
Buyurtmani uchun rahmat. The following payment methods are available for your use:

  • Bank Transfer ( Bank located in HK, Tashqi video signal kiritish uchun AV IN ni qo'llab-quvvatlang, AQSH, SG, GB, etc)
  • Paypal (Support Credit Card and Debit Card)
  • Online Payment Checkout support: viza, Ustoz, Paypal
  • Western Union
  • China Inland Bank ( or Alipay, WeChat Pay)

For other types of payment (Wise, Skrill, Payoneer, Worldfirst, or WebMoney), Iltimos Biz bilan bog'lanish.

TT Bank uzatish

Hisob raqami801 318866 838
foidalanuvchiVcan Group Limited
Bank nomiHSBC HongKong
or The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
HK Bank kodi004 (Branch bank code 801)
Kompaniya manziliBaoAn, Shenzhen, Xitoy
Bank manziliNo.1 malikasining Road Markaziy, Hong Kong
CurrencyUSD, Yevro, RMB, GBP, JPY, SAPR, AUD, NZD, SGD, CHF, thb.


Payment 1 Paypal account: ivcan paypal account
Iltimos, PayPal-da etkazib berish manzilingiz to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Biz PayPal to'lov ham ro `manzilga yuk yuboradi. Paypal is only for sample orders and small amounts.

1-savol: Do you agree to pay by Payoneer, Worldfirst, Skrill, or Wise?

A1: Please contact us for payment details.

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