Initia DVB-T2 Soon, A mata'ita'i i te afata teata i ni'a i te Itenati

Te huruDVB-T / T2 H.265DVB-T / T2 H.264DVB-TISDB-T
4 Tuner 4 AntennaDVB-T26540DVB-T240/ISDB-T7800
2 Tuner 2 AntennaDVB-T265DVB-T221DVB-T7200ISDB-T9820
1 Tuner 1 Antenna/DVB-T2KDVB-T7000ISDB-T63

Initia DVB-T2 BENGALURU: You can now watch TV channels and listen to your favorite radio channels on your mobile phone without paying any money. For this, you will not need an Internet connection or even a SIM card but just a dongle (afata apo parau).

India DVB-T2
Initia DVB-T2

The Prasar Bharati has started trial transmission of television and radio channels that can be accessed on smart mobile phones with the help of a dongle from January this year. Te haapurororaa video 'Digital Video – Te piti o te u'i apî (DVB-T2)' E nehenehe te mau ravea haapurororaa afata teata e te radio e faaohipahia i nia i te mau niuniu uira (OTG- Te mau nota) na roto i te faaîraa i te mau tapao no ǒ mai i te hoê taata e tere ra na nia i te fenua. This new technological innovation is being replicated in 19 te mau oire o te fenua, area o Bengaluru ra, ua haamata a'ena ïa i te haaparare i te parau no te tamataraa. Na te mau tamataraa i roto i te mau tuhaa taa ê o te oire i heheu mai i te mau hoho'a e te mau ta'iraa reo maramarama.

India DVB-T2
Initia DVB-T2

Te parau ra te hoê taata toroa a te hau no Prasar Bharati e, " Te faatumu nei matou i ni'a i te rave'a maitai roa a'e e ti'a ai ia matou ia faaohipa i te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau no te horo'a i te haamaramaramaraa e te faaanaanataeraa ia tere ana'e te taata, ia tae iho â râ ratou i te mau tauraa manureva, te mau vahi tapaeraa pereoo auahi, te ti'a noa ra te pereoo uta taata e aore râ te tere ra i roto i te oire. Aita i maoro roa, Te titauhia nei i te mau niuniu afa'ifa'i ia matara mai na roto i te mau niuniu afa'ifa'i e te mau matini afa'ifa'i, e no reira, te mau matini afa'ifa'i no rapae mai (Te mau nota) may not be necessary.” N Thiyagarajan, Te tahi atu mau ti'a faatere rahi (Te mau ravea aravihi), Zone Apatoa, Prasar Bharati faati'a i te express, " No te mea ho'i e, e huiraatira rahi teie i roto i te fenua e tere ra, tapirihia i ni'a i ta ratou mau niuniu afa'ifa'i e aore râ, i ni'a i te mau iri papa', mai te mea e, e nehenehe ta tatou e faaohipa i teie rave'a aravihi aita e haamaramaramaraa, it will revolutionize broadcasting services in a big way. E nehenehe atoa tatou e haamaraa i te numera o te mau reni na roto i te mau faaôraa i roto i te mau fare pureraa ia haamata ana'e te taviniraa. Faahaere, e te mau pǎpǎ i teie mahana o te haere mai e te mau pehe e te mau pehe, E nehenehe ta te mau taata atoa e fana'o i teie taviniraa. The cost for a receiver is not prohibitive.” Telecom Industry Says The telecom industry is showing enthusiasm about the advent of this technology in India. Vivek Kimbahune, Ti'a faatere (Sales), Saankya Labs, an industry leader in designing chipsets, Te mau nota, “We have been waiting for DVB-T2 transmission to start as India is a country with 900 milioni taata e faaohipa nei i te matini afa'ifa'. Tera ra, it will take time for manufacturers to integrate this facility so presently only Metros are on the cards for the services to begin.” Kimbahune adds, " A parare ai te haapurororaa, e parare atoa te matini roro uira no te haaparare i te mau hoho'a i ni'a i te hoê faito pan-India. Mobile handheld device manufacturers will be motivated to launch products with integrated ‘free to air TV reception capabilities inside the devices. Tera ra, the content will be a big factor in the success of this technology and play a critical role as youngsters look for quality programming.” He says whether private content will be allowed on the DVB-T2 te tahi atu tuhaa te ti'a ia hi'opo'ahia. " A horo'a i te rima tauturu i te mau taata atoa, o te reira ïa te rave'a apî roa a'e no ô mai i te faatereraa hau," o ta ' na ïa e parau ra. Te mau pureraa Pae doordarshan (DD) reni (DD National, DD News, DD tuaro, DD Bharati, DD Chandana, and three AIR channels) E nehenehe te taata e mataitai i te mau hoho'a e e faaroo i te ta'i a tere ai ratou na nia i te hoê pereoo i roto i te mau otia o te oire no Bengaluru. Te rahiraa o te mau mea e nehenehe e tupu mai, o te 70 km which is almost to Tumakuru. I teie nei, Japan and Korea have been using mobile TV-enabled handsets for more than a decade as digital terrestrial transmission has been put to effective use unlike in India. Even countries like the UK, the USA, and European countries like France, and Germany have been using terrestrial transmission to enhance television and radio communication. How to Use it The receivers or dongles (Initia DVB-T2) are available on e-portals for `3,000-4,000 and can be attached to one’s smartphone or a tablet to listen to the radio or watch TV programs on the smaller screen while on the move. Te mau hoho'a no te fenua Initia DVB-T2 no roto mai i te More India DVB-T2 products from

A vaiiho i te hoê pahonoraa

Eita ta outou rata uira e nene'ihia. Ua tapa'ohia te mau tuhaa i titauhia *

Ite mai i te tahi atu â mau mea no roto mai i

A tapa'o i teie nei no te tamau noa i te tai'o e ia roaa te taatoaraa o te puturaa parau tahito.

Tamau noa i te tai'o

Titau i te tauturu no ni'a i te mau mea faufaa a'e?