?

iVcan: Our battery is 7AH, normally we tested time is 2~4 hours, no problem. If you buy a 15AH battery, it should support 4~8 hours. Please check the attached picture.
The 10W PA transmitter and receiver need 3A@28V (24aukerako distantziako kalifikazioa), please try to source at your side.

This flight will be without tribulation. So we will power on all the equipment right before the flight.

Bideo transmisoreari dagokionez, zein dira eskuragarri dauden maiztasunak? Aukera genezake 2.4 GHz as an option or it has to be 1.4GHz or 800MHz?
Era, do you provide RF cable from the video transmitter to the antennas?

1. There are three frequencies to choose from. If you choose 2.4G, then we will arrange the 2.4G Power Amplifier inside and the 2.4G transmitter and receiver antenna. So you should confirm which frequency you need before delivery. Antena maiztasun horren arabera pertsonalizatzen da.
UI Wireless 1.4G

2. We can offer you the RF cable from the transmitter to the antenna, how long do you need it for? It will be easy to have interfered if the cable is too long. So how long do you really need it for the best installation?

That would be perfect. I guess that sweeping the frequency to 2.4GHz will not affect the link budget and we still have 10W and 150Km coberture range?
Regarding RF cable we will need about 3m cable because we will put the video transmitter in the middle of the capsule and this has a 2.5m radius so 3m approx.

RF kableari dagokionez, our engineer doesn’t recommend that you use so long. 0.5dB murriztuko da metro bateko RF kablearentzat. For the 3-meter RF cable, the signal strength will be reduced by 1.5 dB.

In order to support long-distance at 150km, Can you use an RF cable that is less than 1 metro?

Izan ere, the transmitter is very small, hobe da transmisoretik igorlearen antenarako distantzia laburra mantentzea. Transmisorearen elikadura-kablea eta kameratik transmisorerako ethernet kablea luzeagoa izan daiteke, RF kablea bezalako galerarik ez dagoelako..

I will check with the structure team that we need to put the video transmitter as close to the antenna as possible and get back to you with the RF cable length.

The system team asked me about the attachment system for the S transmitter that will be inside the capsule. Do you have any mounting brackets or recommendations? Ideally, the video transmitter will be placed inside a rack.

Regarding how to install it, mesedez, ikusi beheko argazkia.
how to fix the balloon wireless video data transmitter and receiver
There are four screws hole in the metal box, above the picture red arrow. It also can be bound by some cables like the one below.
lock ties cable

Kaixo, we are a high school that has the launch of radiosondes in its educational projects.

Azken abian jartzean, bat erabili dugu 1.2 GHz video transmitter to transmit images from ​​the stratosphere to the ground. Ez gaude konforme lortutako emaitzarekin eta honako ezaugarri hauek dituen bideo transmisore baten bila gabiltza: ​​1.2ghz frequency, FULL HD, RF potentzia 500mw baino handiagoa, 100gr baino gutxiagoko pisua eta 500ma baino gehiagoko kontsumoa.

May I know what is the distance from the ​stratosphere to the ground?
From the internet, I get that the distance is from 8km to 50km.
Antzeko eredua ere eskaintzen dugu Espainian atmosferako hidrogeno-globoen bidez Eguraldia Behatzeko eta Iragartzeko., 150km behar dituena.
The above model TX900-5W-50km is recommended.
​Your need: 1.2ghz frequency FULL HD, RF potentzia 500mw baino handiagoa, 100gr baino gutxiagoko pisua eta 500ma baino gehiagoko kontsumoa.
TX900-5W050km: 1.4Ghz frequency, Full HD 1080P HDMI edo Ethernet kamera, RF potentzia 2 watt, pisua da 142 gramo.

Gure taldeak suziria haratago bidaltzea du helburu 40 km eta gero 100 km, igorlerako gomendiorik ba al duzu, hartzailea, eta kamera?

I had a previous client with an application similar to yours. He used a hot air balloon to rise 50 to 80 kilometers above the ground to monitor the environment. He just bought our long-distance wireless video transmitter and receiver to monitor whether the scientific instruments in the balloon are normal.

Doako Kontsulta, Doako aurrekontua, Doako laguntza, Doako lagin demoa erakusten .

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