Holland DVB-T:Inspraak op voornemens over digitale ethertelevisie (DVB-T)

Op 31 januari 2017 lopen de vergunningen voor DVB-T (digitale ethertelevisie) af. Deze vergunningen zijn afgegeven [...]

Uganda DVB-T2

Waxa aad u baahan tahay inaad ka ogaato socdaalka dhijitaalka ah Waa maxay hijrada dijitaalka ah ee terrestrial TV? [...]

Finland DVB-T2:Digita to start switching UHF for digital TV from July

Finnish telecoms regulator Ficora said frequency changes for terrestrial television will begin at the end [...]

Czech DVB-T2: Czech Radiokomunikace tests DVB-T2

On 03 June at 10:00 hrs, Czech Radiokomunikace launched experimental live TV broadcasting in the [...]

Singapore DVB-T2

SINGAPORE: The shift from traditional to digital media consumption is changing the broadcasting landscape, iyo [...]

Car Wifi TV

Car WIFI TV Getting digital TV signal, and send TV to your phone or tablet. [...]

Lithuania DVB-T: Teo wuxuu ka tanaasulay shatiga HD ee DTT

Adeeg bixiyaha Lithuania Teo wuxuu ka tanaasulayaa shatiga uu dib ugu baahin lahaa Eurosport HD, Bandhiga daahfurka [...]

DVB-T2 Quad tuner quad antenna

DVB-T2 Quad tuner quad antenna

Botswana ISDB-T qaatay

Dowladda Botswana waxay go'aansatay inay qaadato Adeegyada Isku -dhafan ee Fidinta Dijital ah - Dhulka (ISDB-T) [...]

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