sidee buu FPV fiidiyooga analooga ah ee encryption-decryption u sameeyaa gudbiyaha-qaataha si loo ilaaliyo asturnaanta

how does FPV analog video encryption-decryption module on transmitter-receiver to protect privacy Transmitter TX scrambling [...]

Sida loo beddelo qaabka COFDM moduleka shaqada

How to change the COFDM module working mode released on 2021-6-15 Qoraal gaar ah: this document [...]

sida loo tijaabiyo gudbinta xogta HDMI ee looxa koodhka ethernet

How to test the data transmission on HDMI to the ethernet encoder board? This is [...]

PA Power kordhiyo

30W-2115M power amplifier specification Test items Indicator requirements Operating frequency (MHz) 2100~2130 Output power(W) 30 [...]

Fogaanta gudbinta iyo dhererka anteenada

How to calculate the transmission distance and antenna height of the transmitter and receiver? The [...]

Muujinta shaqada OSD ee qaataha COFDM

Key1: dami/dami heerka bandhigga OSD, dheeree si aad u bedesho(in ka badan [...]

10-Watt PA COFDM gudbiyaha fiidiyooga iyo soo-qaadaha hoos u dhaca laga bilaabo 1400Mhz ilaa 315MHz

Block Down-converters BDC Frequency Downconversion LO1085Mhz from 1400±50Mhz to 315±50Mhz Technical Parameters Index requirements input [...]

Tilmaamaha Transceiver-dheer ee TX900

Precautions 1. Before powering on, please ensure the device and antenna are reliably connected, haddii kale, [...]

drone MiMo IP transceiver

S: I need to cover a 600 km circle area including mountains, hells means a [...]

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