ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivetarako Botswana telebista digitalaren eguneraketa eguneratzea deskargatzeko firmware proba lokala

ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivako Botswanarako

ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivako Botswanarako

Botswana ISDB-T 8M kanal-zenbakia eta maiztasuna

A1-3 taula 8 MHz/ch UHF kanalak (Ikus A1-1 taula zutabea 7.3 OFDM eramaileen maiztasun-desplazamendua)

Channelstart Frequency (MHz) amaiera Frequency(MHz) Center Frequency (MHz) 
21 470 478 474 
22 478 486 482 
23 486 494 490 
24 494 502 498 
25 502 510 506 
26 510 518 514 
27 518 526 522 
28 526 534 530 
29 534 542 538 
30 542 550 546 
31 550 558 554 
32 558 566 562 
33 566 574 570 
34 574 582 578 
35 582 590 586 
36 590 598 594 
37 598 606 602 
38 606 614 610 
39 614 622 618 
40 622 630 626 
41 630 638 634 
42 638 646 642 
43 646 654 650 
44 654 662 658 
45 662 670 666 
46 670 678 674 
47 678 686 682 
48 686 694 690 
Maldiva ISDB-T maiztasun kanalen zerrenda

#ISDB_T #ISDBT #8M_ISDB-T #ISDB_T_softwarea # ISDB_T_firmwarea

Hona hemen ISDB-T Japoniako eta Hego Amerikarako bi sintonizatzaile eta bi antena dituen xehetasunak

ISDB-T software-berritzea deskargatu

ISDB-T-k EWBS behar du Perurako, Japonian, Filipinak,

8M ISDB-T Maldivetarako, eta ISDB-T gehiago beheko estekan

ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivako Botswanarako

ISDB-T (Zerbitzu Integratuak Emisio Digitala – Lurrekoa) audioa emateko difusio digital sistema mota berria da, video, and multimedia services. ISDB-T 8M software for Maldives Botswana from China factory.

ISDB-T system was standardized at the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) in Japan.

Most countries adopted 6M bandwidth, such as Japan, Filipinetan, Brasil, Peru, and Chile, but Botswana and Maldives are different, which is 8M. As the bandwidth was different, the software of the TV box was totally different. You can not take one of the PhilippinesISDB-T TV boxes to work well in the Maldives.

Luckily, we have our software engineer made a special firmware to solve this problem.

Please check the video. It is recorded when an ISDB-T TV Box in the Maldives for auto search TV program. Softwarearen OSD menuak Maldivako herrialdeak erakusten ditu eta banda-zabalera 8M da, 562Mzh-n bilatzean, aurkitu zuen 5 tokiko telebista programak eta bilaketaren emaitza monitorean erakutsi zuen.

Telebistako katearen informazioa bilatzen eta gorde ondoren, monitoreak telebista programa erakusten du eta ondo funtzionatzen du.

Eskerrik asko ikusteagatik, ISDB-T software eta firmware informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez harpidetu gure kanalera.

ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivako Botswanarako

A1-3 taula 8 MHz/ch UHF kanalak (Ikus A1-1 taula zutabea 7.3 OFDM eramaileen maiztasun-desplazamendua)  

Botswana ISDB-T 8M kanalaren izena eta maiztasuna (ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivako Botswanarako)


izenaMaiztasun Digitala (MHz)KANAL
Ez da telebista59436
Mabele telebista51426
Pandemenga telebista61038
Selebi Phikwe telebista61839
Molalatau telebista47421
Francistown telebista65844
Matsitama telebista57033
Telebistaren istorioa48222
Erosi telebista58635
Telebista emititu53028
Beldurra telebista60237
Mabutsane telebista49824
Etorri telebistara55431
Middlepits telebista68247
Bokspits telebista538 29
Maun telebista65844
Sakatu telebista51426
Gumare telebista53028
Sepupa telebista50625
Motopi telebista60237
Abokatua telebista50625
Gantsi telebista50625
Newxed telebista66645
Piztu telebista61038
Ncojane telebista54630
Hukuntsi telebista57033
Kang telebista69048
Charles hill telebista58635
Gazta telebista67446
Sojwe telebista50625
Mahalapye telebista55431
Mompi telebista49023
Letlhakane telebista61839
Mmashoro telebista54630
Chadibe telebista65844
Maope telebista53028
Gabane telebista49824
Mabule telebista57033
Sesung telebista63441
Oliphant telebista60237
Telebistaren berdina66645
izenaMaiztasun Digitala (MHz)KANAL
Piztu telebista68247
Behin telebista65043
Zorte on(Baita telebista ere)57033

Zergatik behar duzu ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldiveko Botswanarako?

ISDB-T 8M lurreko telebista digitalaren difusio-sistema bat da, garapen bidean dauden herrialdeei irtenbide errentagarri eta fidagarria emateko garatu dena.. Sistema hau herrialde askok hartu dute, besteak beste, Maldivas eta Botswana, telebista-emisiorako sarbidea hobetzeko modu gisa. Artikulu honetan, ISDB-T 8M softwarearen onurak aztertuko ditugu Maldivek Botswanarako.

ISDB-T 8M-ren lehen abantaila kostu-eraginkortasuna da. Sistema hau lurreko telebista digitaleko beste sistema batzuk baino askoz merkeagoa da, baliabide mugatuak dituzten herrialdeentzako aukera erakargarri bihurtuz. Gainera, sistema erraz instalatzen eta mantentzen da, which further reduces the cost of implementation. This makes it an ideal choice for countries such as Maldives and Botswana, which have limited resources and need to keep costs low.

The second benefit of ISDB-T 8M is its reliability. This system is designed to be robust and reliable, which means that it can provide a reliable signal even in areas with poor reception. This is especially important for countries such as Maldives and Botswana, which have large rural areas with limited access to television broadcasting. With ISDB-T 8M, these countries can ensure that their citizens have access to reliable television broadcasting.

The third benefit of ISDB-T 8M is its scalability. This system is designed to be easily expanded, which means that it can be used to provide television broadcasting to larger areas. This is especially important for countries such as Maldives and Botswana, which have large rural areas that need to be connected to television broadcasting. With ISDB-T 8M, these countries can easily expand their television broadcasting networks to reach more people.

Azkenik, ISDB-T 8M is a secure system. This system is designed to be secure, which means that it can protect the privacy of viewers and ensure that only authorized users can access the system. This is especially important for countries such as Maldives and Botswana, which need to ensure that their citizens’ data is secure. With ISDB-T 8M, these countries can ensure that their citizens’ data is safe and secure.

Laburbilduz, ISDB-T 8M is a cost-effective, fidagarria, scalable, and secure digital terrestrial television broadcasting system that can provide many benefits to countries such as Maldives and Botswana. Sistema honek herrialde horiei telebista-emisiorako sarbidea hobetzen lagundu diezaieke, zabaldu euren sareak jende gehiagorengana iristeko, eta herritarren datuak seguruak direla ziurtatu. Arrazoi horiengatik, ISDB-T 8M aukera ezin hobea da garapen bidean dauden herrialdeetarako. ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivako Botswanarako

ISDB-T 8M softwarea Maldivetarako Botswana telebista digitalaren eguneraketa eguneratzea firmware lokaleko proba gainditu da. Lagina eskuragarri dago, mesedez, lasai harremanetarako gu.

ISDB-T 8M software gehiago Maldivako Botswana produktuetarako

utzi erantzun bat

Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak markatuta daude *

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Harpidetu orain irakurtzen jarraitzeko eta artxibo osora sartzeko.

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