auala e fua ai le gaosiga o le eletise

How to measure the transmitter power output to check the COFDM wireless video transmittersreal [...]

Drone toe fa'afo'i fofo ole telefoni feavea'i uaealesi mamao ma tali TX900-10W PA

repeater model for one-way video data transmission unidirectional For the one-way COFDM Video Data Transmission [...]

2 Fa'amatalaga

E faʻafefea ona maua le RSSI ma le SNR i luga ole faʻasalalauga drone?

fesili: I noted that the TX900 webpage does not send RSSI data to the flight [...]

Suia le D3 mai le laina laina manino i le AT command interaction

Why do we need to change D3 from Transparent serial port to AT command interaction [...]

Puipuia: Drone Mesh Fa'amatalaga Fa'amatalaga

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Drone Transmitter Receiver

O la matou fa'ata'ita'iga pito sili ona maualalo maualalo lea. E mafai ona o'o le fa'agata pito i le pito 30 milliseconds. It [...]

The Drone Transmitter and Receiver

What is the drone transmitter and receiver? The drone transmitter and receiver are a pair [...]

How to connect the TV box to the Android OS devices?

Android OS head unit is similar to a Windows computer. If you want to connect [...]

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