Taġġorna DVB-T2010HD: Softwer għall-Portugall 1 kanal HD mingħajr ħoss

Taġġorna DVB-T2010HD: Softwer għall-Portugall 1 kanal HD mingħajr ħoss

tipDVB-T / T2 H.265DVB-T / T2 264DVB-TISDB-T
4 tuner 4 antennaDVB-T26540DVB-T240/ISDB-T7800
2 tuner 2 antennaDVB-T265DVB-T221DVB-T7200ISDB-T9820
1 tuner 1 antenna/DVB-T2KDVB-T7000ISDB-T63

Taġġorna DVB-T2010HD: Jekk xi xerrejja mill-Portugall, has purchased VCAN DVB-T2010HD 3 snin ilu, issa Portugall kanal wieħed HD mingħajr ħoss, hekk aħna hawn taħt joffru softwer għall-upgrade. (Għal prodotti aktar ġodda, jekk jogħġbok żur https://ivcan.com/c/dvb-t2/)

Softwer download rabta: DVB-T2010HD-software għall-Portugall

VCAN download zip file
zip file VCAN download

DVB-T2010HD Taġġorna Gwida: (wkoll fil-link hawn fuq SM fajl kelma) twissija: Please MUST keep the power on the machine during upgrading, otherwise firmware will be lost forever. Prepare the USB with the upgrade file

  1. Meta inti ltqajna l-fajl upgrade minn VCAN, jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja l-fajl, jekk l-isem fajl aġġornament huwa * .img, Jekk jogħġbok semmi mill-ġdid biex NEC_EMMA3SLHD.UPG
  2. Jekk jogħġbok tipprepara USB stick wieħed, and create one root document named “upgrade”, copy the upgrade file inside. Jekk USB tiegħek hija H:, then the file should be saved as H:\ upgrade NEC_EMMA3SLHD.UPG
  3. Power off DVB-T2010HD first, and connect the USB on DVB-2010HD.
  4. Ixgħel it-DVB-T2010HD imbagħad, press menu-> Installation, please see the below picture.
  5. Press OK to choose to upgrade STB, please see the below picture.
  6. Istampa ok u se pop up Aqra Taġġorna Fajl, which means now reading and upgrading files from USB.
  7. Sa pop-up "Taġġorna Komplut", jekk jogħġbok mitfija u enerġija fuq darb'oħra.

twissija: Please MUST keep the power on the machine during upgrading, otherwise the firmware will be lost forever. Ladarba inti tara "LE Apparat USB" jew "LE Fajl Taġġorna", please power off the machine and power again, or check the upgrade file has copy correctly. If you still have any questions about the upgrade, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana, fil https://ivcan.com/contact/

DVB-T2010HD Upgrade: software for Portugal 1 HD channel without sound 1

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