Wireless video transmitter and receiver

X'jista 'jagħmel it-trasmettitur tal-vidjo mingħajr fili?

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1. Irrid nixtri trasmettitur COFDM-912T fuq medda twila b'amplifikatur ta '5 watt. I need a complete long-range video link for the UAV plug-and-play kit. Barra minn hekk, Nitlobkom tirrakkomanda kamera tal-vidjo bl-istabbilizzazzjoni gyro (UAV UAV) addattat għal dan it-trasmettitur tar-radju.


2. We are looking for Live Air-To-Ground Video Downlink Systems

Distance from drone to the ground station: maximum 20~30km, Wireless working frequency: 300Mhz, P2P or point to multi-point, -20°C ~+55°C Working temperature, -40°C ~+70°C Storage Temperature, Configurable channel bandwidth, IP mesh is optional, HDMI camera input. Small size around 800gram and a size around 150×100×50mm. Explosion-proof box for the transmitter with green army color and military-grade.

3. Bongu, I need a video link with low latency (around 50 Sinjorina), a minimum 1080 pixel width, and a one-direction link (xandira), for around 10km distance.

4. Hi, interessati fil-komunikazzjoni bir-radju (rx u tx)għal UAVs fi frekwenzi ta’ 300-320MHz jew frekwenzi mhux standard li tista’ toffrilna, We also need matched antennas to them.

U l-abbiltà li tikkonnettja mar-Radiomaster tx16s remot permezz ta 'par mibrum jew USB.
Biex tinfirex il-kontroll mill-bogħod u t-trasmettitur mill-bogħod.
Il-firxa tal-komunikazzjoni bir-radju għandha tkun mill-inqas 10 km b’xandira bir-radju storbjuża ħafna.

Interessat fi trasmettitur tal-vidjo u riċevitur tal-vidjo fil-frekwenzi 2.1 – 2.2Ghz, u 4.8 – 4.9Ghz jew frekwenzi mhux standard li tista’ toffrilna għall-użu fuq UAVs. Wkoll imqabbla antenni magħhom. Video receivers have the ability to connect either an AV cable, Fatshark, or Skyzone glasses, jew il-kapaċità li timmanifattura elmu lest b'riċevitur tal-vidjo għal dawn il-frekwenzi. video Transmiter: Appoġġ Smart Audio: iva
dimensjonijiet: ~ 40 × 23 × 10.5mm
piż: ~15 g.

Ripetitur. Rekwiżiti tal-prodott: irid jittrasmetti r-radju (300 – 320 Mhz) u vidjo (2.1 – 2.2 jew 4.8 – 4.9 GHz) komunikazzjoni fuq l-istess frekwenzi kif mitlub qabel. Jew frekwenzi mhux standard li tista 'toffrilna. Il-vultaġġ tad-dħul huwa minn ~ 5 sa 30 volts. Kif ukoll antenni mqabbla mal-kit.

5. I need a drone application data link modem having the following specifications kindly suggest.

Bi-Directional Ethernet Support
Bi-Directional Rs-232 Support
Rata minima tad-data 4Mbps
Firxa minima 30 Km
compact size like 70mm * 50 mm * 20 mm
having a price less than 1500 USD

6. Bongu, may I ask for the price list of your wireless video transmitter and receiver specifically for the TX900, or if you have any comparable products that have a range of 15km or more? grazzi.

Kollox sew

7. Is it possible to modify your transmitters for 6.4GHz?

I am licensed on 6.425 – 6.525 GHz and I usually would have a 10 jew 20 MHz channel available. Would it be possible to do Bi-directional Ethernet traffic in a 10 jew 20 MHz channel? Is it possible to set up the transmitter to use 8MHz in one direction and 2 MHz in the other direction (return channel)? If 6.4GHz is not possible I will use 5.805 li 5.845 GHz

Is it possible to put together an auto-tracking system? How does the steerable antenna know where to point? I’m interested in a directional receive antenna with a narrow look angle (simili 3 li 5 gradi) and high gain. The auto-tracking antenna would be installed on a high mountaintop. The remote unit may be stationary in the city or on a moving boat.

We would like to cover an area of 50-60km and I’m looking for 50-100Mbit of usable capacity on the link

8. Irridu nġibu fl-art video feed minn ajruplani li jtiru b'madwar 350 mph, sa 10,000 pied, in a 10-mile radius from the main point. Aħna se nġibu l-għalf tal-vidjo għal trakk ta 'produzzjoni għal xandir dirett. Il-kamera tista 'tkun IP jew HDMI.


9. I want a cofdm system for a ground-based robot, I have a minimum of 3-4 cameras on the robot. I want to use it in an environment where there are a lot of buildings, and trees maybe. The distance between the transmitter and receiver is a maximum of 500 metru.


10. We are very interested in your COFDM Wireless Video Transmitters and receivers for Full 1080 HD wireless.

Please let us know if you can make systems with custom frequencies
We would like options for
902 – 928Mhz
1.15Ghz to 1.4Ghz
2.2Ghz to 2.5Ghz
4.9Ghz to 6Ghz
We know these would be separate systems but would like to know if you can build these for us.
We would also like options for 200mW Transmitters: 1Watt Transmitters and 2Watt Transmitters.
We would like to know if you can make custom systems with HDMI or HD-SDI video input for the Transmitter and both HDMI & HD-SDI video outputs for the Receiver.
One final question is can you decrease the Video Latency end to end to 100ms or less? Most of our customers need this.

11. Irrid 30km video camera awdjo ethernet data trasferiment.

TX900 huwa rakkomandat.

12. Looking for use with UAV/DRONES. need to control the movement of the drone with your equipment along with video transmission.

less than 50km, Linja tal-vista, two-ways RJ45, 15 watts.

13. I need a long-range video transmission system for a HAB (High Altitude Weather Balloon), Just for it to transmit video, for us to receive on the ground. Minimum 50km

L-ewwel, we fill a balloon up with helium and attach a parachute and sensors to it. Later we release it and it goes high up into the air until the balloon pops and comes back to the ground, The time in the air can be 3-6 sigħat, And the distance varies a lot.

14. We are now actively looking for stable and high-quality data link suppliers for video and telemetry transmission. We are looking for interesting and good solutions for UAVs.


15. I looking for a long-distance video and telemetry module for VTOL. We using the PX4 system. Is that suitable?


16. I am looking for COFDM technology for an RF Aerial kit for outside spot covering, power from 2W to 10W in 2,4G and 4G, for long-distance connections RF COFDM (TX 900 ?) equipment planning to install in motorbikes and helicopters. Please also inform me about the MESH (10 peace) technology you are producing.

TX900 supports MESH radio.

17. I wanna know the price of a 150km long-distance wireless video transmitter receiver transmission transceiver PA 2W 5W 10W.

I will send the quotation by email.

18. Good afternoon. I am very interested in your developments. I need an Fpv drone with maximum capabilities in flight range, payload, trażmissjoni tal-vidjo, and the ability to work in conditions of radio interference. I am ready to come to you for personal acquaintance and the conclusion of a contract for a large batch of goods. Please tell me what you can offer and at what price if the number of pieces is from 1,000.

kollox sew

19. Hi, I am interested in two-way stable communication 150km with maximum power amplifier on both sides for ground station and UAV. Pix Hawk (orange cube) flight controller. The camera has an IP and HDMI. I also need a Sbus. What will the price be? Grazzi.
Advise me to choose a frequency, since I need Dan il-mudell kien iddisinjat għal trażmissjoni bla fili tal-vidjo u tad-dejta b'rabta tad-dejta mingħajr fili f'żewġ direzzjonijiet to work in very difficult radio interference.


20. We are interested in procuring a comprehensive telemetry system that includes an onboard computer and data link with a matching ground station.
30km a comprehensive telemetry system

In particular, we require the onboard electronic hardware to weigh no more than 600 gramma. We would appreciate a detailed block diagram of the system’s connectivity and a competitive price.
We seek an onboard and ground station system that can operate at a range of 40 kilometri.

21. Bongu, does your company have any products for data links, and 100-120km video transmission for UAV applications? grazzi.

22. I need a wireless Hdmi to Hdmi transmitter to connect to a Myrroeles camera and a monitor to monitor images in an external shoot, madankollu, some of these jobs require a signal with more power due to some wall barriers. Do you have any equipment to meet my needs?

COFDM-908T huwa rakkomandat.

23. Bongu, I am looking for a COFDM reception broadcast system. This is receiving the videos of a camera that is mounted on the head of a dog. The system must be encrypted and the image quality HD. What do you have as a material that can meet my needs?

FPV1887 huwa rakkomandat.

24. Is there any product that meets the Datalink system for this parameter? 800MHz< bandwidth, 6Ghz> At frequency, 15-20 medda km, latency baxxa.

grazzi. I will quote you by email.

25. Video transmitter
RUSHFPV RUSH MAX SOLO (DA17) Foxeer 5.8G Reaper Extreme 2.5W
Matek Video Transmitter VTX-1G3SE 9ch 1.2/1.3GHz.
Video Receiver Diversity 5.8G for 48-channel
Antena telemetry – 900mru TrueRC LINE-AIR 901 10 dbi
Matek Video Receiver VRX-1G3-V2 9ch 1.2/1.3GHz


​26 I want to purchase data transmission modules for UAVs from you. Please tell us what is the difference between the 15km and 100km modules, if the amplifier is 10W everywhere.
Are there different Moningcore modules installed there?
Can you show datasheets for Moningcore modules so that I can understand them in more detail?
I’m also interested in the cost of your modules of the 50km 10W PA version

1. 15km and 150km are different Moningcore modules, but the appearance and structure are the same.

2. Just use a 2W amplifier for 15km. A 10W power amplifier is required for 150km, and a 5W power amplifier is required for 100km.

3. 50km 5W power amplifier or even 2W power amplifier is enough. A 10W power amplifier is not required, but if you want a 10W power amplifier, it is also available. The signal strength will be stronger.

27. Free sample needs for the Ukraine market.

Bongu. My name is Andrew. I am the leading manager of purchasing equipment for our company, which is rapidly growing and developing in the Ukrainian market, and we are entering the markets of Europe and America. We are looking for test samples for our aircraft of various types and purposes.
We are now actively looking for stable and high-quality data link suppliers for video and telemetry transmission.
bħalissa, we manufacture about 500 aircraft per year. These indicators are growing every year, so we are looking for interesting and good solutions for UAV.
If you have the opportunity to offer test samples for the Drone and the ground station of the station, we will be very happy. And cooperation is possible after successful testing by our engineers.

28. We are looking for: with UAV tracking antenna, long-range uav tx/rx module, COFDM equipment, Mesh capable SDR’s.

Vcan1988 huwa rakkomandat.

Parameter Compare of Clients requirement and our model TX900

frekwenza operattiva1.4 GHz(Downlink)video
frekwenza operattiva2.4 GHz(Uplink)Command and
Link data rates10 Mbps<30 Mbps
vultaġġ ta 'tħaddim9-14vDC12-16VDC
operattiva attwaliLess than 5A< 1A
Operating range30 kmIL<150 km
video riżoluzzjoni1080p @ 30 fps or
1080p @ 30 FPS
format vidjoHD-SDI,PALNTSCIP RJ45
encryptionAES 128/256Data and video communicationAES 128
temperatura operattiva-20℃ sa 60 ℃appoġġ
Airborne unit weight (mass)600gIncluding heat-sink142gramma

Għidilna d-domanda tiegħek għat-trasmettitur u r-riċevitur tal-vidjo mingħajr fili, our engineer will offer you a solution free. Talba għal kwotazzjoni (RFQ)

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