Indonesia DVB-T2, Jakarta, zenbat gehiago lortzeko 3 Telebista kateak autoan?

Indonesia DVB-T2

Indonesia DVB-T2 iradokizunak: Kaixo mike, i dagoeneko instalatu DVB-T221, emaitza oso ona da, Irudian autoa martxan zehar egonkorra da. jakarta kanal guztiak hauteman daitezke, guztira kanala da 30 Jakartan. DVB-T221 produktu ona da. Produktu hau gomendatzen dut.

Contact With Indonesia Mr. Freddy Suhartono, +62811806825

Galdera: besterik DVB-T221 iruzkin, ezin da ordaindutako TV geltokia detektatu, ordaintzen dugun telebista-ekin 3 channels are free for public. maybe need to upgrade the firmware.
Erantzuna: I will ask our engineer and reply you soon, Can you take the pictures of your paid tv station At home to box, We need know the frequency, press info on the remote control, screen will show like 474Mhz
Galdera: ok i will take screen shoot
Indonesia guztia Telebista zerrenda
Nex Indosiar
Nex O Channel

NEX is paid DVB-T2, but there are 3 opened channel for free, your DVB-T221 can not detect NEX. I have changed the country from Thailand to Russia but the result is same, can you ask your engineer to modify the firmware to detect paid TV with FTA channel. Frequency 290.5MHz/7Mhz, 313.5MHz/7MHz, 320.5MHz/7MHz, for paid TV uses 7 MHz banda zabalera Erantzuna: ondo da, I will send you the upgrade software soon Galdera: Your DVB-T221 is only detecting 28 channel of 31 kanalean, 3 channel are FTA in paid TV Erantzuna: software New link azpitik dago:

Galdera: how to flash ? Berritu DVB-T221? Erantzuna: OSD menu-Sistema At>Berritu. Copy USB connector to usb plug in usb connector, Please do not disconnect the power when upgrading, please waiting if scroll no move. Galdera: Good evening mike, i have flashed dvb-t221 and work properly, but there are 2 fta channels it’s not detected in locked channel, i will try to rescan again, normally there are 3 fta channel in paid tv, but we can only detect 1 fta channel. Erantzuna: Before send you, we have to do the testing, According to your three frequencies, all it can get tv, Please try to manual research, Just scan these two miss frequencies. Galdera: Done sir, i just move the car to other area to receive better signal, now all channels can be detected. Ona.

Contact With Indonesia Mr. Freddy Suhartono, +62811806825

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