TDH601 Pad TV DVB-T2 panarima pikeun Phone Android / Pad USB TV Tuner Pad TV

ngetik DVB-T / T2 H.265 DVB-T / T2 H.264 DVB-T ISDB-T
4 tuner 4 antena DVB-T26540 DVB-T240 / ISDB-T7800
2 tuner 2 antena DVB-T265 DVB-T221 DVB-T7200 ISDB-T9820
1 tuner 1 antena / DVB-T2K DVB-T7000 ISDB-T63

TDH601 Pad TV DVB-T2 panarima pikeun Phone Android / Pad USB TV Tuner Pad TV

DVB-T2 Dongle
Pad tv tuner APK
pt360 android
USB tv tuner.apk
android DVB APK
DVB-t android USB APK
DVB t2 Pad APK

wincikan produk DVB-T2 Pad tv tuner TDH601 Pad TV narima Pad TV iteuk Watch DVB T2 TV dina Android Phone / Pad TV USB Pad narima

  1. Google: Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Nexus 10
  2. HTC: hiji X (Android 4.1.1 atawa versi nu leuwih luhur)
  3. Samsung Galaxy Note 2 / Catetan 3 / S3 / S4, tab 3 8.0
  4. MTK, RK CPU tablet jsb
Hambalan operasi
Download “Pad TV HD” APK and install to your device
  1. Selapkeun tuner kana alat Android Anjeun. Then pop-up message “open Pad TV HD when this USB device is connected?” Click “OK” to open the application. If you select “use by default for the USB device” operation, waktu saterusna anjeun nyelapkeun Pad TV panarima tuner, aplikasi bakal dijalankeun sacara otomatis.
  2. Kahiji aplikasi waktu ngajalankeun, upami Anjeun hoyong pikeun ngapdet saluran, turn “Setting” to click “Channel scan”
  3. Pilih nagara Anjeun (Anjeun bisa milih sistim standar), and finally click “scanning”, prosés scanning baris terus bari, mangga jadi sabar

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