COFDM FDD IP Radio modem duplex transceiver mingħajr fili

1. I am interested in your COFDM FDD IP radio modem, Vcan 1886. Would you add the filter, amplifikatur tal-qawwa, and metal case to make the complete product with the antenna and parameter configuration tool?

2 frekwenza: 340Mhz and 554Mhz.
5-amplifikatur tal-qawwa watt.
Filter for avoiding frequency interference.
2 antenna for 340Mhz and 2 antenna for 554Mhz.

Iva, we can do that for you.

2-way COFDM duplex IP Radio Modem with two frequency filters
2-way COFDM duplex IP Radio Modem with 5 amplifikatur tal-qawwa watts

COFDM FDD IP Radio modem duplex transceiver mingħajr fili

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