DTV batanidzo

DTV batanidzo

DTV batanidzo


Transform your Android device into a live broadcast TV! Use this App with DTV batanidzo (by iMobile) on your mobile phone or tablet, to enjoy live TVEVERYWHERE! DTV batanidzo is a compact and lightweight wireless accessory that delivers free high-quality broadcast TV to smartphones or tablets via WiFi. DTV batanidzo delivers a true live TV experience, free-of-charge, with no payment required for cellular data or TV provider subscriptions. No Internet connection is needed to view broadcast TV!Key App Functionality: – Scan channelsWatch free-to-air broadcasts: TV and Radio channelsSwipe left and right to change channelsJump directly to your channel of choice from a drop down menu

DTV Link DVB-T2W digital TV wifi receiver for Android or iphone OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA DTV_link_DVB-T2W_digital_TV_wifi_receiver_Android_iphone_7 DTV_link_DVB-T2W_digital_TV_wifi_receiver_Android_iphone_8 DTV_link_DVB-T2W_digital_TV_wifi_receiver_Android_iphone_9 DTV_link_DVB-T2W_digital_TV_wifi_receiver_Android_iphone_10


DTV Link DVB-T2W digital TV wifi receiver for Android or iPhone DVB-T2W is a small stand-alone digital TV tuner (DVB-T2 uye DVB-T ) that connects digital TV signals and streams of live TV wirelessly to mobile devices on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android Phone and Android tablet etc. Live TV can be watched through wifi.

DVB-T2W Feature

  1. Ver small size and Ultra lightweight
  2. Bring the live TV to your iPhone/iPad/tablet as a mobile television
  3. Watch free-to-air Digital TV anywhere at your home or in the car.
  4. It is portable and rechargeable
  5. Watch in original quality on your Android or Apple Pad / Phone
  6. Watch TV on full-screen or scalable window


  1. Frequency dungwerungwe: 177.5 – 226.5MHz (VHF); 474 – 858MHz (UHF)
  2. Support Digital TV standards: DVB-T2 DVB-T Mpeg 2, Mpeg 4, and H.264
  3. Receive Distance: mukati 5 mamita
  4. Yakavakwa muna matochi:8000naRaama,rechargeable battery

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