Quomodo mutare COFDM moduli operandi modus?

How to change the COFDM module working mode released on 2021-6-15 Special note: this document [...]

quomodo probare data tradenda in HDMI ad tabulam encoder ethernet?

How to test the data transmission on HDMI to the ethernet encoder board? This is [...]

PA Power Amplifier

30W-2115M power amplifier specification Test items Indicator requirements Operating frequency (MHz) 2100~2130 Output power(W) 30  [...]

Antennae altitudo et transmissio procul

How to calculate the transmission distance and antenna height of the transmitter and receiver? quod [...]

OSD propono munus in receptore COFDM

Key1: turn on/off the status of the OSD displaying, dum urgeas ut switch(plus quam [...]

10-watt PA COFDM video transmissum et receptatorem converter ab 1400Mhz ad 315MHz

Block Down-converters BDC Frequency Downconversion LO1085Mhz from 1400±50Mhz to 315±50Mhz Technical Parameters Index requirements input [...]

longi-range Transceiver Instructiones ad TX900

Cautiones 1. Before powering on, please ensure the device and antenna are reliably connected, aliud, [...]

fucus MiMo IP reticulum transceiver

Q,: I need to cover a 600 km circle area including mountains, hells means a [...]

FPV video receptaculum

FPV Video Receiver In this video, I will show the connection between the FPV VTX [...]

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