

Transmitter TX scrambling encryption module Receiver RX descrambling decryption module is our FPV video encryption and decryption module.

I will show you how it work at the above video.

First let us see our encryption module, it has an video input and 12 volt input. At the another side, there is an video out. One video cable is connecting the output to our 1.2Ghz analog transmitter. The TTL serial port is connecting to the computer.

This is our 1.2Ghz FPV video receiver, It receives video wireless from the video transmitter. It’s video is connecting our decryption module. This is the 12 volt power input, the video output to our monitor after decryption.

Now the scrambled video on the monitor is not seen well. Becaues our encryption key is 600 and the decryption key is 6000. The encryption code is different, so the video is not seen.

Then let’s change decryption code to 600, keep the code are the same on the transmitter and receiver. Then we set it, when I click the write, it shows write error! Then close the connection, and open it again. When you see, welcom to you, then click write. “Write successful”. Now we have successfully set it, the video is received normally.

Now let’s change the encryption code to 6000, to change different encryption code, to see the video is seen or scrambled.
Then let’s set, look, our video on the monitor will immediately show this garbled video, you can’t see anything, It’s all garbled.

现在, then we set it back. The decryption is also set to 6,000. Let’s set it again, the setting is successful, Our video will start to work properly.

One more thing, adding encryption code is not add any delay.

题: 为什么发射器和接收器需要支持加密和解密功能?

您的 FPV 视频正在播放, 其他人是否以相同频率监视您的直播视频?


您的无人机视频就像电视台的发射塔. 别人只要调整频率, 他们可以接收数字电视节目并观看您的无人机拍摄的视频.

所以为了保护您的隐私, 请在发射器和接收器之间设置AES128位密码.

如果您的发射器和接收器不支持加密和解密, 最好停止使用它们.

我们的FPV1887支持50公里范围, 所以以无人机为中心的50公里范围内, 其他人可以自动搜索电台找到与您相同的频率并接收无人机的实时视频. 请务必购买我们可选的发射器参数配置板工具, 在发射器和接收器上添加最多 128 位密码, 并锁定您的隐私.


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