Endre RS232 TTL D2 til SBus for flykontroll på trådløs videodatalink sender-mottaker

En kunde ba oss endre D2-datagrensesnittet til SBus før forsendelse. Slik at han direkte kan koble sammen sitt flykontrollutstyr etter å ha mottatt varene.

Vår trådløse videodatalink har tre datagrensesnitt, D1, D2, og D3, så lenge kunden krever det, vi kan endre D2 for å støtte SBus eller RS485-grensesnitt. Vi kan legge til en RS232 TTL-omformer SBus-modul på innsiden av transceiverboksen. Denne videoen er for å demonstrere og teste om SBus-modifikasjonen er vellykket.

Her mottar vi UART-dataene sendt av datamaskinen gjennom en UART-til-SBus-modul, og deretter gjennom denne UART-til-SBus-modulen, simulere mottak av SBus-signalet fra dronestyrespaken. And send it to our wireless video data link receiver, D2 interface, which has been modified to SBus in, D2 now can receive the SBus data in.

On the other side, we also connected a wireless video data link transmitter, which is a device connected to the drone, it will send the received SBus signal to the drone’s flight control device through the D2 data interface. Now it is SBus out. We don’t have drones and flight control equipment here to simulate the SBus receiving process. Through two modules, the received SBus signal is converted into UART and sent to the computer.

The computer screen shows it has received the data of the SBus, which simulates the whole process of the SBus sending and receiving through our wireless video data link. If the customer connects his flight control equipment and drone with the SBus out here, he will receive the SBus signal from a far away distance like a computer, and then he can control the drone by his operating joystick, even in another test video over 110km long-range video data test.

Why do we use D2 instead of D3 to change to the SBus interface? Because D3 is a multi-purpose interface, in addition to the common RS232 TTL data function, it is also a special interface for UART AT commands. The web UI can do some common configurations. Engineers often use UART commands to query and modify parameters through the D3 interface. So we can use D2 to modify it to SBus or RS485 interface.

Modify RS232 TTL D2 to SBus for flight control on wireless video data link transmitter-receiver
Endre RS232 TTL D2 til SBus for flykontroll på trådløs videodatalink sender-mottaker
UART to Sbus and Sbus to UART converter board
UART to Sbus and Sbus to UART converter board

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