Iphinikhodi yombala wentambo ye-Ethernet ichaza i-wireless video transmitter kunye nomamkeli

I need to connect the Ethernet switch to the transmitter using an Ethernet cable. See the picture below. The transmitter only has 4 points for Ethernet: T+ T- R+ R-. Kodwa 8 cables in CAT6. Please ask the engineer to tell me which four to use based on color

ethernet connector at wireless video transmitter

Nceda ujonge lo mfanekiso ungezantsi.
T+: Hayi. 1 Orange/White
T-: Hayi. 2 Orenji
RX+: Hayi. 3 Green/White
RX-: Hayi. 6 Luhlaza

Shiya iMpendulo

Idilesi yakho ye-imeyile ayizupapashwa. Iindawo ezifunekayo ziphawulwe *

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