Video vysielač s dlhým dosahom pre drony, Ultimate FAQ Guide

Video vysielač s dlhým dosahom pre drony

Long-range Video Transmitter for drones, means 5-150km long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver for drones and UAVs. It is hard to choose and buy a suitable model.

You also have a lot of choices and the cost of buy-wrong is very high. Maybe you also have a lot of questions and doubts. Here I listed some questions and answer for your reference. Please feel free to kontaktuj nás alebo Whatsapp nás for any further assistance, I will try to reply to your question soon and exactly.


1. Must your price be 2X for TX and RX, correct?

Áno, pre obojsmerné obojsmerné bezdrôtové video dátové rc spojenie, cenová ponuka je na základe jednej jednotky. Ak potrebujete jeden vysielač a jeden prijímač, potom by jednotková cena mala byť 2X.
Nájdu sa aj zákazníci, ktorí si kúpia tri a viac súprav, prostredný je relé na ďalšie predĺženie vzdialenosti.
There are also customers with multiple transmitters and a receiver or one transmitter and multiple receivers, the quantity is according to your needs, so the cost is unit price X quantity.

2. What is the altitude estimate to achieve 50 km and 80 km?

The flying altitude of this drone depends on your actual application. The transmission distance we mentioned here is based on the visible range. THE (line-of-sight).

We have some clients who use weather balloons in the atmosphere (24-37km)to monitor the operation and performance of the device.
There are also more customers who use UAVs, just keeping the UAV higher than the obstacle on the grounds.

In our test video on the ground, in order to test the transmission distance from 30 na 150 kilometrov, it is often necessary to climb to a high mountain of about 1,000 metre, so that the field of vision is wide.

3. What power amplifier should I choose? 2 watts or 5 wattov?

Výkonový zosilňovač je zosilňovač signálu pre dlhšiu prenosovú vzdialenosť. Môžeme vám ponúknuť 0,3W, 1W, 2W, 5W a 10W.
Vzhľadom na prenosovú vzdialenosť 30-50 km, je lepšie si vybrať 2 wattov na 30 ~ 40 km a 5 wattov na 50-80 km. 10 wattová podpora PA 100~150 km.

4. So each unit has a 2-way communication function correct? That means each unit can function as a repeater or relay function correct?

Áno, každá jednotka obojsmerného obojsmerného modelu je transceiver. Ako relé alebo opakovač medzi vysielač a prijímač môžete vložiť akúkoľvek jednotku.
wireless relay transmitter receiver system
two-way link transmitter receive repeater

5. Each unit can transmit Both Video and telemetry data correct?

Áno, každá jednotka TX900 má dva ethernety RJ45 pre IP kameru. (tiež podporuje rozšírenie viacerých kamier pomocou sieťového prepínača), tri dátové porty, a jeden obojsmerný audio vstup-výstup.

6. Prečo má 5-wattová jednotka niekoľko vzdialeností? Myslím, že existujú 5 wattov s 30 km, 55 km, a 80 km. Je to kvôli nastaveniam softvéru alebo čo?

TX900 a Vcan1681 majú softvérovú autorizáciu na prenosovú vzdialenosť. Vcan1818 nemá toto nastavenie, prenosová vzdialenosť závisí od výkonového zosilňovača.

7. Aká je hmotnosť 5 wattov a 10 wattov ??

TX900: 5 Watty: 142gramov a 10 Watty 242 gramov

8. Aké je oneskorenie (latencia) z 5 wattov pri 55 km a 80 km?

200-300ms video (vrátane kamery na sledovanie)
30-60ms dáta

9. O údajoch pre telemetriu, je kompatibilný s protokolom MavLink, ako budem používať Pixhawk Ardupilot?

Áno, podpora

10. Ako je to s kvalitou videa medzi používaním 800 Mhz a 1.4 GHz? Ktorý je lepší 55 km and 80 km?

Kvalita videa je rovnaká pri 55 km a 80 km.
Pracovná frekvencia by sa mala zvoliť podľa vašej miestnej politiky autorizácie frekvencie.
Ak má váš lokál DVB-T / Digitálna televízia DVB-T2, Frekvenčný rozsah je od 170 ~ 860 MHz, potom sa odporúča 1,4 GHz.
Pokúste sa čo najviac vyhnúť frekvenciám, ktoré sa už v danej oblasti používajú, aby ste znížili rušenie a predišli zamrznutiu kvality obrazu alebo mozaike.

11. Môže byť frekvencia správne nastavená softvérom??

Áno, frekvenciu môžete nastaviť vo webovom používateľskom rozhraní softvéru alebo pomocou nástroja dosky na konfiguráciu parametrov.
Anténa a zosilňovač PA pracujú v určitom frekvenčnom rozsahu. Ich frekvenčný rozsah je pri prispôsobení pevný.
Takže by ste mali zmeniť aj anténu a PA, keď upravíte frekvenciu mimo ich frekvenčný rozsah.
Napríklad, keď nám poviete, že súhlasíte s pracovnou frekvenciou 1,4G, potom anténa a PA budú fungovať dobre na 1,4G, aj keď môžete zmeniť pracovnú frekvenciu vysielača a prijímača na 800 MHz, treba vymenit aj 800Mhz antenu a PA.

12. Máš 1.2 GHz? To je lepšie, berúc do úvahy frekvenciu GPS.

TX900 má tri frekvenčné rozsahy, ktoré môžu byť voliteľné, 800Mhz, 1.4GHz, a 2,4 GHz.
Pracovný frekvenčný rozsah Vcan1818 je možné prednastaviť podľa potreby vášho projektu.

13. Ak si kúpim ten 5-wattový 30km, môžem v budúcnosti upgradovať na 55 km resp 80 km licencia?

keď si to kúpiš, výkonový zosilňovač a maximálny prenosový rozsah sú pevné, a nemožno ich vynaložiť na aktualizáciu softvéru, okrem toho, že zmeníte hardvér modulu transceivera a PA. Montáž je zložitá, radšej si kúp úplne nový.

14. Bolo by pekné skontrolovať, či môžeme zmeniť nasledujúce parametre bez reštartovania rádia UAV: Frekvencia; Bandwidth, a výkonový zosilňovač.

Upozorňujeme, že náš modul bezdrôtového vysielača podporuje frekvenčné pásmo. Napríklad 1427,9 ~ 1447,9 MHz (1.4G) alebo 806 ~ 826 MHz (800Mhz), alebo voliteľné 2401,5 ~ 2481,5 MHz (2.4G).
Musíte si vybrať 1,4G, 800Mhz, alebo 2,4G pri jeho kúpe. (the antenna and PA will be customized according to the frequency band).
At the frequency band, there are many frequency points. Napríklad, the 1.4G range is from 1427.90~1447.0Mhz. Like wifi, the module will automatically select the frequency point with the best current signal as the transmission frequency point, so you don’t need to manually modify the frequency point unless you want to change to a frequency point with the worse signal.
So our engineer doesn’t suggest that you change the frequency manually. If you still need to do it, it should change the transmitter frequency first, then change the receiver frequency to the same as the transmitter.
It is better that you reboot the transmitter and receiver. If you don’t reboot, it also can be working.

15. Naši inžinieri by chceli pochopiť, ako ovládať nastavenia modemu. Máte popis API? Snažia sa pochopiť, ako možno tento dátový spoj integrovať do nášho systému, aby sa nastavenia dátového spojenia ovládali z našej pozemnej riadiacej stanice.. Ďakujem.

Please check the PC AT commands at the below link.

16. Závisí rýchlosť prenosu dát vášho transceivera od prenosovej frekvencie?? Ak áno, aká je potom rýchlosť prenosu dát na najnižšej frekvencii? A aká je rýchlosť prenosu dát v najvyššej frekvencii?

1. In the same frequency band (such as 1.4G), the transmission rate we generally refer to (also called the air interface rate) mainly depends on the wireless bandwidth (such as 10MHz, 20MHz) and wireless modulation parameters (such as QPSK, QAM16, QAM64).
2. Medzi nimi, the wireless bandwidth is set by the user (such as the wireless page under the web page), but the wireless adjustment parameters are automatically and dynamically set by the system. Napríklad, QAM64 is used for short distances, and QAM16/QPSK is used for long distances. This is different from one-way cofdm image transmission.
3. Napríklad, with the same configuration of 20MHz bandwidth, the air interface rate is as high as 30Mbps at short distances, but only 3~4Mbps at extreme distances.
As for what wireless adjustment parameters to use under what conditions, or the currently used wireless adjustment parameters, customers need to explore and operate by themselves.
4. What frequency band the customer chooses should not be based on the transmission rate of the high-frequency band, but also based on the legitimacy of the frequency band and whether the frequency band isclean”. Theoretically, the radio wave in the high-frequency band corresponds to a short cycle, so the transmission time is short and the transmission rate is fast, but the specific theoretical value, I can’t answer you, the actual value, the customer can test it through the speed measurement software (the “measurepage of the TX900 webpage is integrated with IPERF speed measurement)

17. V súprave na prenos komunikácie, Potrebujem joystick, s ktorým funguje vaše zariadenie.

Our system is a transparent transmission system. That means that video or data you input, we will transfer them. How to control the robot, it is your parts.
We have clients who use a PTZ camera, the receiver also has a joystick to control the PTZ camera, zoom, move or rotate.

18. Maximálna vzdialenosť, ktorú je možné dosiahnuť v LOS (Priama viditeľnosť) a NLOS (Non-priama viditeľnosť) prenos?

1. In the visible range, how far our wireless transmission system can support depends on the transmission distance we mentioned and the matching power amplifier you choose when purchasing. Can be selected from 7km 15km, 30km, 50km 80 km, 100km, a 150 km.

2. If the transmission module you choose can support up to 100 kilometrov, but you do not choose our default 5-watt power amplifier, then this distance cannot be reached.

3. It is difficult to answer how many kilometers our transmission system can transmit in the case of non-line-of-sight.
Because non-line-of-sight transmission distance depends on what is the obstacle between the transmitter and receiver?
If it is a metal-enclosed box indoors or on a mountain, the transmission distance cannot be determined.
Wireless video transmission signals are just like radio or GPS signals, they must be able to obtain signals in the presence of diffraction. Preferably in an open area.

19. Môžu byť tieto transceivery použité pre pozemné aplikácie, ako je vzdialené sledovanie oblasti?

This is perfectly fine,
We also have customers who use it for long-term video surveillance in harsh situations such as borders, grasslands, mines, and reservoirs.

20. Koľko kamier je možné pripojiť k jednému vysielaču pre bezproblémový prenos videa do prijímacej stanice?

1. Connecting more cameras also ensures smooth video, depending on the pixels you choose for video and the transmission distance.

2. Our default transmission bandwidth is 20Mbps. If you connect four or five cameras, the pixels of each camera reach 1080p, and the transmission distance is more than 30 kilometrov, the video will occasionally freeze. When this happens, you can adjust the video format to a lower video pixel, or reduce the number of cameras connected to the transmitter.

21. Maximálny počet vysielačov, ktoré je možné pripojiť k jednému prijímaču?

1. The answer to this question is basically the same as the previous one because the bandwidth rate of our single set of links is 20Mbps. Connecting more transmitters, each transmitter will occupy the corresponding bandwidth.

2. The smoothness of the video depends on the pixels and transmission distance of each camera you choose. Below is a video of us testing three transmitters and one receiver in our office. The picture is quite smooth.

22. Ak je na konkrétnom mieste umiestnených viacero prijímačov (jediné miesto).Ako potom vysielač rozlíši, od ktorého prijímača ho treba pripojiť?

1. Every transmitter and every receiver has its unique IP address. Which transmitter and camera you access from the receiver depends on whether you know the IP address you set beforehand. This ensures that, even if many sets of transmitters or receivers are in the same location, you can only access devices whose IP addresses you know.

2. At the same time our transmission and reception also support AES encryption and decryption. Even if other unauthorized users know your IP address, they cannot access or view the video of the transmitter and camera to ensure the privacy of wireless transmission.

23. Postup integrácie NVR, ak sa živý prenos a nahrávanie videa vykonáva súčasne.

1. Most of our customers use the RTS player of the computer to watch or record the video content of the IP camera.

2. If you need to set up NVR, our engineers can provide setup assistance according to your NVR-specific equipment.

24. Poskytnutie schémy zapojenia a architektonických detailov transceivera?

1. My engineers and I will provide detailed help and remote configuration according to your project needs.

2. For specific technical information, according to your needs, we will judge whether it can be opened for free. But we will definitely ensure that you can use the device normally.

25. Je to možné pre 100 km alebo viac na veľkú vzdialenosť nad viď?

If used 10W power amplifier, it can reach 150~200km. (NLOS)

Because of the curvature of the earth, which creates obstructions between the transmitter and receiver, and requires longer distances, it is necessary to ensure that the aircraft flies high enough or use an intermediate mission aircraft as a relay.

26. Dnes vykonávame automatický let na veľké vzdialenosti. Dron stratil spojenie prvýkrát vo vzdialenosti 11 km a počas celého letu sa automaticky znova nepripojil. Keď dron automaticky pristál, oba moduly sme reštartovali ručne a potom sa znova pripojili. Dátový port D1 sa nepoužíva. D2 je SBUS, D3 je TCP server

According to our understanding, the hottest part should be the air unit(the access node), because the environment inside the aircraft is very narrow and closed.

1. The next time you find this kind of problem, you need to use the elimination method, because in general, the probability of unilateral problems is higher. Napríklad, if we suspect that there is a problem with the access node at the aircraft unit. then we only restart the access node at the aircraft unit. Do NOT restart the central node on the ground side to see if you can connect after restarting the access node on the aircraft side, there is a high probability that there is a problem with the access node on the aircraft side.

2. If there are conditions, napríklad, if the wired network port of the access node on the aircraft is exposed, then you can connect it to the computer, and log in to the wireless link web page (štandardné 192.168. 1.12). On the debug page, send any AT príkaz, and check whether the wireless transmission system can respond to AT commands normally.

3. There is a link core module in our transmitter and receiver. It has a log function. Before the flight, it will always record the operation status of the wireless link. When there is a problem, return to the ground, export the log information, and send the log file to MorningCore Help to analyze the reason there. Ako získať protokolové súbory na analýzu a riešenie porúch prerušenia spojenia TX900.

27. Ak použijeme transceivery, ako je to s bezpečnosťou, je to bezpečné, pretože nechceme hackovať naše údaje od iných hackerov

Our wireless video data transmission system supports AES 128 šifrovanie, Banks also use this encryption algorithm. for more information, you can google search aes128.

28. Môžete mi ukázať obrázky UAV rádiovej antény horskej svorky v tvare U a koaxiálnych káblov?

1. U-shaped mountain clamp for 120cm Receiver fiberglass FRP antenna
U-shaped Mounting clamp
2. 150cm Coaxial cables for 29cm transmitter antenna
Co-axial Cable for 29cm Transmitter antenna
3. 150cm Coaxial cables for 120cm receiver antenna

Coaxial Cable for120cm receiver antenna antenna
wireless relay transmitter and receiver with extender cable

29. Vyskúšali ste, že váš 5w OFDM VTX môže dosiahnuť cca 55 km priamo bez opakovača? Ak áno, aká je nadmorská výška dronu?? Je to naozaj LOS bez akýchkoľvek prekážok?

It can go directly to 55km, and the height of the aircraft should be more than 300 metre. It is best to see through, without occlusion, or there is basically no occlusion near the antenna.

30. Aká je spotreba energie 5 w VTX v Napätí a prúde?

The average power consumption of the video transmitter is less than 1.1A@24V, and the average power consumption of the video receiver is less than 0.8A@24V. Power supply range 24~28V.

31. Môže používať lipo batérie? 6Batéria S?

Support lipo batteries.
6Batéria S: 3.76=22.2V, 4.26=25.2V, to jest, 22.2~25.2V, žiaden problém.

32. Povedzte nám, prosím, HS kód vášho diaľkového dvojcestného video vysielača a prijímača dronu?

Some clients used the HS code 8517799000.

33. Podporuje protokol Mavlink? Môžem len pripojiť vzduchovú jednotku s mojím letovým ovládačom, alebo potrebujem v transceiveri nastaviť komunikáciu protokolom Mavlink? Takže nepotrebuje žiadnu konfiguráciu pre Mavlink?

Áno, our long-range drone wireless transmitter and receiver supports Mavlink protocol and flight control. Please check the operation at the below link.

34. Pri odoslaní, vaša vzorka TX900 je vybavená tromi dátovými portami, ktoré sú TTL.

We can customize them for you according to your demand.

35. Sú v páre, ak si kúpim zariadenie? Myslím, pre prijímač a vysielač. Plánujem prenášať video stream bezdrôtovo na vzdialenosť 18 km.

Áno, for the transceiver, it is better to buy at least 2 ks za jeden pár.
You need to buy two, one for transmission and one for reception.

36. Ahoj, Mám záujem o komunikačnú linku pre UAV na prenos videa a telemetrie.

36.1. What was the maximum range you received with a transmitter power of 10 watts and at what altitude?
ivcan: TX900-10W-150km, Our clients can work well at 150~200km at the 1000-meter altitude. We tested 110km from the mountain top to the seaside.

36.2. Communication via Ethernet supports all standard protocols and are there any restrictions on UDP protocols? Or the modem is absolutely transparent from a network point of view?
ivcan: Áno, our wireless link is like an invisible net cable, it supports almost ethernet protocols, TCP/ IP, atď. TX900 also supports absolutely transparent transmission.

36.3 Encryption is only possible with NPP 128, or is it possible with 256?
ivcan: TX900 support AES128 encryption.

36.4 Is the mesh function available for this modem?
ivcan: TX900B has the IP mesh function. There are three versions of the transmission distance: 3km, 10km, and 50km.

36.5 Je možné rýchlo zmeniť prevádzkový režim (počas letu) opakovača medzi bodmi?
ivcan: Prepáč, it can not change the operating model during the flight. Úlohu transceivera môžete zmeniť na vysielač, prijímač, alebo opakovač na zemi.

37. Ako pridať video stream z IP kamery do môjho softvéru na plánovanie misií?

I have an IP camera attached to the transmitter airborne. The video feed is being received on the receiver side. I can see the video feed in the IPCAM application. But now I want the video feed inside my mission planner software.
IPCAM video feed setting on the mission planner software

odpoveď: Right-click on the HUD. There are several options to choose from.
set gstreamder source on mission planner software
Please get help at the below link.

38. My requirement was only 1 km but with a high bandwidth (for data and video), at least 30Mbps – 50Mbps (24VDC power). also kindly send a datasheet of the unit.

Dobre, One of our TX900 sub-models can support 30 to 50Mbps.

39. Is TX900 possible to connect a camera with RTSP protocol to the transmitter?

Áno, TX900 supports a camera with RTSP protocol.
It also supports an IP ethernet protocol camera, which you can submit camera PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom).

40. What is included in the package of your TX900 whole set?

The TX900 default set includes one transmitter and one receiver, two 29cm transmitters, and two 120cm receiver antennae.

41. Why do you recommend using D2 / D3 as the data port?

D1 is the transparent serial port of the core wireless link modem. It is designed to ensure real-time performance but not the serial port data frame structure.
rs232 convert sbus for drone wireless video transmitter and receiver

42. Why should I re-power the air unit when the air unit and ground reconnection?

We have a situation when the air and ground units are disconnected, they won’t be connected automatically. If I power the air unit off and on, they reconnect.
Please show us more details and our engineer will offer you the specific solution.

43. Does your model TX900 support 4k 60fps?

Now it supports 4k 30fps, 3840*2160@30 snímok za sekundu

Long range Video Transmitter for drones, the Ultimate FAQ Guide 1

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