Lilliput GK7000 فرم ویئر وصولي فيڪٽري ڊفالٽ جيڪڏهن ياد اچي ٿي, ايمرجنسي حل سافٽ ويئر ڊائون لوڊ

Lilliput GK-7000 show error

Lilliput GK7000 firmware recovery the factory default if missed, emergency solution software download
Lilliput GK7000 فرم ویئر وصولي فيڪٽري ڊفالٽ جيڪڏهن ياد اچي ٿي, ايمرجنسي حل سافٽ ويئر ڊائون لوڊ

If your Lilliput GK7000 devices show the above picture of startup wrong, please try to download the factory restore firmware.

Lilliput GK7000 upgrade steps

  1. Please download the upgrade firmware from the below link.
  2. Prepare a one-piece Kingston 4G SD or 8G SD card, مهرباني ڪري فائل رکو“اين ڪي بنSD ڪارڊ ڏانهن نقل ڪريو. نوٽ: مهرباني ڪري GK-7000 سان لاڳاپيل فائلن کي فليش نه ڪريو, ٻي صورت ۾ مانيٽر کي نقصان ٿيندو.
  3. "nk.bin" SD ڪارڊ کي GK7000 سلاٽ ۾ رکو, to give the power to GK7000. As shown in the below image, show you the upgrading progress bar. Please wait until 100%.
  4. جيڪڏهن مڪمل ٿيو, مانيٽر خودڪار طريقي سان سسٽم ۾ داخل ٿيندو. پوء SD ڪارڊ کي هٽايو.
  5. Upgrade OK and you will see that it is ok now.
Lilliput GK7000 firmware recovery the factory default if missed, emergency solution software download 17
Lilliput GK7000 firmware recovery updating

GK-7000 Upgrade firmware download

GK-7000فيڪٽري ڊفالٽ firmware بحاليLilliput GK7000 firmware recovery the factory default if missed, emergency solution software download 18

How to get the printing information?

The most important step in troubleshooting is to turn on the power to obtain the RS232 serial port printing information. Then send the printed information to us for analysis.

How to operate and steps guide?

1. جوڙ

  • Download the GK-7000 serial port tool.
  • Copy the file named DNW.exe on the PC, then open this file;
  • پهريون, click “Configuration → Options” on the menu and enter the settings window.
  • پوءِ, set the COM port number (the COM port number will be decided by the COM port that RS232 connects to the PC), بود جي شرح: 115200. Download Address: 0x32000000;
  • آخرڪار, Click “OK” to exit this setting window.
Lilliput GK7000 firmware recovery the factory default if missed, emergency solution software download 19

2. Click the “Serial Port → Connect” on the menu to open the COM port.

Lilliput GK7000 firmware recovery the factory default if missed, emergency solution software download 20

3. Keep pressing the “ESC” key on the keyboard, ساڳئي وقت ۾, power on the
PC745/GK7000, then the DNW window will print the related information shown below.

Lilliput GK7000 firmware recovery the factory default if missed, emergency solution software download 21



Q1: What should I do if we downloaded and upgraded your firmware, but did not solve the problem?

A1: Please give us the serial number of every defective unit, our engineer will check the hardware and firmware version of your existing one. We will offer you the relatively upgraded firmware.

7 انچ ايمبيڊڊ پي سي موبائل ڊيٽا ٽرمينل ايم ڊي ٽي ٽچ اسڪرين پينل GK-7000

2 تي سوچون "Lilliput GK7000 فرم ویئر وصولي فيڪٽري ڊفالٽ جيڪڏهن ياد اچي ٿي, ايمرجنسي حل سافٽ ويئر ڊائون لوڊ

جواب ڇڏي وڃو

توهان جو اي ميل پتو شايع نه ڪيو ويندو. گهربل فيلڊ نشان لڳل آهن *

کان وڌيڪ دريافت ڪريو

پڙھڻ جاري رکڻ ۽ مڪمل آرڪائيو تائين رسائي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ ھاڻي رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو.

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