ISD3981R Car ISDB-T volledige One Seg Mini B-CAS-kaart voor Japan Met Vier Tuner

Auto ISDB-T ontvanger, 4 antenne ISDB-T, 4 tuner isdb-t, Volledige Seg isdb-t, Mini B-CAS-kaart, [...]

Japan ISDB-T TV Frequency Channel List

Japan ISDB-T Japan ISDB-T Frequentielijst Band CH MHz UHF 13 ch 473.142857MHz 14 [...]

waterproof ISDB-T tv for bathroom or boat

Waterproof ISDB-T tv for bathroom or boat, 11 inch digital led screen built-in isdb-t with [...]

AN-2662 -057-V1.3 Digitale TV ISDB-T volledige up 9 duim 10 duim

AN-2662-057-V1.3 Digital TV ISDB-T full seg 9 duim 10 inch AN-2662 is a power board [...]

ISDB-T antenne met magneetvoetantenne MHZ860

ISDB-T antennespecificatie: Lijn :3M / 5M (aanpasbare) tie-in:de middelbare school, F of IEC (aanpasbare) Werkfrequentie:170-230MHZ / 470~860MHZ Increase a benefit:3 dB Stemcoëfficiënt:≤ 7 dB Output resistance: 50oh [...]

Botswana ISDB-T

Botswana ISDB-T

ISDB-T Producten ISDB Nieuws

ISDB-T ISDB-T for Home ISDB-T for Car ISDB-T USB Dongle ISDB-T for WIFI phone isdb [...]

Botswana ISDB-T aangenomen

The Government of Botswana has decided to adopt Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting – Terrestrial (ISDB-T) [...]

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