Више камере на један пријемник за бежични видео предајник и пријемник, више тачака до једне тачке

Више камере на један пријемник за бежични видео предајник и пријемник, више тачака до једне тачке

Више камере на један пријемник за бежични видео предајник и пријемник, више тачака до једне тачке

The equipment used in the demonstration video.

укупан ТКС900 four sets, three sets TX900 with IP camera, one set with a computer as the receiver.

Testing process

Ћао, customers often ask us whether our long-range wireless video data transmission transceiver can support many cameras and transmitters to one receiver.

У овом видеу, I demonstrate the result of this operation. We linked three cameras and transmitters and used a receiver connected to a computer’s screen as a monitor. Select quad screens in the RTSP player, and you will see the screens of three cameras at the same time.

At the end of the video, our lens will capture three IP cameras and transmitters respectively.

Although I only tested the multi-point-to-point transmission video of this function indoors, in fact, it can still support the transmission range of 10-150 километара.

Because the bandwidth of this equipment is 30M bps, it is recommended to connect 5-6 камере, and the transmission rate of each camera can be maintained at 5M bps. If there are more than 5-6 камере, the picture may freeze.

Више камере на један пријемник за бежични видео предајник и пријемник, више тачака до једне тачке

Our other model can achieve 110M bandwidth and can support more cameras, but the farthest transmission distance is within 22 километара.

In the video, you can see. Both the transmitting and receiving antennas are very short, as a professional wireless video transmitting and receiving device, it has a wide range of uses.

Many customers use it to install it on drones, which can provide real-time video and data as far as 150 километрима далеко, and can also be installed in wireless broadband systems from shore to ship, or installed on ground robots or unmanned vehicles, even if it is not In the line-of-sight scenario, there are obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver, and the super diffraction capability can also transmit a distance of 1 kilometer. It can also be used for firefighting, wedding video recording, итд.

If you have any project that needs to use a wireless video transmitter and receiver for video data RC control transmission, молимо Вас да нас контактирате, we can provide consultation and testing for free.

How to Choose the Right Transmitter and Receiver with Multi-Point to One-Point Support?

multi-camera to one receiver-transmitter and receiver for PTZ surveillance camera

There are several factors to consider when selecting a transmitter and receiver for multi-point to one-point support.

Први, the type of camera signal that must be transmitted must be determined. Different camera video outputs necessitate different types of transmitters and receivers. If the signal is an IP ethernet camera, then the transmitter should have IP ethernet video input, if the signal is HDMI or CVBS, then the transmitter needs to plus one HDMI / CVBS encoder to IP ethernet.

Друго, the range of the signal must be considered, most long-range video transmitters and receivers support 10km, 30км, 50км, 80км, 100км, 120км, 150км, and even over 200km. A higher-power amplifier for the transmitter and receiver should be used if the signal must be transmitted over a long distance. If the signal must be transmitted over a short distance, Међутим, a lower-power transmitter and receiver should be used. Our recommended model TX900 power amplifier has 300mW, 2 В, 5 В, и 10 В.

Треће, the antenna type should be considered. Different antennas are designed to receive different types of signals. A directional antenna, на пример, is best suited for long-distance signal transmission, whereas an omnidirectional antenna is best suited for short-distance signal transmission. Please check the more optional antenna for the transmitter and receiver, хттп://ivcan.com/price-list-for-wireless-video-transmitter-receiver-antenna/

коначно, the cost of the transmitter and receiver should be considered. Different types of transmitters and receivers are priced differently, so it is critical to choose one that fits within your budget. According to the transmission distance and amplifier you need for your project, it is good to choose the best model to save costs.

if you have any questions about the multi-Camera to one receiver for wireless video transmitter and receiver, молим вас слободно контакт инчни монитор тв са уграђеним двб-т2 дигиталним тв тјунером, подршком за Х.264 и Х.265.

Multi-Camera to one receiver for wireless video transmitter and receiver diagram

Више камере на један пријемник за бежични видео предајник и пријемник, више тачака до једне тачке
Више камере на један пријемник за бежични видео предајник и пријемник, више тачака до једне тачке

RTSP player software download

We used the below Windows player (named Easyplayer) as the test IP camera player. https://github.com/tsingsee/EasyPlayer-RTSP-Win

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