Bolivija ISDB-T namesto analogne televizije v prihodnjih letih

Bolivija ISDB-T, digital terrestrial TV adoption has slipped to – at best – the tail-end [...]

How to get the frequency of the current channel of digital tv boxes, kot DVB-T ali ISDB-T?

How to get the frequency The end-user needs to know how to get the channel [...]

Zakaj avtomobilska tv škatla potrebuje dva sprejemnika in dve anteni?

Zakaj avtomobilska tv škatla potrebuje dva sprejemnika in dve anteni? With two tuners, two [...]

ISDB-T latest version software firmware for 2- Antenna in-car ISDB-T9821

ISDB-T latest version software firmware for 2- Antenna in-car ISDB-T9821 Need more upgrade ISDB-T latest [...]

YS-910DTV-V1 digitalni TV sprejemnik z gonilniško ploščo monitorja

YS-910DTV-V1 is a digital tv receiver with an HDMI monitor driver board. Designed for ISDB-T [...]

HV-310E / EH in HV-310J / JH FPV Full HD video oddajnik HDMI / CVBS za DVB-T / ISDB-T / ISDB-Tb Modulator

HV-310 is the most cost-effective solution to transmit long-range HD video for FPV applications with [...]

Prenos posodobitve programske opreme za nadgradnjo vdelane programske opreme ISDB-T 2023

Koraki za nadgradnjo vdelane programske opreme ISDB-T Nadgradite tako, kot je opisano spodaj. Please contact us for the [...]

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