videokodeerija dekooder

Does your video encoder decoder support HD-SDI? 1080p or 1080i.

1. Max supports 1080P.
2. HDMI input supports 4k.

Can your encoder is compatible with any h264/h265 decoder i.e. Nvidia jetson decoder etc

We need to ask the engineer, please tell us the details of the video decoder if you have.
We also have video encoder and decoder board, if you both us ours, then it is no problem.

For 4k or 1080p video what will be ethernet data rate?

Video bitikiirus on kliendi poolt seadistatav (kasutaja).

We will use your video encoder board with two input (HDMI ja PAL) and with 12V alimentation. Is it ok?

Kas sa mõtled HDMI või AV sisendit (toetab kahte tüüpi videoid), või vajate kahe samaaegse sisendi toetamiseks HDMI-d ja AV-d?

Q: Kahe samaaegse sisendi toetamiseks peavad meil olema HDMI ja AV.
A: Okei. Meie püsivara insener teeb mõne päeva jooksul uue püsivara, et see vastaks teile vajalikule funktsioonile. Ma uuendan seda ja näitan teile testvideot.

iVcan: Palun aidake kinnitada, et HDMI-d ja cvb-sid saab samal ajal toetada, kuid heli saab valida ainult ühe kahe hulgast (süsteem valib HDMI-heli/analoogheli vastavalt video juurdepääsu olukorrale), Kas see sobib sulle?

klient: Me ei vaja heli, nii et tehke seda, mis on teie jaoks parim.

iVcan: Meie tarkvarainsener on teile tarkvara koostanud. Palun vaadake lisades olevaid pilte.
Nüüd toetab see HDMI-kaamerat ja CVBS-kaamerat.

Olen teie kodeerijat meie süsteemiga mitu korda testinud. Üldiselt töötab hästi.
Kuid meil on üks suur probleem, et saaksime selle kasutamist kinnitada :
Whenever we turn on the system Camera and the encoder at the same time we are unable to read the “mainStream”, we can only read the “subStream”.
We have to “Reboot” the encoder via the web interface to make it work: pärast taaskäivitamist saame otse lugeda mainStreami.
Proovisime nii VLC kui GStreameriga.
Mida võiksime proovida, et mõlemad vood oleksid käivitamisel loetavad ?

Meie inseneride arvates, see on kas kaamera tuvastamise või kliendi kasutamise probleem.
Kahtlustan, et tahvelkaart ei tundnud ära kliendi HDMI-kaamerat.
Seda on lihtne kontrollida (kui te ei pääse alamvoogu juurde, seda on raske kontrollida).
Logige sisse kodeerijaplaadi veebiserverisse ja näete video lehel kaamera tuvastamise olekut.

Videolehel kuvatakse ainult ühe kaamera tuvastamise olek. Kui HDMI- ja AV-kaamerad on ühendatud ja tuvastatud samal ajal, videolehel kuvatakse HDMI-kaamera tuvastamise olek (näiteks 1080p60):
Kuni HDMI-kaamera suudab selle normaalselt ära tunda, Põhivoolule pääseb tavapäraselt juurde.
Kui HDMI-kaamerat ei tuvastata normaalselt, palun kontrollige uuesti plaadi HDMI-juhtmestikku ja toidet (Pange tähele, et see on võimsustsükkel, mitte tarkvara taaskäivitamine veebilehel)
Lisaks, tahvel kasutab juhuslikku Maci aadressi, nii et Maci aadress muutub iga kord, kui selle taaskäivitame.
ARP-vahemäluga seadmete jaoks (nagu arvuti), pärast taaskäivitamist, see on ajutine (a few seconds) unable to access the board from the network. , We cannot access it until the arp request is re-initiated after timeout (the performance is that the coding board cannot be pinged for several seconds after restarting)
seega, I guess another possibility is that when the customer accesses the mainstream, it cannot be accessed due to the above reasons. Then when the customer accesses sub-stream, the arp cache refreshes and the customer can access it, but the customer does not revisit the main-stream.

Whenever we turn on the system camera and the encoder at the same time, we cannot read the “Mainstream”, we can only read the “subStream”.

Judging from your description here, it seems that your camera is started after our encoding board. Please start your camera first, ja seejärel lülitage sisse ja käivitage meie kodeerimisplaat, et seda proovida. Võib-olla pole see samal ajal sisse lülitatud. Samuti on oluline sisselülitatud järjekord. Näiteks, teie kaamera käivitamine vajab 10 sekundit, kuid meie kodeerijaplaadi käivitamiseks on vaja ainult 5 sekundit.
Kuna ma pole kindel, kas teie kaamera lähtestub pärast sisselülitamist väga aeglaselt.
Kuna meie kodeerijaplaat käivitub väga kiiresti, võib juhtuda, et kaamerat pole pärast kodeerijaplaadi käivitamist lähtestatud, mis võib põhjustada ootamatuid probleeme. See võib selgitada ka seda, miks "peame kodeerija töötamiseks veebiliidese kaudu taaskäivitama".: pärast taaskäivitamist saame otse lugeda mainStreami., sest kui teie veebileht taaskäivitab kodeerijaplaadi, kaamera on juba lähtestatud.
seega, viimased soovitused on järgmised (I tried my best to list everything that came to mind and let you test them separately);
Look at the video page of the web server and confirm whether the HDMI camera is recognized normally (you can send a screenshot to us). As long as the camera is recognized normally, Mainstream can be accessed;
It is recommended that you ping the coding board under cmd first, and then access mainStream and subStream under vlc to avoid mistakenly thinking that Mainstream cannot be accessed due to random mac issues.
Let you start your camera first (for a few seconds), then power on and start our encoding board to try (see the reasons described above)
Follow your original operation of “turn on the system camera and the encoder at the same time”. When the problem “we are unable to read the “mainstream”, we can only read the “subStream”.” is reproduced, Do not restart the encoding board through the web page, but hot-swap the HDMI cable between your camera and the encoding board. I think it is only a hot-swap operation (because I suspect it is a plug-in detection problem that causes the camera not to connect to the encoding board. Send HDMI signal).

I can always read the subStream. The mainStream only after reboot.

Then our encoder board can detect your camera.
Please do a test.
Let you start your camera first (for a few seconds), then power on and start our encoding board to try.
The engineer worries about that your camera startup needs 10 sekundit, kuid meie kodeerijaplaadi käivitamiseks on vaja ainult 5 sekundit.
Please do this test to rule out the possibility of different startup times.

When you are testing, it is better to adjust the setting back (red words) või vaadake allolevat pilti.

Kodeerija plaat ja kaamera on mõlemad täpselt samal ajal sisse lülitatud. Tõenäoliselt võtab kaamera käivitamine veidi kauem aega kui kodeerijaplaat.

I confirm that the camera seems to be not recognized on startup “CVBS pal” is displayed at the top.

Enne mõlema voo lugemist saan tahvli korralikult pingida

Kui ma oma kaamera esimesena käivitan (for a few seconds), siis toide sisse (15 sekundit hiljem) ja käivitage kodeerimisplaat, Ma oskan voogu hästi lugeda.
If I “turn on the system camera and the encoder at the same time”. Ja siis ühendage HDMI kuumalt (15 sekundit hiljem), Ma oskan voogu hästi lugeda.

Mida ma saan teha, et saaksin lugeda mainStreami ilma, et peaksin neid asju tegema ? Saada http-i taaskäivitamise taotlus minu tarkvaraga, mõni sekund pärast käivitamist ?

Noh, see tõestab mu arvamise õigsust. Meie teistele klientidele, kaamera ja meie kodeerimisplaat on kõik samal ajal sisse lülitatud. Kaamerad suudavad meie kodeerimisplaadi normaalselt ära tunda ja HDMI-signaale välja saata. Ainult vähesed kliendid on oma kohandatud HDMI-kaameraid kasutades selliste probleemidega kokku puutunud. Järgmise lahendavad kliendid ise (oma kaamera seadete muutmine/kaamerate muutmine).

Kas teil on meie jaoks arendatava tarkvara versioon?? Täpsustame seda oma PO-s.

iVcan: Teie seadme püsivara versioon on v6.5.5a.

We have a faulty of the video encoder, what should I do?

1. Teie näidatud fotolt, leidsime, et vasakpoolses alumises nurgas olev kondensaator ja induktiivpool on välisjõu mõjul kahjustatud. Võib-olla löödi need pakkimise ja transportimise ajal maha, ja teie ettevõte lõi need töö ajal kogemata maha.

The highlighted ones are the missing devices, which are:
3、R34FB,120R@100M,+/-25%,3A,SMD0603 (magnetic beads)

Please try to find the same parts, replace them and then check carefully to see if there are any other missing parts.

If you still have questions, Palun võtke meiega ühendust.

this faulty part is used to operate which circuit?

1.5V toiteallikat, powering DDR, kontrollige allolevat pilti.

We replaced the components according to your advice, the encoder is not functional.
Lisaks, we noted other quality problems with the welds, several manual reworks.
How can we proceed with a standard exchange under warranty?

Don’t worry about it, please send it back to us, and we will change a new one for you.

Does your HDMI + CVBS video encoder board support ONVIF?

The engineer said that the ONVIF protocol is not fully supported. It depends on your specific requirements.
The video player supports RTSP, VLC, Easyplay, and protocol support UDP player.

Can I use hdmi stream and CVBS stream together?

Our video encoding board supports two channels of video at the same time, one is HDMI video stream and CVBS video stream encoding.

küsimus: What time characteristic does your DVB-T modulator (saatja) have? We can see the below if we look at DVB-T standard ETSI EN 300 744.

But what times are in your DVB-T TX module?
We need it because we are thinking of fast-changing frequency during video streaming, so we need to understand the real times for this mode. We use QPSK, CR=1/2, GI=1/32, bandwidth = 8 MHz.

vastus: In our DVB-T modulator, both transmitted symbol time and guard time are the same, koos 400 744 spetsifikatsioon

cvbs converter to IP, конвертер av сигнала в ethernet, SDI CVBS encoder,

Q: How much will be the latency if I connect two cameras (HDMI + CVBS)?

I have two cameras, one is a hdmi camera, and the second is a CVBS camera. I will convert both video streams to IP ethernet by this board and the opposite receiver side will be a computer.


The delay of the video encoding board must take into account the encoding and decoding. It is impossible to test the accurate delay from the encoding board alone.

tavaliselt, the delay caused by the decoder board is greater.

With different software players, the latency varies greatly. Näiteks, using our Splayer the delay is about 100ms, and using VLC the delay can be up to 300ms.

The delay of the CVBS camera is difficult to measure accurately. Delays below 100ms are difficult to measure with a stopwatch. Lisaks, the delay of Vcan1681 itself is not easy to test. Without the decoder board, you can’t even see the image. It cannot be calculated by using a stopwatch, and there is no way to measure it with an oscilloscope.

After the customer buys the encoding board, he will definitely need a player to decode. Then it is better to ask the customer what kind of player he plans to use for decoding (ours, the customer’s own, or a third party), so that we can know better whether the coding board can meet customer requirements (function and performance) or not.

How to test the video encoder board latency?

  1. I pointed the camera at the stopwatch on my computer screen.
  2. Another computer plays the video sent from the current encoding board and also displays the stopwatch on the computer screen.
  3. You need to reduce two times, namely the delay from the camera to the monitor. (Including camera and screen delay)
  4. Please check the below pictures

Q: How much is the latency if I use your encoder and decoder board?

A: It is better to use our encoder and decoder board. The encoder and decoder board prices is the same. The below latency test result is only for your reference, not including the camera delay.

  • CVBS input to our encoder board—–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay is 60~90ms
  • HDMI input to our encoder board—–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay is 90~130ms
  • HDMI 720P input our encoder board——–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay between 80~100ms
  • HDMI 1080P input our encoder board——–our decoder board with HDMI output, the delay between 100~130ms

For lower latency, you also can use our video encoder and video decoder board. It will be much better than playing the video streaming on your computer via the VLC player.

Which video decoder board supports H264 H265 and super-low latency?

The left-side blue decoder board supports H265 and H264 decoding but does not support low-latency decoding. (Samsun Chipset)
The right-side blackboard supports H264 decoding but supports H264 low-latency decoding. (HiSilicon)

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