How kubata Transport Stream faira? Top 1 mhinduro

Sei Capture Transport Stream faira?

Transport Stream (TS), is a standard digital container format for the transmission and storage of audio, Video, and Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP) dhata.[3] It is used in broadcast systems such as DVB-T, DVB-T2, ISDB-T, ATSC, and IPTV. Transport stream specifies a container format encapsulating packetized elementary streams, with error correction and synchronization pattern features for maintaining transmission integrity when the communications channel carrying the stream is degraded. Transport streams differ from the similarly-named MPEG program stream in several important ways: chirongwa hova zvakagadzirirwa kurebesa yakavimbika vezvenhau, akadai discs (like DVDs), while transport streams are designed for less reliable transmission, namely terrestrial or satellite broadcast. Uyezve, mumwe senga Rwizi anogona kutakura zvirongwa akawanda.

For more details, tapota ona Wiki,

Why need to Capture the Transport Stream file? Sometimes clients complain that the TV receiver has a problem. Semuyenzaniso, hapana ruzha, hapana mugero, missed a channel, Audio, and video NOT synchronized, nezvimwewo. The chinetso ndechokuti titumirei TS (senga Steam ) faira, iro faira ane kusanganisira zvose mashoko kubva omunharaunda digitaalinen paterevhizheni dzeredhiyo. we can test in the factory lab, uye taura iwe ndiwedzere Software.

How kubata Transport Stream faira?

1. Tapota nechokwadi kuti une Hardware DVB-T2U

DVB-T2U, a device that can capture Transport Stream file

2. In order to get a good tv signal, it is better that you can connect your local cable tv signal instead of a small antenna.

3. Assure that DVB-T2U is working well and getting a good tv signal.

  1. Press Ctrl + kusuduruka + alt + D panguva imwe chete

5. The tarisisa acharatidza mahwindo chaiwo

6. Sarudza DVB-T2U

7. Click Capture Stream

8. Click OK

9. Mirira 2 maminitsi.

10. You will find the *.TS file on my computer>mAPEPA angu>TVR>tora>

11. Please titumirei *. TS faira.

chero mibvunzo, ndapota inzwa wakasununguka taura nesu.

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