Как использовать VSPlayer для воспроизведения потокового видео UDP на RV1126

Как использовать:

Открыть URL-адрес: rtsp://администратор:[email protected]/live/main_stream (замените IP на IP платы, and select UDP as the protocol)

rtsp://администратор:[email protected]/live/main_stream

Use vsplayer on the RV1126 development board to play the video stream through udp protocol. There is no need to type and follow the port number at the RTSP address. It’s a little different from vlc player streaming.


Configure hardware decoding;

right-click->Properties->Enable network stream hard decoding.

If your resolution is large, the delay will increase accordingly.

VSplayer Download


VSplayer vs Easyplayer

Why is it not recommended to use Easyplayer on the RV1126 development board to play UDP video streams?
In previous tests, we found that the player easyPlayer may forcibly interrupt the process when it is closed, and the player compatibility is not good.

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