
Ngā mihi mo to koutou kia. The following payment methods are available for your use:

  • Bank Transfer ( Bank located in HK, haora te wa purei, USA, SG, GB, etc)
  • Paypal (Support Credit Card and Debit Card)
  • Online Payment Checkout support: Visa, Kaiwhakaako, Paypal
  • Union Western
  • China Inland Bank ( or Alipay, WeChat Pay)

For other types of payment (Wise, Skrill, Payoneer, Worldfirst, or WebMoney), tēnā whakapā tatou.

Whakawhiti TT Bank

Tau pūkete801 318866 838
paingaVcan Group Iti
ingoa BankHSBC Hongkong
or The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
waehere SwiftHSBCHKHHHKH
HK Bank Waehere004 (Branch bank code 801)
Wāhitau kamupeneBaoAn, Shenzhen, China
Wāhitau BankNo.1 Kuini o Road Central, Hong Kong
MoniUSD, EUR, RMB, GBP, JPY, CAD, And, NZD, SGD, CHF, Tuhinga.


Payment 1

iVcan.com Paypal account: ivcan paypal account
Kia mahara kia tika to wahitau kaipuke i PayPal. Ka unga matou utanga ki tō wāhitau tabulahia i roto i te utu Paypal. Paypal is only for sample orders and small amounts.

Q1: Do you agree to pay by Payoneer, Worldfirst, Skrill, or Wise?

A1: Please contact us for payment details.

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