dvb-t24 4 天線車DVB-T2軟件升級固件更新

DVB-T2 software upgrade firmware update for DVB-T24 4 天线, to solve no startup, frozen on the logo

首先, please confirm that your tv box has the same as the below picture. OSD menu and PCBA picture.
4 Antenna Car DVB-T2 board and TV module DVB-T2 software upgrade firmware update
If your tv box was fronze like the below picture, can not enter the TV and OSD menu.
DVB-T24-starting logo HD DVB-T2 DVB-T2 software upgrade firmware update

This software does NOT support another four antenna model whose starting logo is below.

If your tv box starting logo is like this, please Do NOT upgrade this page software. DVB-T2軟件升級固件更新

Automatically Update the firmware from the USB disk, no need for remote control operation


下面為現有客戶列出以下固件, 如果您需要升級或修理機器, 請確認硬件同我哋嘅相同,或要求我哋先檢查. 如果硬件,無確認升級操作可能會失去遙控器功能或再次無法啟動機器 (芯片組) 係唔同嘅, 最後一個解決方案係由電視盒生產工廠更換正確嘅固件IC.

因為固件不同於正常嘅PC軟件, 軟件不需要考慮硬件更多嘅時間. The firmware is working only on the right and is the same model as the main chipset. It controls the I/O and saved the remote controller code in the firmware. 不同嘅工廠或供應商使用完全不同的固件, and even the box looks the same. 佢哋可能使用不同嘅芯片組同遠程控制器代碼.


  1. Please download and unzip the file, it should be flash.bin.
  2. Copy it to the USB disk, it is better to keep only flash.bin in the USB root directory.
  3. Plug the USB disk into the TV box
  4. Give the TV box power supply
  5. It will upgrade it automatically (always keep the power supply, otherwise it will lose the firmware)
  6. Until the upgrade is successful, it will auto-start.
  7. The software version will be the same as the below picture.

After Automatically upgrading, now you can enter the tv box, and the remote control has full function. You can upgrade another firmware to get the Multi-PLP function


  1. 確保固件適合您的裝頂盒.
  2. 解壓縮升級固件. (*.站)
  3. 將其複製到U盘. (最好USB在根目錄中沒有其他文件)
  4. 操作 遙控器, 選擇 軟件升級OSD餐牌 您的套頂盒.
  5. 在升級期間, 請保持電源,直到升級 100% 完成. 否則, 固件將永遠失去從 芯片組 機頂盒無法再次開機.
  6. 升級後, please auto-search the channel and test again.
  7. The software version will be the same as the below picture.


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