DVB-T2 Çînê

Sexy DVB-T2 de hate guherandin. 2015, VCAN DVB-T2 ji bo li-car hat bikaranîn, di malê da, Android, Apple mobile [...]

Belarus DVB-T2

Belarus DVB-T2 di nêzîk de tê, naha gelek welatên Ewropî ji DVB-T-ê nûvekirinek plansazkirî ne [...]

DVB-T2 Arjantînî dê ji hêla Antina ve were koçber kirin ?

Argentine DVB-T2 will be migrated to DVB-T 2 (Nextvlatam news) Argentina’s wireless Pay TV operator [...]

Zêdebûna firotina televîzyona dîjîtal a Kenya

Kenya digital TV sale surge Demand for digital television sets in Kenya has more than [...]

Kenya DVB-T2 ji Spanyayê piştgirî girt

Kenya DVB-T2 gets Ksh1.2B grant for digital migration from Spain The digital roll out plan [...]

Indonesia dvb-t2

Indonesia DVB-T2 Indonesia said that they will adopt the next generation DVB-T2 standard for free-to-air [...]


DVB-T2 TV DVB-T2 TV is the new and improved second generation of the DVB-T standard. [...]

set qutîka jor

set top box Car DVB-T, digital DVB-T receiver with two tuner and two antenna support [...]

Fta wergirê TV satelîtê

Fta wergirê TV satelîtê, DVB-T2 dekodera gerîdeya dîjîtal a mobîl [...]

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