Kif tgħaqqad it-trasmettitur tad-drone mal-kontrollur tat-titjira

Kif tgħaqqad it-trasmettitur tad-drone mal-kontrollur tat-titjira?

How to connect the flight controller?
bħalissa, the wireless video data transmitter and flight controller are connecting through the D2 serial port.
Connecting the serial cable
Look at the flight control here
We connected the TELEM 2 serial port on the flight controller.
This is the power supply 5V for the flight control from the battery
Please check the pin definition of our transmitter data port again.
There are two ways to connect the receiver to the computer, the network interface and the serial port.
This video demonstrates the first type, network cable connection.
Now you can see that our receiver is connected to the computer through a network cable.
I do the rest of the work on the computer, and I switch the video to the computer’s monitor.
L-ewwel, we need to modify the IP network settings of the computer.
Network settings
in this tab
Then set this IP address
Use the following IP,
Then click OK
In the browser, enter (transmitter IP address)
choose SERIAL tab
UART2 (D2 serial port)
Protocol select UDP
Baud rate select 57600
Pay attention here
The IP address here should be the same as the IP address of your computer.
The default port number is 8091
Then click confirm
select SYSTEM tab
Click Reboot
Pay attention here
Here we set the transmitter’s IP 12
The IP address of this computer-connected receiver is
We just modified the page of the transmitter on the flight control side.
After the transmitter restarts, we refresh the page and then enter again
On the serial tab, the remote IP address is the same IP address of your computer.
Then run Mission Planner
Pay attention here
We choose the protocol UDP
Then click connect directly
8091 then click OK
When you see this progress bar, it indicates that the connection has been successful.
This is to connect the wireless video data receiver to the computer via a network cable.
In another video, we will demonstrate how to connect the wireless video data receiver to a computer via a serial cable.
Grazzi talli rajt. Please contact us if you have any questions.

long-range wireless video transmitter and receiver of drone UAV audio and data port define
trażmettitur tal-vidjo mingħajr fili fuq medda twila u riċevitur tad-drone UAV awdjo u port tad-data jiddefinixxu

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