Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module Parameter Configuration Instructions COFDM AT Command

Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module Parameter Configuration Instructions COFDM AT Command

Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module

Download the Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module Parameter Configuration Instructions below if you need a PDF file.

Update Record:

Initial version
ATDR reply distinguishing module
ATSE, ATGE add audio switch
Add ATSP protocol
Add ATST, ATGT protocol
ATGE command add AESfor status acquisition
Added ATGB protocol
AV and HDMI output control
Support for obtaining the current AV output standard
Added ATSU, ATGUcommands
Added ATOSD, ATSIP, ATGIP commands
Added ATSAD, ATGAD commands

Users may need to modify the configuration parameters of the module during the use of the COFDM modulator and demodulator module. In order to simplify the user’s operation, we design the parameter configuration into a few simple AT commands. The user only needs to use the specified AT command and pass the corresponding parameters to complete the parameter setting of the COFDM module.

Suitable Models

Command Introduction

The AT command for configuring COFDM module parameters starts withATand ends with an underscore_”. Each AT command has several or no parameters, and each AT command has a return value. For details, please refer to the introduction of the following commands.

Users can configure the parameters of the module through the configuration serial port (TTL level, 3.3- Ын) of the COFDM module. For detailed serial port configuration, refer to the figure below. Please use tools such asSerial Port Debugging Assistantto send AT commands to the COFDM module, pay attention to the use of text, for example:

Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module Parameter Configuration Instructions COFDM AT Command 1
Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module

- ommand Classification

The AT commands for configuring COFDM module parameters are mainly divided into the following two categories:


From the perspective of whether to save after power-off, the setting commands can be divided into:

Power-off Not Saving CommandsATSG, ATSM, ATOSD

According to the configuration transmitter or receiver, the classification is as follows:

Receiver Configuration CommandsATDR, ATSR, ATGR, ATSP, ATST, ATGT, ATGB, ATSIP, ATGIP

Command Details

Ping Command

Уже кутыныfor the integrated system to check whether the serial port is connected and identify the connected modules.
Return valueRCB returns thedevice profilestring
SUE1 returnsATDRSUE1 OKstring
SHD1 returnsATDRSHD1 OKstring
Замечаниоссэquery command

Set Device Command

ФорматэнATSD $(mimo), $(gi), $(code_rate), $ (constellation), $(freq(KHz)), $(bw(KHz)), $(tx1_gain), $(tx2_gain)_
Example: ATSD0,1,0,0,800000,8000,86.0,86.0_
ПараметръёстыOne Antenna/Dual antenna mimo: 0 mimo disable; 1 mimo enable
Guard Interval GI: 0 1/32; 1 1/16; 2 1/8; 3 1/4
Convolution Code Rate: 0 1/2; 1 2 /3; 2 3/4; 3 5/6; 4 7/8;
Кизилиос: 0 ФМ; 1 QAM16; 2 QAM64;
RCB Carrier Center Frequency(kHz) 200000~2700000(200MHz~2.7GHz, 1KHz step)
RC900 Carrier center Frequency(kHz) 750000~930000(750MHz~930MHz, 1KHz step)
RCB Channel bandwidth bw(KHz) 2000~8000(2MHz~8MHz, 1KHz step)
RCB Channel bandwidth bw(KHz) 2000~8000 (2MHz~8MHz, 1KHz step)
Transmitting antenna 1 gain tx1_gain 0.0~89.75dB, 0.25dB stepping
Transmitting antenna 2 gain tx2_gain 0.0~89.75dB, 0.25dB stepping
Return Valueкылсярысь:ATSD0,1,0,0,800000,8000,86.0,86.0_
SISO,GI: 1/16, CR:1/2, MOD: ФМ, freq:800000KHz,bw:8000KHz,tx1_gain:86.000000 tx2_gain:86.000000 ӜОГЕН
ВалэктонSet command, save when power off.
Different Bandwidths, Guard intervals, Convolution code rates, Data rate calculation formulas corresponding to constellations
Air interface rate Rate(MBps) = (Пропускной быгатонлыкъёслы(МГц) * 8.0/7.0) / (1+GI) * 1512/2048*log2(constellation point) * code_rate * 188/204.
Taking 8MHz bandwidth as an example, different guard intervals, convolution code rates, data rates corresponding to constellations and required receiving signal-to-noise ratiosC:\Users\timyep\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\Users\157871537\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\E0XEBCD_M4WD[M1BWR$}TK4.png

Set Gain Command

ФорматэнATSG$( tx1_gain),$( tx1_gain)_
Example: ATSG85.0,85.0_
Параметръёстыtx1_gain: Transmitter 1 gain
tx2_gain: Transmitter 2 gain
Уже кутыныTo dynamically adjust the output power. If the signal SNR/RSSI of the receiver is high, the output power can be reduced through the remote control link. When the SNR/RSSI of the end signal is low, increase the output power (передатчик)
Return Value,Example: ATSG85.0,85.0_set gain 85.000000 85.000000 ӜОГЕН
Замечаниоссэsetting command, power off will not save.

Set Modulation Mode command

ФорматэнATSM$(gi), $(code_rate), $(constellation)_
Example: ATSM1,1,2_
ПараметръёстыGard interval GI: 0 1/32; 1 1/16; 2 1/8; 3 1 /4;
Convolution code rate: 0 1/2; 1 2/3; 2 3/4; 3 5/6; 4 7/8;
Кизилиос: 0 ФМ; 1 QAM16; 2 QAM64
Уже кутыныDynamically adjust the air interface rate, the air interface rate can be increased when the distance is short, and the air interface rate can be reduced when the distance is long (передатчик)
Return ValueExample:ATSM1,1,2_GI:1/16, CR:2/3, MOD: QAM64, ӜОГЕН
Замечаниоссэsetting command, power off will not save.

Жадемet Device Status Command

Уже кутыныquery the current number of transmit antennas, защитный кусыпъёс , convolution code rate, number of constellations, transmit frequency, bandwidth, gain parameters (передатчик)
Return ValueExample: ATGD_
SISO, GI:1 /16, CR: 1/2, MOD: ФМ, freq: 800000KHz, bw: 8000KHz, tx1_gain: 86.000000 tx2_gain: 86.000000 ӜОГЕН
Замечаниоссэquery command

Set Encoder Command

ФорматэнATSE$(llc),$(rt),$(bitrate) ,$(gop),$(audio)_
Example: ATSE0,0,0.0,0,0_
Параметръёсты1. Enhanced data reliability option llc: 0 disable; 1 enable (requires the receiving end to enable this option at the same time, use in pairs, because more redundant data is added to enhance reliability, the video bit rate of the transmitting end should be set when this option is turned off half of)
2. Real-time priority/quality priority rt: 0 image quality priority; 1 real-time priority;
3. Bitrate: 0 let system decide; >0 specify bitrate(float)
4. I frame interval GOP: 0 let system decide; >0 specify GOP
5. Audio encoding option audio: 0 disable; 1 enable
Уже кутыныUsed to set encoding parameters (Transmitter)
Return ValueExample:ATSE0, 0,0.0,0,0_
Режимен:0,RT:0,bitrate: 0.0Мбит / - ысь,gop:0,audio:0,ӜОГЕН
Замечаниоссэsetting command, save when power is off.

Get Encoder Command

Уже кутыныquerying encoding parameters (sending end)
Return ValueExample:ATGE_MODE:0, RT:0,bitrate:4.0Мбит / - ысь,gop:10,audio:0,aes:0, ӜОГЕН
ЗамечаниоссэQuery command AES means the current encryption status: 0 disable; 1 enable

Get Input Command

Уже кутыныquery the current camera input parameters (передатчик)
Return ValueExample:ATGI_input_size: 1080п, input_rate: 60фпс-эзлэн, sensor_type: hdmi,ӜОГЕН
Замечаниоссэquery command

Set Input Command

Example: ATSI1080,25_
Параметръёсты1. Input resolution input_size: 0 let the system detect; >0 specify input size
2. Input frame rate input_rate: 0 let the system detect; > 0 specify input fps
Уже кутыныTo specify the input resolution and frame rate to meet some special signal sources, or some special application needs (передатчик)
Return ValueExample: ATSI1080,25_
Input_size:1080п,input_rate: 25фпс-эзлэн, ӜОГЕН
RemarksAfter the user specifies the input resolution and frame rate through this command, the system will no longer detect the signal source (use with caution). The user can restore the default through the following command: ATSI0,0_Set the command and save it after power-off.

Set Output Command

Example: ATSO720,30_
Параметръёсты1. Transmitter: encoding output resolution output_size: 0 equal to input_size; >0 specify output size
2. Приёмникъёс: HDMI output resolution (720, 1080)
3. Transmitter: encoding output frame rate output_rate: 0 equal to input_rate; >0 specify output_rate (фпс-эзлэн)
4. Приёмникъёс: HDMI output frame rate 720p supports frame rate (50, 60); 1080p supports frame rate (24, 25, 30, 50, 60)
Уже кутыны1. Transmitter: Used to specify the encoding output resolution and frame rate to meet the requirements of certain applications for zooming and frame reduction
2. Приёмникъёс: used to configure the resolution and frame rate of HDMI output
Return ValueExample: ATSO720,30_
output_size: 720п, output_rate: 30фпс-эзлэн, ӜОГЕН
Remarks1. For HDMI input only, this command is invalid for AV input
2. Output_size <= input_size; output_rate<=input_rate
3. Set the command and save it after the power is off.

Set Input Sources Command (switch HDMI / Пырон cvbs сигнал)

Example: ATSU0,1 _
Параметръёсты1. Video input selection VIN: 0 let the system detect; 1 force CVBS input; 2 force hdmi/SDI input
2. Audio input selection AIN: 0 let the system detect; 1 force analog input
Уже кутыныUsed to meet specific application requirements (Example: HDMI/SDI input video, MIC input audio)
Return ValueExample: ATSU0,1_
Замечаниоссэsetting command, power-off save.

Get User Command

ФорматэнATGU _
Example: ATGU_
Уже кутыныTo query user-specific configuration
Return ValueExample: ATGU_
Замечаниоссэquery command
return parameter description please refer to the ATSU command

Set Receiver Command

ФорматэнATSR $(freq), $(bw ), $(llc), $(cvbs)_
Example: ATSR320000,6000,0,0_
Параметръёсты1. DR2C carrier frequency freq(KHz) 200000~860000(200MHz~860MHz, 1KHz step)
2. DR900 carrier center frequency freq(KHz) 200000~1600000(200MHz~1.6GHz, 1KHz step)
3. DR2C channel bandwidth bw(KHz) 2000~8000(2MHz~8MHz, 1KHz step)
4. DR900 channel bandwidth bw(KHz) 3200~8000(3.2MHz~8MHz, 1KHz step)
5. Enhanced data reliability option llc: 0 disable; 1 enable (it is required that the transmitter should also enable this option at the same time, and use it in pairs. Since more redundant data is added to enhance reliability, the video bit rate of the transmitter should be set to when this option is turned off half of)
6. AV output system cvbs: 0 pal; 1 ntsc
Уже кутыныTo set the receiver parameter
Return Valueexample: ATSR320000,6000,0,0_
ATSR320000,6000,0,0 OK
Замечаниоссэsetting command, save when power is off.

Get Receiver Command

ATGR_the receiving end parameter
Return ValueExample: ATGR_
ATGR320000,6000,0,aes:0,cvbs:0 ӜОГЕН
Замечаниоссэ1. Query command
2. Aes parameter indicates the current encryption status: 0 disable;1 enable
3. CVBS parameter Indicates the current AV output standard: 0 pal;1 ntsc

Get Bit Error Rate Command

Уже кутыныquerying the bit error rate and signal strength of the dual antennas at the receiving end
Return ValueExample: ATGB_
ATGB ber1:0.00% ber2:0.00% RSSI1 :54 RSSI2:53 Lock1:1 Lock2:1 ӜОГЕН
Remarks1. Query commands
2. Ber1 and ber2 respectively indicate the bit error rate of each antenna, ranging from 0.0% - 100.0%
3. RSSI1 and RSSI2 respectively indicate the signal strength of each antenna, ranging from 0 - 100
4. Lock1 and Lock2 respectively indicate the signal locking status of each antenna (1 Represents signal lock)

Set Password Command

ФорматэнATSP$(password), $(password)_
Example: ATSP123456, 123456_
ПараметръёстыAES key password: 6-digit password (ASCII)
AES key password: 6-digit password (ASCII) (repeat it for confirmation)
Уже кутыныUsed to set the AES key of the transceiver (приёмникъёс но передатчик)
Return ValueExample: ATSP123456_
ATSP123456 OK
Замечаниоссэ1. When the password is all 0, AES encryption is turned off.
2. Set the command and save it after powering it off.

Set Data Transfer Command

ФорматэнATST$(baud rate), $( parity)_
Example: ATST115200,0_
Параметръёсты1. Baud rate baud rate: 1200、2400、4800、9600、19200、38400、57600、115200
2. Check Code: 0: None; 1: Odd; 2: Even
Уже кутыныUsed to set the baud rate and parity bit of the serial port for data transparent transmission
Return ValueExample: ATST115200,0_
ATST115200,0 OK
RemarksSet command

Get Data Transfer Command

Уже кутыныUsed to query the baud rate and check code
Return ValueExample: ATGT_
ATGT115200,0 OK
RemarksQuery command

Set IP Address Command

ФорматэнATSIP$(ip), $(ip)_
Example: ATSIP192.168.1.215,
ParametersLocal IP address
Local IP address (repeat to confirm)
Уже кутыныUsed to set the receiver IP address
Return ValueExample: ATSIP_192.168.1 .215,
ATSIP192.168.1.215 OK
Remarks1. After setting the IP address, the receiving end needs to be restarted to take effect.
2. Set the command and save it after powering it off.

Get IP Address Command

Example: ATGIP_
Уже кутыныto query the current IP address of the receiving end
Return valueExample: ATGIP_
ATGIP192.168.0.215 OK
Замечаниоссэquery command

OSD Overlay Protocol

ФорматэнATOSD$(idx), $(дышетскыны), $(y), $(str)_
Example:ATOSD0,40,20,height: 100m_
Параметръёсты1. IDX index: 0~7 (supports OSD overlay for 8 areas)
2. X-coordinate: 0~1919
3. Y coordinate: 0~1079
4. str: the string to be displayed at the corresponding coordinates (the space symbol is used to clear the display)
Уже кутыныon the video screen.OSD information
Return valueӦвӧл
Remarks1. The user specifies the x and y coordinates of the OSD display according to the maximum 1920×1080 пиксел, and the system will correct the coordinates according to the actual display situation.
2. The ‘_character cannot be contained in the str parameter

Set Gain To Adjust

ФорматэнATSAD$(freq),$(adjust) _ Example:ATSAD700000,2.5_
Параметръёстыwireless central working frequency:   Freq(KHz) 200000~2700000(200MHz~2.7GHz, step: 1KHz) Adjust the value(дБ):       ATSD cmd will subtract this value to set the wireless gain
AndaSpecify and adjust the value for the wireless gain setting using by ATSD cmd
FeedbackExample: ATSAD700000,2.5_ freq:700000,adjust:2.50 ӜОГЕН
CommentsSetting command is still valid when stopping power or resetting.

Get Gain To Adjust

ФорматэнATGAD[$(freq)]_ Example:ATGAD700000_
Параметръёстыwireless central working frequency:   Freq(KHz) 200000~2700000(200MHz~2.7GHz, step: 1KHz) When no parameter provides, it will list all the freq that have adjusted value.
AndaInquiry adjust the value for wireless gain setting using ATSD cmd
FeedbackExample: ATGAD700000_ freq:700000,adjust:2.50 OK ATGAD_ freq:700000 750000 ӜОГЕН
CommentsInquiry command.

Serial Port Utility software download

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1. How can I return to the No Password setting with 000000 indications after the change?

Reset the password to 000000 (one must not be missing) through the Parameter Configuration Panel Board.
or set it through the ATSP_command

2. I see that Gain is the output power of the transmitter. Please tell me the range of settings of this parameter. All setting level (Басьты) good for linear output operation? Or do you suggest some limited range for better linear operation?

The Gain of the COFDM configuration is the internal Gain, not the actual output power of the transmitter. The internal gain range is 0~89.75dB and the linear output:
1. At around 300~500MHz, the Gain is set to 89.75, and the actual output power of the transmitter module is about -5dBm.
2. At around 1000~1500MHz, the Gain is set to 89.75, and the actual output power of the transmitter module is about -6dBm to -10dBm.

3. I tried to setB bandwidth (kHz) and E bit rate (Мбит / - ысь). When I set E, the new value does not apply. So. the E setting is only for monitoring of available bitrate? if I wish to change the E (Bitrate) I have to change only B (bandwidth)? Am I right?

It is not recommended to modify the video bit rate ‘Edirectly, because if the output video bit rate is greater than the wireless air interface rate, the system will not work normally.
By default, the internal video bit rate ‘Ewill be set to 0 for automatic. Customers only need to modify ‘Bto modify the wireless parameters, and the video bit rate will automatically adapt.
You can also adjust the wireless air interface rate by modifying GI and CR.

For more details on the Encoder Modulator Decoder Demodulator Module, please send an inquiry to us.

COFDM Modulator Demodulator Module Encoder Decoder HDMI CVBS AV Input AES 256 FHD RF streaming


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