Latest VCAN DVB-T2100S New software for Iran HD channel IRIB to solve no audio no sound in 2022

DVB-T2100S upgrade software VCAN DVB-T2100HD DVB-T2100S New software for Iran HD channel IRIB to solve [...]

Philippines ISDB-T DTT has passed test

Good news, from our customer who tested the Philippines ISDB-T receiver, our Model VCAN0870 can get [...]

German DVB-T2 is open soon

German DVB-T2 has new planning to upgrade. As the european economic engine, Germany DVB-T2 will [...]

Thailand DVB-T2 will be available in 11 provinces by June

Thailand DVB-T2 will be available in 11 provinces by June, VCAN Car DVB-T2 tested and [...]

菲律賓 isdb-t 就喺之前轉移 2020

菲律賓 isdb-t 就喺之前轉移 2020, VCAN ISDB-T has been tested at Philippines

Norway DVB-T2

Norway DVB-T2 News: NKOM publishes reports on use of 700 MHz band for TV

Philippines TV is adopted Japan’s ISDB-T system

Philippines TV to adopt Japan’s ISDBT system The government has chosen to adopt the Japanese [...]

Thailand Car DVB-T2

Thailand Car DVB-T2 was testing at Bangkok, High speed and best TV performance reception.


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