Latest VCAN DVB-T2100S New software for Iran HD channel IRIB to solve no audio no sound in 2022

DVB-T2100S upgrade software

VCAN DVB-T2100HD DVB-T2100S New software for Iran HD channel IRIB to solve no audio no sound Some customers give us feedback, that Iran has an HD channel to test, lebê VCAN DVB-T2100HD demar digital tv DVB-T receiver dikarin deng bi dest ne, no sound. Bi vî awayî em li software pêvekirî here, please download it to upgrade.

DVB-T2100 upgrade software

DVB-T2100 upgrade file, ji kerema xwe lînka jêrîn bikirtînin da ku dakêşin. (Hema size 3.0MB)


download VCAN file zip

The below link is the guide on how to upgrade. If you still have any problems, ji kerema xwe hîs bikin têkelî VCAN support.

DVB-T also is using the same technology as cofdm, if you are interested, ji kerema xwe ve serdana to learn more about COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver


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