OFDM Technology Introduction OFDM (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) is a multi-carrier digital [...]

Antenas pavasaris

What is Antenna Spring? We made an antenna of fiberglass with a built-in shock spring [...]

liela attāluma VTX video raidītāja modulis

The long-range VTX video transmitter module model is Vcan1681. What is a long-range VTX video [...]

Microhard p900

What is Microhard p900? P900 is a wireless digital transmission device from the Canadian Microhard [...]

Bezvadu video audio raidītājs un uztvērējs izpletņlēcēja ķiveres kamerai

Sveiki, I am looking for a system capable of transmitting video and audio from an [...]

kā iestatīt automātiskās izsekošanas antenu ar bezvadu video datu savienojumu.

Pircējs: I would like to ask you a technical question about the automatic tracking of [...]

Ad hoc network three band board card

The MLink2/Mnet2 Pro supports 1.4G/2.4G/5.8G in the three band board of the self-organized network Product [...]

OEM video transceiver data transceiver for Drone

OEM Video Transmitter Transceiver Features: (Small and light, Drošs un uzticams, zema latentums ) Items [...]

COFDM raiduztvērējs

Kas ir COFDM raiduztvērējs? COFDM Transceiver is a pair of devices that can get [...]

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